/** * Copyright (c) 2013 LEAP Encryption Access Project and contributers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package se.leap.bitmaskclient.eip; import android.content.*; import java.util.*; import de.blinkt.openvpn.core.*; public class EipStatus extends Observable implements VpnStatus.StateListener { public static String TAG = EipStatus.class.getSimpleName(); private static EipStatus current_status; private static ConnectionStatus level = ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_NOTCONNECTED; private static boolean wants_to_disconnect = false, is_connecting = false; int last_error_line = 0; private String state, log_message; private int localized_res_id; public static EipStatus getInstance() { if (current_status == null) { current_status = new EipStatus(); VpnStatus.addStateListener(current_status); } return current_status; } private EipStatus() { } @Override public void updateState(final String state, final String logmessage, final int localizedResId, final ConnectionStatus level) { updateStatus(state, logmessage, localizedResId, level); if (isConnected() || isDisconnected() || wantsToDisconnect()) { setConnectedOrDisconnected(); } else setConnecting(); } @Override public void setConnectedVPN(String uuid) { } private void updateStatus(final String state, final String logmessage, final int localizedResId, final ConnectionStatus level) { current_status = getInstance(); current_status.setState(state); current_status.setLogMessage(logmessage); current_status.setLocalizedResId(localizedResId); current_status.setLevel(level); current_status.setChanged(); } public boolean wantsToDisconnect() { return wants_to_disconnect; } public boolean isConnecting() { return is_connecting; } public boolean isConnected() { return level == ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_CONNECTED; } public boolean isDisconnected() { return level == ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_NOTCONNECTED; } public boolean isPaused() { return level == ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_VPNPAUSED; } public void setConnecting() { is_connecting = true; wants_to_disconnect = false; current_status.setChanged(); current_status.notifyObservers(); } public void setConnectedOrDisconnected() { is_connecting = false; wants_to_disconnect = false; current_status.setChanged(); current_status.notifyObservers(); } public void setDisconnecting() { wants_to_disconnect = true; is_connecting = false; } public String getState() { return state; } public String getLogMessage() { return log_message; } public int getLocalizedResId() { return localized_res_id; } public ConnectionStatus getLevel() { return level; } private void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } private void setLogMessage(String log_message) { this.log_message = log_message; } private void setLocalizedResId(int localized_res_id) { this.localized_res_id = localized_res_id; } private void setLevel(ConnectionStatus level) { EipStatus.level = level; } public boolean errorInLast(int lines, Context context) { return !lastError(lines, context).isEmpty(); } public String lastError(int lines, Context context) { String error = ""; String[] error_keywords = {"error", "ERROR", "fatal", "FATAL"}; LogItem[] log = VpnStatus.getlogbuffer(); if(log.length < last_error_line) last_error_line = 0; String message = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= lines && log.length > i; i++) { int line = log.length - i; LogItem log_item = log[line]; message = log_item.getString(context); for (int j = 0; j < error_keywords.length; j++) if (message.contains(error_keywords[j]) && line > last_error_line) { error = message; last_error_line = line; } } return error; } @Override public String toString() { return "State: " + state + " Level: " + level.toString(); } }