/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Arne Schwabe * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt */ package de.blinkt.openvpn.core; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import de.blinkt.openvpn.VpnProfile; public class ProfileManager { private static final String PREFS_NAME = "VPNList"; private static final String LAST_CONNECTED_PROFILE = "lastConnectedProfile"; private static final String TEMPORARY_PROFILE_FILENAME = "temporary-vpn-profile"; private static ProfileManager instance; private static VpnProfile mLastConnectedVpn = null; private HashMap profiles = new HashMap<>(); private static VpnProfile tmpprofile = null; private static VpnProfile get(String key) { if (tmpprofile != null && tmpprofile.getUUIDString().equals(key)) return tmpprofile; if (instance == null) return null; return instance.profiles.get(key); } private ProfileManager() { } private static void checkInstance(Context context) { if (instance == null) { instance = new ProfileManager(); instance.loadVPNList(context); } } synchronized public static ProfileManager getInstance(Context context) { checkInstance(context); return instance; } public static void setConntectedVpnProfileDisconnected(Context c) { SharedPreferences prefs = Preferences.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c); Editor prefsedit = prefs.edit(); prefsedit.putString(LAST_CONNECTED_PROFILE, null); prefsedit.apply(); } /** * Sets the profile that is connected (to connect if the service restarts) */ public static void setConnectedVpnProfile(Context c, VpnProfile connectedProfile) { SharedPreferences prefs = Preferences.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c); Editor prefsedit = prefs.edit(); prefsedit.putString(LAST_CONNECTED_PROFILE, connectedProfile.toJson()); prefsedit.apply(); mLastConnectedVpn = connectedProfile; } /** * Returns the profile that was last connected (to connect if the service restarts) */ public static VpnProfile getLastConnectedProfile(Context c) { SharedPreferences prefs = Preferences.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c); String lastConnectedProfileJson = prefs.getString(LAST_CONNECTED_PROFILE, null); return VpnProfile.fromJson(lastConnectedProfileJson); } public Collection getProfiles() { return profiles.values(); } public VpnProfile getProfileByName(String name) { for (VpnProfile vpnp : profiles.values()) { if (vpnp.getName().equals(name)) { return vpnp; } } return null; } public void saveProfileList(Context context) { SharedPreferences sharedprefs = Preferences.getSharedPreferencesMulti(PREFS_NAME, context); Editor editor = sharedprefs.edit(); editor.putStringSet("vpnlist", profiles.keySet()); // For reasing I do not understand at all // Android saves my prefs file only one time // if I remove the debug code below :( int counter = sharedprefs.getInt("counter", 0); editor.putInt("counter", counter + 1); editor.apply(); } public void addProfile(VpnProfile profile) { profiles.put(profile.getUUID().toString(), profile); } public static void setTemporaryProfile(Context c, VpnProfile tmp) { tmp.mTemporaryProfile = true; ProfileManager.tmpprofile = tmp; saveProfile(c, tmp, true, true); } public static boolean isTempProfile() { return mLastConnectedVpn != null && mLastConnectedVpn == tmpprofile; } public void saveProfile(Context context, VpnProfile profile) { saveProfile(context, profile, true, false); } private static void saveProfile(Context context, VpnProfile profile, boolean updateVersion, boolean isTemporary) { if (updateVersion) profile.mVersion += 1; ObjectOutputStream vpnFile; String filename = profile.getUUID().toString() + ".vp"; if (isTemporary) filename = TEMPORARY_PROFILE_FILENAME + ".vp"; try { vpnFile = new ObjectOutputStream(context.openFileOutput(filename, Activity.MODE_PRIVATE)); vpnFile.writeObject(profile); vpnFile.flush(); vpnFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { VpnStatus.logException("saving VPN profile", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void loadVPNList(Context context) { profiles = new HashMap<>(); SharedPreferences listpref = Preferences.getSharedPreferencesMulti(PREFS_NAME, context); Set vlist = listpref.getStringSet("vpnlist", null); if (vlist == null) { vlist = new HashSet<>(); } // Always try to load the temporary profile vlist.add(TEMPORARY_PROFILE_FILENAME); for (String vpnentry : vlist) { ObjectInputStream vpnfile=null; try { vpnfile = new ObjectInputStream(context.openFileInput(vpnentry + ".vp")); VpnProfile vp = ((VpnProfile) vpnfile.readObject()); // Sanity check if (vp == null || vp.mName == null || vp.getUUID() == null) continue; vp.upgradeProfile(); if (vpnentry.equals(TEMPORARY_PROFILE_FILENAME)) { tmpprofile = vp; } else { profiles.put(vp.getUUID().toString(), vp); } } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { if (!vpnentry.equals(TEMPORARY_PROFILE_FILENAME)) VpnStatus.logException("Loading VPN List", e); } finally { if (vpnfile!=null) { try { vpnfile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } public void removeProfile(Context context, VpnProfile profile) { String vpnentry = profile.getUUID().toString(); profiles.remove(vpnentry); saveProfileList(context); context.deleteFile(vpnentry + ".vp"); if (mLastConnectedVpn == profile) mLastConnectedVpn = null; } public static VpnProfile get(Context context, String profileUUID) { return get(context, profileUUID, 0, 10); } public static VpnProfile get(Context context, String profileUUID, int version, int tries) { checkInstance(context); VpnProfile profile = get(profileUUID); int tried = 0; while ((profile == null || profile.mVersion < version) && (tried++ < tries)) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } instance.loadVPNList(context); profile = get(profileUUID); int ver = profile == null ? -1 : profile.mVersion; } if (tried > 5) { int ver = profile == null ? -1 : profile.mVersion; VpnStatus.logError(String.format(Locale.US, "Used x %d tries to get current version (%d/%d) of the profile", tried, ver, version)); } return profile; } public static VpnProfile getLastConnectedVpn() { return mLastConnectedVpn; } public static VpnProfile getAlwaysOnVPN(Context context) { checkInstance(context); SharedPreferences prefs = Preferences.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); String uuid = prefs.getString("alwaysOnVpn", null); return get(uuid); } public static void updateLRU(Context c, VpnProfile profile) { profile.mLastUsed = System.currentTimeMillis(); // LRU does not change the profile, no need for the service to refresh if (profile!=tmpprofile) saveProfile(c, profile, false, false); } }