package se.leap.bitmaskclient.test; public class testVpnFragment extends BaseTestDashboard { @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); Screenshot.initialize(solo); } /** * This test will fail if Android does not trust VPN connection. * I cannot automate that dialog. */ public void testOnOffOpenVpn() { Screenshot.take("Initial UI"); vpn_controller.clickVpnButton(); Screenshot.setTimeToSleep(5); Screenshot.takeWithSleep("Turning VPN on"); vpn_controller.turningEipOn(); Screenshot.setTimeToSleep(0.5); Screenshot.takeWithSleep("VPN turned on"); vpn_controller.clickVpnButton(); vpn_controller.turningEipOff(); Screenshot.take("VPN turned off"); vpn_controller.clickVpnButton(); vpn_controller.turningEipOn(); vpn_controller.clickVpnButton(); vpn_controller.turningEipOff(); /*clickVpnButton();; turningEipOn(); turnNetworkOff(); restartAdbServer(); // This doesn't work */ } /** * Run only if the trust this app dialog has not been checked. * You must pay attention to the screen, because you need to cancel de dialog twice (block vpn and normal vpn) */ public void testOnFailed() { /* TODO Do not rely on the Android's vpn trust dialog vpn_controller.clickVpnButton(); assertTrue("Have you checked the trust vpn dialog?", solo.waitForActivity(LogWindow.class)); solo.goBack(); assertTrue(vpn_controller.iconShowsDisconnected()); */ } public void testVpnEveryProvider() { String[] providers = {"", "", ""}; for(String provider : providers) { changeProviderAndLogIn(provider); vpn_controller.sleepSeconds(1); vpn_controller.turnVpnOndAndOff(provider); vpn_controller.sleepSeconds(1); } } public void testVpnIconIsDisplayed() { assertTrue(isShownWithinConfinesOfVisibleScreen(vpn_controller.getVpnWholeIcon())); } public void testVpnButtonIsDisplayed() { assertTrue(isShownWithinConfinesOfVisibleScreen(vpn_controller.getVpnButton())); } }