/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Arne Schwabe * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt */ package de.blinkt.openvpn.core; import static se.leap.bitmaskclient.base.utils.ConfigHelper.getProviderFormattedString; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Message; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import de.blinkt.openvpn.VpnProfile; import se.leap.bitmaskclient.R; import se.leap.bitmaskclient.base.utils.PreferenceHelper; public class VpnStatus { private static final LinkedList logbuffer; private static Vector logListener; private static CopyOnWriteArrayList stateListener; private static Vector byteCountListener; private static AtomicBoolean isAlwaysOnBooting = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static String mLaststatemsg = ""; private static String mLaststate = "NOPROCESS"; private static int mLastStateresid = R.string.state_noprocess; private static HandlerThread mHandlerThread; static boolean readFileLog =false; final static java.lang.Object readFileLock = new Object(); private static VpnProfile lastConnectedProfile; private static VpnProfile currentlyConnectingProfile; public static TrafficHistory trafficHistory; public static void logException(LogLevel ll, String context, Exception e) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); LogItem li; if (context != null) { li = new LogItem(ll, R.string.unhandled_exception_context, e.getMessage(), sw.toString(), context); } else { li = new LogItem(ll, R.string.unhandled_exception, e.getMessage(), sw.toString()); } newLogItem(li); } public static void logException(Exception e) { logException(LogLevel.ERROR, null, e); } public static void logException(String context, Exception e) { logException(LogLevel.ERROR, context, e); } static final int MAXLOGENTRIES = 1000; public static boolean isVPNActive() { return mLastLevel != ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_AUTH_FAILED && !(mLastLevel == ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_NOTCONNECTED); } public static String getLastCleanLogMessage(Context c) { String message = mLaststatemsg; switch (mLastLevel) { case LEVEL_CONNECTED: String[] parts = mLaststatemsg.split(","); /* (a) the integer unix date/time, (b) the state name, 0 (c) optional descriptive string (used mostly on RECONNECTING and EXITING to show the reason for the disconnect), 1 (d) optional TUN/TAP local IPv4 address 2 (e) optional address of remote server, 3 (f) optional port of remote server, 4 (g) optional local address, 5 (h) optional local port, and 6 (i) optional TUN/TAP local IPv6 address. */ // Return only the assigned IP addresses in the UI if (parts.length >= 7) message = String.format(Locale.US, "%s %s", parts[1], parts[6]); break; } while (message.endsWith(",")) message = message.substring(0, message.length() - 1); String status = mLaststate; if (status.equals("NOPROCESS")) return message; if (mLastStateresid == R.string.state_waitconnectretry) { return c.getString(R.string.state_waitconnectretry, mLaststatemsg); } else if (mLastStateresid == R.string.void_vpn_establish) { return getProviderFormattedString(c.getResources(), R.string.void_vpn_establish); } String prefix = c.getString(mLastStateresid); if (mLastStateresid == R.string.unknown_state) message = status + message; if (message.length() > 0) prefix += ": "; return prefix + message; } public static void initLogCache(File cacheDir) { mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("LogFileWriter", Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); mHandlerThread.start(); mLogFileHandler = new LogFileHandler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()); Message m = mLogFileHandler.obtainMessage(LogFileHandler.LOG_INIT, cacheDir); mLogFileHandler.sendMessage(m); } public static void flushLog() { if (mLogFileHandler!=null) mLogFileHandler.sendEmptyMessage(LogFileHandler.FLUSH_TO_DISK); } public static void setConnectedVPNProfile(String uuid) { for (StateListener sl: stateListener) sl.setConnectedVPN(uuid); } public static String getLastConnectedVPNProfileId() { return lastConnectedProfile != null ? lastConnectedProfile.getUUIDString() : null; } public static VpnProfile getLastConnectedVpnProfile() { return lastConnectedProfile != null ? lastConnectedProfile : PreferenceHelper.getLastConnectedVpnProfile(); } /** * Sets the profile that is connected (to connect if the service restarts) */ public static void setLastConnectedVpnProfile(VpnProfile connectedProfile) { PreferenceHelper.setLastUsedVpnProfile(connectedProfile); lastConnectedProfile = connectedProfile; setConnectedVPNProfile(lastConnectedProfile.getUUIDString()); } public static void setCurrentlyConnectingProfile(VpnProfile connectingProfile) { currentlyConnectingProfile = connectingProfile; } public static String getCurrentlyConnectingVpnName() { return currentlyConnectingProfile != null ? currentlyConnectingProfile.mName : null; } public static String getLastConnectedVpnName() { return lastConnectedProfile != null ? lastConnectedProfile.mName : null; } public static void setTrafficHistory(TrafficHistory trafficHistory) { VpnStatus.trafficHistory = trafficHistory; } public enum LogLevel { INFO(2), ERROR(-2), WARNING(1), VERBOSE(3), DEBUG(4); protected int mValue; LogLevel(int value) { mValue = value; } public int getInt() { return mValue; } public static LogLevel getEnumByValue(int value) { switch (value) { case 2: return INFO; case -2: return ERROR; case 1: return WARNING; case 3: return VERBOSE; case 4: return DEBUG; default: return null; } } } public enum ErrorType { UNKNOWN, OBFSVPN } // keytool -printcert -jarfile de.blinkt.openvpn_85.apk static final byte[] officalkey = {-58, -42, -44, -106, 90, -88, -87, -88, -52, -124, 84, 117, 66, 79, -112, -111, -46, 86, -37, 109}; static final byte[] officaldebugkey = {-99, -69, 45, 71, 114, -116, 82, 66, -99, -122, 50, -70, -56, -111, 98, -35, -65, 105, 82, 43}; static final byte[] amazonkey = {-116, -115, -118, -89, -116, -112, 120, 55, 79, -8, -119, -23, 106, -114, -85, -56, -4, 105, 26, -57}; static final byte[] fdroidkey = {-92, 111, -42, -46, 123, -96, -60, 79, -27, -31, 49, 103, 11, -54, -68, -27, 17, 2, 121, 104}; private static ConnectionStatus mLastLevel = ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_NOTCONNECTED; private static LogFileHandler mLogFileHandler; static { logbuffer = new LinkedList<>(); logListener = new Vector<>(); stateListener = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); byteCountListener = new Vector<>(); trafficHistory = new TrafficHistory(); logInformation(); } public interface LogListener { void newLog(LogItem logItem); } public interface StateListener { void updateState(String state, String logmessage, int localizedResId, ConnectionStatus level); void setConnectedVPN(String uuid); } public interface ByteCountListener { void updateByteCount(long in, long out, long diffIn, long diffOut); } public synchronized static void logMessage(LogLevel level, String prefix, String message) { newLogItem(new LogItem(level, prefix + message)); } public synchronized static void clearLog() { logbuffer.clear(); logInformation(); if (mLogFileHandler != null) mLogFileHandler.sendEmptyMessage(LogFileHandler.TRIM_LOG_FILE); } private static void logInformation() { String nativeAPI; try { nativeAPI = NativeUtils.getNativeAPI(); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ignore) { nativeAPI = "error"; } logInfo(R.string.mobile_info, Build.MODEL, Build.BOARD, Build.BRAND, Build.VERSION.SDK_INT, nativeAPI, Build.VERSION.RELEASE, Build.ID, Build.FINGERPRINT, "", ""); } public synchronized static void addLogListener(LogListener ll) { logListener.add(ll); } public synchronized static void removeLogListener(LogListener ll) { logListener.remove(ll); } public synchronized static void addByteCountListener(ByteCountListener bcl) { TrafficHistory.LastDiff diff = trafficHistory.getLastDiff(null); bcl.updateByteCount(diff.getIn(), diff.getOut(), diff.getDiffIn(),diff.getDiffOut()); byteCountListener.add(bcl); } public synchronized static void removeByteCountListener(ByteCountListener bcl) { byteCountListener.remove(bcl); } public synchronized static void addStateListener(StateListener sl) { if (!stateListener.contains(sl)) { stateListener.add(sl); if (mLaststate != null) sl.updateState(mLaststate, mLaststatemsg, mLastStateresid, mLastLevel); } } private static int getLocalizedState(String state) { switch (state) { case "CONNECTING": return R.string.state_connecting; case "WAIT": return R.string.state_wait; case "AUTH": return R.string.state_auth; case "GET_CONFIG": return R.string.state_get_config; case "ASSIGN_IP": return R.string.state_assign_ip; case "ADD_ROUTES": return R.string.state_add_routes; case "CONNECTED": return R.string.state_connected; case "DISCONNECTED": return R.string.state_disconnected; case "RECONNECTING": return R.string.state_reconnecting; case "EXITING": return R.string.state_exiting; case "RESOLVE": return R.string.state_resolve; case "TCP_CONNECT": return R.string.state_tcp_connect; case "AUTH_PENDING": return R.string.state_auth_pending; default: return R.string.unknown_state; } } public static void updateStatePause(OpenVPNManagement.pauseReason pauseReason) { switch (pauseReason) { case noNetwork: VpnStatus.updateStateString("NONETWORK", "", R.string.state_nonetwork, ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_NONETWORK); break; case screenOff: VpnStatus.updateStateString("SCREENOFF", "", R.string.state_screenoff, ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_VPNPAUSED); break; case userPause: VpnStatus.updateStateString("USERPAUSE", "", R.string.state_userpause, ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_VPNPAUSED); break; } } private static ConnectionStatus getLevel(String state) { String[] noreplyet = {"CONNECTING", "WAIT", "RECONNECTING", "RESOLVE", "TCP_CONNECT"}; String[] reply = {"AUTH", "GET_CONFIG", "ASSIGN_IP", "ADD_ROUTES", "AUTH_PENDING"}; String[] connected = {"CONNECTED"}; String[] notconnected = {"DISCONNECTED", "EXITING"}; /** * ignore incoming connection/reconnecting states if vpn is about to shut down */ for (String x : noreplyet) if (state.equals(x) && !mLaststate.equals("STOPPING")) return ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_CONNECTING_NO_SERVER_REPLY_YET; for (String x : reply) if (state.equals(x) && !mLaststate.equals("STOPPING")) return ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_CONNECTING_SERVER_REPLIED; for (String x : connected) if (state.equals(x) && !mLaststate.equals("STOPPING")) return ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_CONNECTED; for (String x : notconnected) if (state.equals(x)) return ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_NOTCONNECTED; if (mLaststate.equals("STOPPING")) { return ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_STOPPING; } return ConnectionStatus.UNKNOWN_LEVEL; } public synchronized static void removeStateListener(StateListener sl) { stateListener.remove(sl); } synchronized public static LogItem[] getlogbuffer() { // The stoned way of java to return an array from a vector // brought to you by eclipse auto complete return logbuffer.toArray(new LogItem[logbuffer.size()]); } static void updateStateString(String state, String msg) { int rid = getLocalizedState(state); ConnectionStatus level = getLevel(state); updateStateString(state, msg, rid, level); } public synchronized static void updateStateString(String state, String msg, int resid, ConnectionStatus level) { // Workound for OpenVPN doing AUTH and wait and being connected // Simply ignore these state if (mLastLevel == ConnectionStatus.LEVEL_CONNECTED && (state.equals("WAIT") || state.equals("AUTH"))) { newLogItem(new LogItem((LogLevel.DEBUG), String.format("Ignoring OpenVPN Status in CONNECTED state (%s->%s): %s", state, level.toString(), msg))); return; } if (mLaststate.equals("STOPPING") && !state.equals("DISCONNECTED") && !state.equals("EXITING") && !state.equals("NOPROCESS")) { newLogItem(new LogItem((LogLevel.DEBUG), String.format("Ignoring OpenVPN Status while exiting (%s->%s)", mLastLevel.toString(), level.toString()))); return; } mLaststate = state; mLaststatemsg = msg; mLastStateresid = resid; mLastLevel = level; for (StateListener sl : stateListener) { sl.updateState(state, msg, resid, level); } //newLogItem(new LogItem((LogLevel.DEBUG), String.format("New OpenVPN Status (%s->%s): %s",state,level.toString(),msg))); } public static void logInfo(String message) { newLogItem(new LogItem(LogLevel.INFO, message)); } public static void logDebug(String message) { newLogItem(new LogItem(LogLevel.DEBUG, message)); } public static void logInfo(int resourceId, Object... args) { newLogItem(new LogItem(LogLevel.INFO, resourceId, args)); } public static void logDebug(int resourceId, Object... args) { newLogItem(new LogItem(LogLevel.DEBUG, resourceId, args)); } static void newLogItem(LogItem logItem) { newLogItem(logItem, false); } synchronized static void newLogItem(LogItem logItem, boolean cachedLine) { if (cachedLine) { logbuffer.addFirst(logItem); } else { logbuffer.addLast(logItem); if (mLogFileHandler != null) { Message m = mLogFileHandler.obtainMessage(LogFileHandler.LOG_MESSAGE, logItem); mLogFileHandler.sendMessage(m); } } if (logbuffer.size() > MAXLOGENTRIES + MAXLOGENTRIES / 2) { while (logbuffer.size() > MAXLOGENTRIES) logbuffer.removeFirst(); if (mLogFileHandler != null) mLogFileHandler.sendMessage(mLogFileHandler.obtainMessage(LogFileHandler.TRIM_LOG_FILE)); } for (LogListener ll : logListener) { ll.newLog(logItem); } } public static void logError(String msg) { newLogItem(new LogItem(LogLevel.ERROR, msg)); } public static void logWarning(int resourceId, Object... args) { newLogItem(new LogItem(LogLevel.WARNING, resourceId, args)); } public static void logWarning(String msg) { newLogItem(new LogItem(LogLevel.WARNING, msg)); } public static void logError(int resourceId) { newLogItem(new LogItem(LogLevel.ERROR, resourceId)); } public static void logError(int resourceId, Object... args) { newLogItem(new LogItem(LogLevel.ERROR, resourceId, args)); } public static void logError(ErrorType errorType) { newLogItem(new LogItem(errorType)); } public static void logMessageOpenVPN(LogLevel level, int ovpnlevel, String message) { newLogItem(new LogItem(level, ovpnlevel, message)); } public static synchronized void updateByteCount(long in, long out) { TrafficHistory.LastDiff diff = trafficHistory.add(in, out); for (ByteCountListener bcl : byteCountListener) { bcl.updateByteCount(in, out, diff.getDiffIn(), diff.getDiffOut()); } } public static void setAlwaysOn(boolean alwaysOn) { isAlwaysOnBooting.set(alwaysOn); } public static boolean isAlwaysOn() { return isAlwaysOnBooting.get(); } public static boolean isUsingBridges() { return lastConnectedProfile != null && lastConnectedProfile.usePluggableTransports(); } }