package se.leap.bitmaskclient.eip; import android.util.Log; import java.util.*; public class GatewaySelector { private final static String TAG = GatewaySelector.class.getSimpleName(); List gateways; TreeMap> offsets; public GatewaySelector(List gateways) { this.gateways = gateways; this.offsets = calculateOffsets(); } public Gateway select() { return closestGateway(); } public Gateway select(int nClosest) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException{ int i = 0; for (Map.Entry> entrySet : offsets.entrySet()) { Iterator iterator = entrySet.getValue().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Gateway gateway =; if (i == nClosest) { return gateway; } i = i+1; } } Log.e(TAG, "There are less than " + nClosest + " Gateways available."); return null; } private Gateway closestGateway() { return offsets.isEmpty() ? null : offsets.firstEntry().getValue().iterator().next(); } private TreeMap> calculateOffsets() { TreeMap> offsets = new TreeMap>(); int localOffset = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) / 3600000; for (Gateway gateway : gateways) { int dist = timezoneDistance(localOffset, gateway.getTimezone()); Set set = (offsets.get(dist) != null) ? offsets.get(dist) : new HashSet(); set.add(gateway); offsets.put(dist, set); } return offsets; } private int timezoneDistance(int local_timezone, int remote_timezone) { // Distance along the numberline of Prime Meridian centric, assumes UTC-11 through UTC+12 int dist = Math.abs(local_timezone - remote_timezone); // Farther than 12 timezones and it's shorter around the "back" if (dist > 12) dist = 12 - (dist - 12); // Well i'll be. Absolute values make equations do funny things. return dist; } }