0.5.2 June 13 2014 - the "new beginning" release Features - Updated ics-openvpn codebase! - Disconnecting prompts you before doing anything - UI for signup more accessible - Error messages are shown as they arrive from the server Bugs Fixed - Cancelling a failed signup/login stops progressbar 0.5.1 April 26 2014 - the "blue sky" release Features - Autostart - Gradle build system Bugs Fixed - README file describes the building process correctly - Provider data is downloaded only using its commercial certificate 0.5 April 4 2014 - the "soft winds" release Features - Replace bitmask.net with demo.bitmask.net - Transifex URL added to the About page Bugs Fixed - Tests run without problems from ant - Calyx.net and all registered-only EIP providers works correctly once logged in. - Menu gets built correctly from the beginning - Switching provider doesn't crash the app - Removed an unnecessary string from strings.xml - Link to the "Building with Eclipse" file corrected. - Clearer message when the provider isn't reachable. - Android NDK r9d support added - EIP switch doesn't toggle off momentarily while starting VPN - About text more readable: space between display's border and text - Font sizes scaled up for 10' devices - Cancelling a provider setup doesn't crash anymore - Providers that only offer authenticated EIP work ok - Cancelling a provider setup shows the complete provider list again - Providers cannot be added twice. 0.4 Feb 10 2014 - the "early spring cleaning" release Features - Use token based authentication - UI Improvements - Show location of VPN gateway - About view is now an Activity - Removed ics-openvpn references and unused code Bugs Fixed - Improved handling of Configuration Wizard errors - Use strong cert pinning for provider - Progress bars layout - References to "LEAP Android" changed to Bitmask - Login/logout messages clear when complete 0.2.3 Nov 29 2013 - the "three is a magic number" release Features - Begin integrating tests into repository - Clearer wording in some places - Show VPN Gateway location in notification Bugs Fixed - URL parsing error if http entered for custom provider - Issues with certificates and gateways when switching providers - SEVERE: Routes were not set on VPN connection and traffic was routed in the clear 0.2.2 - Nov 15 2013 - the "rampant growth" release: Features - Rebranded to Bitmask - Updated docs - Disconnected notification icon - Progress bar and other UI improvements Bugs Fixed - Android PRNG insecurity - SRP B value validation - VPN reconnect hang - Complex certificate verification - Remember authentication status - Widget shortcut crashes app 0.2.1 - Oct 21 2013 - the "get on that rolling bandwagon" release: Bugs Fixed - SRP tests should be runnable localhost - Evaluate testing solution: http://appium.io/ - EIP fragment is not showed after switching provider - Provider down is not differentiated from certificate error - EIP switch toggles on screen rotate - bug - login dialog should require username - Backstack is screwed up by notification tap - Inconsistent Cookie Management - danger_on is true for assets' provider - EIP Service Exported With No Access Control - Lack of Input Validation on User Certificates - LeapHttpClient Disables Hostname Verification Features - Tests for ConfigurationWizard - Sensible notification handling - User friendly EIP status and notifications strings - Refactor EIP UI logic into a Fragment - Only parse eip-service.json if serial incremented - Add progress indicator while VPN connection is being established - Refactor EIP switch logic - Retry login should retain username - Move all ConfigHelper constants to their corresponding classes 0.2.0 Initial release.