import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import java.util.regex.Pattern

apply plugin: ''
def appName = 'Bitmask'

android {
  compileSdkVersion 28
  buildToolsVersion '28.0.3'

  compileOptions {
    targetCompatibility 1.8
    sourceCompatibility 1.8

  defaultConfig {
    applicationId "se.leap.bitmaskclient"
    versionCode 138
    versionName "0.9.11"
    minSdkVersion 16
    targetSdkVersion 27
    resValue "string", "app_name", appName
    vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
    buildConfigField 'boolean', 'openvpn3', 'false'

    //Build Config Fields for default donation details

    //This is the default donation URL and should be set to the donation page of LEAP
    // and this should not be set/altered anywhere else.
    buildConfigField 'String', 'default_donation_url', '""'
    //This is the donation URL and should be set to the relevant donation page.
    buildConfigField 'String', 'donation_url', 'null'
    //The field to enable donations in the app.
    buildConfigField 'boolean', 'enable_donation', 'true'
    //The field to enable donation reminder popup in the app if enable_donation is set to 'false' this will be disabled.
    buildConfigField 'boolean', 'enable_donation_reminder', 'true'
    //The duration in days to trigger the donation reminder
    buildConfigField 'int', 'donation_reminder_duration', '30'
    //skip the account creation / login screen if the provider offers anonymous vpn usage, use directly the anonymous cert instead
    buildConfigField 'boolean', 'priotize_anonymous_usage', 'false'
    //ignore the following config, only used in custom flavor
    buildConfigField "String", "customProviderUrl", '""'

    testInstrumentationRunner ""
    dexOptions {
      jumboMode true
      multiDexEnabled true

  signingConfigs {
    release {
      storeFile project.hasProperty('storeFileProperty') ? file(storeFileProperty) : null
      storePassword project.hasProperty('storePasswordProperty') ?  storePasswordProperty : ""
      keyAlias project.hasProperty('keyAliasProperty') ?  keyAliasProperty : ""
      keyPassword project.hasProperty('keyPasswordProperty') ?  keyPasswordProperty : ""

  flavorDimensions "branding", "implementation"
  productFlavors {
    production {
      dimension "implementation"
    insecure {
      dimension "implementation"
    normal {
      dimension "branding"

    custom {
      dimension "branding"

      //Configurations for custom branded app.

      //Change the package name as needed, e.g. "org.example.myapp"
      applicationId "se.leap.riseupvpn"
      //Set app name here
      appName = "Riseup VPN"
      resValue "string", "app_name", appName
      //Provider base url, e.g. '""'
      def customProviderUrl = '""'
      buildConfigField "String", "customProviderUrl", customProviderUrl
      //Change the versionCode as needed
      //versionCode 1
      //Change the versionName as needed
      //versionName "0.9.9RC1"

      //skip the account creation / login screen if the provider offers anonymous vpn usage, use directly the anonymous cert instead
      buildConfigField 'boolean', 'priotize_anonymous_usage', 'true'

      //Build Config Fields for default donation details

      //This is the donation URL and should be set to the relevant donation page.
      buildConfigField 'String', 'donation_url', '""'
      //The field to enable donations in the app.
      buildConfigField 'boolean', 'enable_donation', 'true'
      //The field to enable donation reminder popup in the app if enable_donation is set to 'false' this will be disabled.
      buildConfigField 'boolean', 'enable_donation_reminder', 'true'
      //The duration in days to trigger the donation reminder
      buildConfigField 'int', 'donation_reminder_duration', '30'



  buildTypes {
    release {
      //runProguard true
        signingConfig signingConfigs.release.isSigningReady() ? signingConfigs.release : signingConfigs.debug
    beta {
      initWith release
      applicationIdSuffix ".beta"
      resValue "string", "app_name", appName + " Beta"
    debug {
      testCoverageEnabled = true

  lintOptions {
    abortOnError false

  sourceSets {
    main {
      assets.srcDirs = ['assets', 'ovpnlibs/assets', '../ics-openvpn/main/build/ovpnassets']
      jniLibs.srcDirs = ['../ics-openvpn/main/build/intermediates/cmake/noovpn3/release/obj']
      jni.srcDirs = [] //disable automatic ndk-build
    debug {
      assets.srcDirs = ['src/debug/assets']

    test {
      resources.srcDirs += ['src/test/resources']
      java.srcDirs += ['src/sharedTest/java']

    androidTest {
      java.srcDirs += ['src/sharedTest/java']

dependencies {
  testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
  //outdated mockito-core version due to powermock dependency
  testImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-core:2.8.9'
          { exclude group: 'junit' exclude group: 'org.mockito' }
  testImplementation 'org.powermock:powermock-module-junit4:1.7.3'
  testImplementation 'org.powermock:powermock-core:1.7.3'
  testImplementation 'org.powermock:powermock-module-junit4-rule:1.7.3'
  testImplementation group: '', name: 'junit-dataprovider', version: '1.10.0'

  androidTestImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-core:2.8.9'
  androidTestImplementation ''
  androidTestImplementation ''
  androidTestImplementation ''
  //TODO: remove that library
  androidTestImplementation ''
  testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
  testImplementation 'org.json:json:20170516'
  debugImplementation 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android:1.6.2'
  releaseImplementation 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:1.6.2'
  betaImplementation 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android-no-op:1.6.2'
  annotationProcessor 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:6.1.0'
  annotationProcessor 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger-compiler:1.2.2'
  implementation 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:6.1.0'
  //TODO: replace that library
  compileOnly 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger-compiler:1.2.2'
  implementation 'com.github.pedrovgs:renderers:1.5'
  implementation 'com.intellij:annotations:12.0'
  implementation ''
  implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.9.0'
  implementation ""
  implementation ''
  implementation ''
  implementation ''
  implementation ''
  implementation ''
  implementation ''
  implementation ''
  implementation ''

// Ensure the no-op dependency is always used in JVM tests.
configurations.all { config ->
  if ('UnitTest')) {
    config.resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { details ->
      if ( == 'com.squareup.leakcanary' && == 'leakcanary-android') {
        details.useTarget(group:, name: 'leakcanary-android-no-op', version: details.requested.version)
  resolutionStrategy.force ""
  resolutionStrategy.force ""
  resolutionStrategy.force ""
  resolutionStrategy.force ""
  resolutionStrategy.force ""
  resolutionStrategy.force ""

subprojects {
  afterEvaluate {project ->
    if (project.hasProperty("android")) {
      android {
        compileSdkVersion 28
        buildToolsVersion "28.0.3"

def processFileInplace(file, Closure processText) {
  def text = file.text

task copyIcsOpenVPNClasses(dependsOn: 'copyIcsOpenVPNFiles', type: Copy  ) {
  println "copyIcsOpenVPNClasses"
//  from ('../ics-openvpn/main/') {
//    include '**/'
//    include '**/'
//    include '**/'
//    include '**/'
//    include '**/'
//    include '**/'
//    include '**/core/**.java'
//    include '**/activities/'
//    include '**/'
//    include '**/aidl/**/api/**.aidl'
//    include '**/aidl/**/core/**.aidl'
//    includeEmptyDirs = false
//    filter {
//      line -> line.replaceAll('de.blinkt.openvpn.R', 'se.leap.bitmaskclient.R')
//    }
//    filter {
//      line -> line.replaceAll('de.blinkt.openvpn.BuildConfig', 'se.leap.bitmaskclient.BuildConfig')
//    }
//    filter {
//      line -> line.replace('package de.blinkt.openvpn;', 'package de.blinkt.openvpn;\n\nimport se.leap.bitmaskclient.R;')
//    }
//  } into '.'

task copyIcsOpenVPNXml(dependsOn: 'copyIcsOpenVPNFiles', type: Copy )  {
  println "copyIcsOpenVPNXml"
  from ('../ics-openvpn/main/') {
    include '**/strings.xml'
    include '**/refs.xml'
    include '**/white_rect.xml'
    include '**/plurals.xml'
    includeEmptyDirs = false

    rename 'strings.xml', 'strings-icsopenvpn.xml'
    rename 'plurals.xml', 'plurals-icsopenvpn.xml'
    filter {
      line -> line.replaceAll('.*name="app".*', '')
  } into '.'

task copyIcsOpenVPNImages(dependsOn: 'copyIcsOpenVPNFiles', type: Copy ) {
  println "copyIcsOpenVPNImages"
//  from ('../ics-openvpn/main/') {
//    include '**/ic_filter*.png'
//    include '**/ic_delete*.png'
//    include '**/ic_share*.png'
//    include '**/ic_close*.png'
//    include '**/ic_edit*.png'
//    include '**/ic_check*.png'
//    include '**/ic_pause*.png'
//    include '**/ic_play*.png'
//    include '**/ic_content_copy_white_*.png'
//    include '**/ic_add_circle_outline_white_*.png'
//    include '**/ic_warning_black_*.png'
//    include '**/ic_add_circle_outline_grey600_*.png'
//    include '**/ic_archive_grey600_*.png'
//    include '**/ic_receipt_white_*.png'
//    include '**/ic_sort_white_*.png'
//    include '**/ic_content_copy_white_*.png'
//    include '**/ic_archive_white_*.png'
//    include '**/ic_menu_archive*.png'
//    include '**/vpn_item_settings*.png'
//    include '**/ic_menu_log*.png'
//    include '**/ic_menu_copy_holo_light*.png'
//    includeEmptyDirs = false
//  } into '.'

// thanks to
def removeDuplicatedStrings() {
  println "removeDuplicatedStrings"
  new File('.').eachFileRecurse {
    if('strings.xml') ||'plurals.xml')) {

def replaceDuplicatesForSource(File it, String type) {
  def ics_openvpn_file = file(it.absolutePath.replace(type+'.xml', type+'-icsopenvpn.xml'))
  if(ics_openvpn_file.exists()) {
    def ics_openvpn_strings_names = (new XmlParser()).parse(ics_openvpn_file)
    def current_file = it

    ics_openvpn_strings_names.string.each {
      processFileInplace(current_file) { text ->
        text.replaceAll('.*name=\"' + it.attribute('name') + '\".*(\n)*.*string>.*\n+', '')

task mergeUntranslatable(dependsOn: 'copyIcsOpenVPNFiles',  type: Copy ) {
  println "mergeUntranslatable"
  from ('../ics-openvpn/main/') {
    include '**/untranslatable.xml'
    rename 'untranslatable.xml', 'untranslatable-icsopenvpn.xml'
  } into '.'
  def bitmask_untranslatable = file('src/main/res/values/untranslatable.xml')
  def ics_openvpn_untranslatable = new File(bitmask_untranslatable.path.replace('untranslatable.xml', 'untranslatable-icsopenvpn.xml'))
  def string_continuation = false;
  ics_openvpn_untranslatable.eachLine { text ->
    if(text.contains('string name=')) {
        bitmask_untranslatable << text
        string_continuation = true
    else if(string_continuation) {
      bitmask_untranslatable << text

    if(text.contains('</string>')) {
      string_continuation = false
      bitmask_untranslatable << System.getProperty("line.separator")

  bitmask_untranslatable.write(bitmask_untranslatable.text.replaceAll("</resources>", ""))
  bitmask_untranslatable << "</resources>"

  delete ics_openvpn_untranslatable

task copyIcsOpenVPNFiles(dependsOn: 'updateIcsOpenVpn') {
  println "copyIcsOpenVPNFiles"

/*  copyIcsOpenVPNClasses

task updateIcsOpenVpn( type: Exec ) {
  commandLine 'git', 'submodule', 'sync'
  commandLine 'git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive'


task cleanNative( type: Delete ) {
  def shouldClean = getCurrentFlavorForBetaOrRelease() == "production"
  println  "cleanNative: " + shouldClean

  if (shouldClean) {
    def dirName = "obj"
    file( dirName ).list().each{
      f -> delete "${dirName}/${f}"

task updateSdkLicences ( type: Exec ) {
  println "say yes to licenses"
  commandLine 'sh', 'yes', '|', 'sdkmanager', '--licenses'

def getCurrentFlavorForBetaOrRelease() {
  Gradle gradle = getGradle()
  String  tskReqStr = gradle.getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString()

  Pattern pattern;

  if( tskReqStr.contains( "assemble" ) )
    pattern = Pattern.compile("assemble(\\w+)(Beta|Release)")
    pattern = Pattern.compile("generate(\\w+)(Beta|Release)")

  Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( tskReqStr )

  if( matcher.find() )
    return "";

def getCurrentFlavor() {
  Gradle gradle = getGradle()
  String tskReqStr = gradle.getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString()

  Pattern pattern;

  if (tskReqStr.contains("assemble"))
    pattern = Pattern.compile("assemble(\\w+)(Beta|Release|Debug)")
    pattern = Pattern.compile("generate(\\w+)(Beta|Release|Debug)")

  Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(tskReqStr)

  if (matcher.find())
  else {
    return "";

task checkApplicationIdForCustomFlavor(type: Exec) {
  def currFlavor = getCurrentFlavor()
  if (currFlavor.contains("custom")) {
    android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
      def mergedFlavor = variant.mergedFlavor
      if (variant.flavorName.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(currFlavor) &&
        throw new ExecutionException("ERROR: please change the applicationId(org.sample.custom) if you want to build a custom branded app!")

task checkAppNameForCustomFlavor(type: Exec) {
  def currFlavor = getCurrentFlavor()
  if (currFlavor.contains("custom") && appName.equalsIgnoreCase("custom"))
    throw new ExecutionException("ERROR: please change the appName(Custom) if you want to build a custom branded app!")