1.5.1 stable features: - see 1.5.0RC2 API-v5 beta and 1.5.0RC1 API-v5 beta bugfixes: - fixed obfs4+kcp performance issues - handle panics in obfsvpn more gracefully - fix barcode scanner photo leak 1.5.0RC2 API-v5 beta features: * replace MLKit with FOSS QR code scanning library zxing * implement auth token support for invite codes * updated translations bugfix: * fix typos in strings * fix introducer handling when switching providers * fix resetting obfuscation settings when switching providers * always default to bridges in case a provider was setup via an invite token * fix crash in obfsvpn * fix crash while entering invalid invite code 1.5.0RC1 API-v5 beta features: - support new provider config API (beta) - allow to setup provider using an invite code and via an obfuscated proxy - new circumvention settings user interface - Add QR code scanning for invite code - in-app language picker - update openvpn and openssl - updated translations (<3<3<3 -> translators) bugfix: - fix support for ed25519 private VPN keys 1.4.1 stable features: - update censorship circumvention library - support for provider setups with multiple bridges colocated with a gateway - translation updates (again love to all contributors) - stable releasing 1.4.0 Release Candidate features and fixes (see below) 1.4.0RC2 pre-API-v5 features: - mainly work under the hood to support future configuration API v5 - support for elliptic curve private keys used in VPN setup - updated translations (many thanks to all translators!) 1.4.0RC1 obfuscation update features: * update obfuscation library obfsvpn to version 1.0.0, with improved KCP support bugfixes: * fix text color of button in obfuscation proxy pinning dialog * fix auto-update mechanism for clients fetched from the download page 1.3.1 hotfix bugfix: * fix app crash during provider setup in case the app is moved to background 1.3.0 features: * update golang to v. 1.22.2 * update snowflake * update about screen bugfixes: * fix crash during provider setup * fix possible race condition which results in wrong connectivity state 1.3.0RC1 maintenance Release features: * Support for Android 14 * new translations (<3<3<3 to all translators!) bugfixes: * fixed manual provider entry * fixed fastlane meta data for app stores * fixed memory leak in VPN permission handling * fixed crash during provider setup * a lot of maintenance 1.2.0 features: * updated openvpn, openssl, tor, snowflake * encrypted storage * new provider setup UI * Support for Android 13 * enforce TLS 1.3 on all Android versions * Dns over Https (DoH) during provider setup bugfixes: * fixed possible on-device DoS vulnerability, leading to app crashes * fixed task hijacking vulnerability (aka. strandhogg) * fixed memory leaks * fixed blocking vpn service stopping and notifications disappearing correctly * disable location selection button if provider only supports 1 location 1.1.7 new year release #2 bugfixes: * hide debugging entries in settings in releases 1.1.6 new year release features: * updated snowflake, tor, openvpn * updated UI * circumvention improvements * updated translations * support for the Message of the Day: providers can inform users about important events bugfixes: * fixed app crashes * fixed memory leaks * fixed empty gateway selection screen * fixed manual provider addition 1.1.6RC2 Beta bugfixes: * fixed memory leaks: less memory consumption * fixed empty gateway selection screen * fixed manual provider addition * improved UI regarding the new design features: * improved and updated circumvention mechanism to protect provider bootstrapping * updated translations 1.1.6RC1 Beta * updated UI * support for Android 12's new splash screen design * Message of the day: allows the provider to show a message on app start 1.1.5RC2 Beta * improvements of obfuscation proxy pinning * support for Android API 31 (Android S) * updated dependencies (ics-openvpn, OpenSSL, Asio, IPtProxy, Snowflake) * show option to disable blocking if the client fails to connect to any gateway of a given transport * disable donation page for Bitmask for now * fix notification not disappearing after vpn has been turned off 1.1.5 Beta * integrate obfsvpn - a new pluggable transports library * pin single obfuscation proxies * allow to pin a single gateway from a given provider for better debugging (only in Debug Builds available) * support new TLS ciphers TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384 and DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA * hide tethering entry if client runs on CalyxOS (Android 11+), since CalyxOS has system level support for tethering that doesn't require root permissions bugfixes: * fix auto-updating eip-service.json, app update check and certificate updates * fix notification sound bug when downloading a new app version on older Android versions (app update check feature is only available in apks downloaded from bitmask.net / riseup.net) 1.1.4 features: * improve censorship circumvention if VPN certificate needs to be fetched * point donation link to Riseup Labs * updated translations bugfixes: * fix notifications not disappearing after disconnecting the VPN from the quick tile settings * fix some app crashes * fix icon colors in advanced settings screen 1.1.3 features: * set donation nagging to 7 days * point all donation links to Riseup bugfixes: * fix crash in tile service on some devices 1.1.2 - Snowflakes winter wonder release features: * Tor on Snowflake: use new circumvention tech to unblock the communication from Bitmask to it's configuration servers * many, many new translations * update dependencies: ics-openvpn, openssl, lz4 bugfixes: * some app crash fixes * disable LED for VPN status notifications, enable them if app updates are available * improvement some wordings 1.1.1 - Android App Bundle Hotfix bugfixes: - fix VPN not turning on: * ensure native libraries are extracted from Android App Bundles 1.1.0 - UX upgrade release features: - many UI and UX improvements: * updated gateway selector * new settings screen * updated VPN main screen * updated exclude apps screen - support of UDP: * settings to optionally prefer UDP over TCP for faster connections * improved fallback mechanism, if UDP is blocked - more coming soon... bugfixes: - fix save battery feature - stay focussed again on what you're doing: * the internet connection is hibernated while the phone screen is off * no distracting notifications while you've put your phone aside * save battery - fix disappearing action bar subtitles after orientation change 1.1.0RC2 - UX upgrade beta release features: - many UI and UX improvements: * updated gateway selector * new settings screen * updated VPN main screen * updated exclude apps screen - show UDP settings - show snowflake settings bugfixes: - fix save battery feature - fix disappearing action bar subtitles after orientation change 1.1.0RC1 - early snowflakes release features: - support of tor and snowflake to circumvent censorship of the API server - improved error handling if user tries to configure a provider without having an internet connection - manual gateway selection in Bitmask bugfixes: - fix openvpn fallback during gateway setup, e.g. UDP to TCP fallback or IPv6 to IPv4 fallback 1.0.9 - Hotfix release features: - updated translations bugfixes: - fix app crash in gateway selection error handling - removed slovenian language as it is unmaintained right now - fixed potential crashes due to wrong string formatting in several languages 1.0.8 features: - new languages: Burmese, Uyghur - more translations, <3 to all translators! - gateway selector: get the best connection from your chosen location (only enabled in RiseupVPN app for now) bugfixes: - reduce crash rate - better error logging during provider and VPN gateway setup - switch failing VPN gateways faster during gateway setup 1.0.7 features: - new translations bugfixes: - fixed relaunch VPN on reboot: > in case always-on system setting is enabled on Android O+ > in case VPN was connected before turning off the smartphone on pre Android O > better support for "Block connections without VPN" system setting while rebooting 1.0.6 - New Year release features: - auto-update for apks downloaded from bitmask.net and from brand websites like riseup.net - pgp verification to secure auto-update mechanism - support for Android 10 and Android 11 - new translations (<3 to all translators) - update openvpn, openssl and other dependencies bugfixes: - fix "exclude apps from VPN" feature 1.0.5 - Menshen release features: - geoip service: improved automatic gateway selection, taking hemisphere into account - vpn tethering over bluetooth - general vpn tethering improvements - tile service: start/stop Bitmask from Quick Setting Tiles - updated openvpn, openssl, ics-openvpn dependencies, Android support libraries, golang version - reduced APK size for RiseupVPN - updated translations (thanks to Localization Lab and all translators!) bugfixes: - fixes for several UI bugs on Android 4.X devices - improved provider setup flow - fixes for several rare crashes - fixed memory leaks 1.0.3 - #PuraVida release features: - circumvent DNS blocking - IPv6 Firewall: allows now the usage of many apps that couldn't connect before while Bitmask was enabled (requires root permission) - VPN Tethering: share your VPN with other devices via USB- or Wifi-Tethering (requires root permission) - updated translations bugfixes: - fix UI bug in navigation drawer 1.0.2 - the anti-censorship release features: - implement Pluggable Transports to circumvent VPN blocking - exclude apps from VPN (credits to Akuma!) - improved gateway setup error handling - faster recognition of newly added providers (leads to improved server load balancing) - updated translations (thanks to Localization Lab and all translators!) - reduced APK size bugfixes: - fix performance issues on UI thread if VPN (re-)connects - fix several crashes - removed annoying dot from navigation drawer menu icon ;) - show the correct state on main screen if VPN blocks all outgoing traffic 1.0.1 - fix Android 9 crash 1.0.0 Bugs: - fix tablet layouts in portrait - fix bug that leads to inability to turn off vpn on Android 8+ features: - full support of Android 8+ kill switch ("Block connections without VPN") - improve visibility of connecting state by changing the progress animation - update ics-openvpn, openssl and openvpn - a lot of small UI improvements - updated translations (thanks to Localization Lab and all translators!) 0.9.11 - another consolidation release Bugs: - fixes app crashes - make Bitmask usable for Android 4.X again - improve setup if provider changes its config - improve vpn start - fix notification sound bug on Android O features: - new translations 0.9.10 - a hotfix release Bugs: - fixes error handling of invalid vpn client certificates Features: - updates on languages (thanks to Localization Lab!!!) - improved gateway selection: if the app cannot connect to the nearest gateway it will choose the next closest one 0.9.9 - custom branded apps Features: - allows Providers to create an own version of Bitmask without knowing much about Android development -> Credits goes to janak, a GSOC 2018 participant for LEAP! - direct link to Android's VPN settings to allow always-on vpn - updated crypto libraries - new translations - bugfixes 0.9.8 - the UI overhaul Bugs: - fixes notification channel bug on Android 8+ - fixes Bitmask starting always on restart regardless of the last state before the phone was turned off Features: - support for Android's always-on vpn system setting: - Bitmask starts the vpn with the last selected profile - if no vpn provile is available Bitmask blocks all outgoing internet traffic until the user creates a vpn profile or enables unsecured internet traffic with a click on a notification - improved certificate pinning mechanism - complete new ui based on material design - different layouts for smartphones and tablets - improved error handling for expired certificates - updated crypto libraries openssl, openvpn, mbedtls etc. - support for Android 8.1 - new translations - new experimental feature to save battery 0.9.7 - the maintenance release Bugs: - fixes failing login on Android 7.0 and Android 7.1 (Android Nougat) - switching between different providers was buggy - bitmask selected the nearest gateway of all providers ever chosen, now the nearest gateway of the current provider is selected - fixes app crashes on tablets - fixes major tablet layout issues - fixes different app crashes during provider set up - update information in About Page Features: - updated ics-openvpn code, incl. openvpn and openssl - show vpn data throughput and button to disconnect vpn in notification bar - support for Android O - enforce TLSv1.2 on all devices - bitmask honors the default protocol order (udp/tcp) specified by the provider - removes redundant cancellation confirmation dialog - one is sufficient 0.9.4 June 16th, 2015 - the "fabbutton" release Bugs: - Show the log window only when a real error happened, since some users weren't able to know why Bitmask had failed and they didn't think of opening the log by themselves. - Aborting the establishment of a new VPN connection didn't work properly, and some users were confused because they wanted to cancel the start and Bitmask didn't do it, although the UI stated the opposite. That has been improved, detecting the real status of the VPN connection much better. - If the user doesn't "trust this application", bitmask doesn't try to connect to the VPN anymore. Features: - Removed the progress bars that caused confusion in some states (such as "Waiting for connectivity") - Removed the switch button that was not clear enough (some users experimented problems with it during connections, staying "on" while the VPN was "off", and put an icon with a progress indicator around it. - Code tests to avoid this bugs are revived, since some problems the users were experiencing had already been fixed in the early days of the project. - Optimized the layout to various devices, so that UI remains consistent across sizes, screen resolutions... - Localized the app to Spanish, and simplified the login/logout feedback so that localization can be polished. - Improved wording, both in Spanish and in English. - Updated gradle libraries - Updated ics-openvpn (thanks Arne), from GitHub! 0.9.3 Bugs: - If VPN connection fails, blocking VPN is turned off - Don't try to log out if nothing is logged in. - Give better user feedback to some problems - Switching orientation doesn't hide any useful message - Blocking VPN is more consistently removed if an error happens - Typo: you is not logged in -> you *are* not logged in - Cleaner log messages to logcat Features: - Show the user status progress and info in its own place - Remember riseup's users that this is a different service - Advice users to be cautious when surfing the web after disconnecting the VPN 0.9.2 Bugs: - Sign Up dialog works correctly Features: - Updated ics-openvpn code (thanks Arne!) 0.9.1 January 21 2015 - the "insistent reloaded" release Bugs: - Autostart on boot works 0.9.0 January 19 2015 - the "insistent" release Features: - Fail back to other ports/servers in case of error - Start vpn automatically after foced to log in - More unit tests added, better code structured Bugs: - Switching providers logs out before showing Configuration Wizard - Update profiles correctly - Don't get killed if restarting the device - Don't crash in xlarge devices (such as tablets) 0.8.2 December 22 2014 - the "refactored+" release Bugs: - Better error handling while setting up a provider - Don't crash after selecting a provider in the Configuration Wizard - Substitute a dialog if a second one tries to be showed 0.8.1 December 20 2014 - the "refactored" release Features: - RiseUp.net and Calyx.net are new preseeded providers! - Material design for Android 5 - Cleaner codebase - Update vpn info automatically Bugs: - Custom providers are saved and restored - Smoother orientation changes - Disconnect correctly: stop blocking and normal VPN connections - Many small bugs fixed during the refactor 0.8.0 November 25 2014 - the "problematic" release Features: - Block connection until VPN is established - Start VPN automatically after logging in - Lollipop support - Update ndk and ics-openvpn codebase Bugs: - Pin provider certificate with configuration data - Autoupdate vpn certificate correctly 0.7.0 September 26 2014 - the "quick" release Features - Restart quickly if killed - F-Droid ready Bugs Fixed - Vpn can be turned off with the Off switch - "Blocked" notification not shown if Vpn is ff 0.6.0 August 18 2014 - the "persistent" release Features - Improved security: - traffic always routed by VPN after you've established a connection - Avoid a common security attack (a Mitm - man in the middle) - Clearer setup dialog: you can also sign up from the log in dialog - Faster autostart: Bitmask starts sooner during your phone boot process - Prompt to log in if you start a register only EIP provider Bugs Fixed - Removed second notification! - VPN switch more consistent with the real state - Changed orientation? No problem. - Reported bugs from Google Play fixed. 0.5.4 July 21 2014 - the "meetup" release Features - Renewal of the certificate soon enough - After signing up, eip restarts to use the new certificate - EIP profiles are named according to their locations - Developers: tests run, and network tests are more intensive 0.5.3 June 27 2014- the "beautiful oak" release Features - Updated ics-openvpn (again). - Support for riseup leap provider - Always use latests certificate Bugs Fixed - UI inconsistencies (notification, messages) - About text contains correct tracker - Long provider names are shown correctly - Fewer glue code for ics-openvpn customizations 0.5.2 June 13 2014 - the "new beginning" release Features - Updated ics-openvpn codebase! - Disconnecting prompts you before doing anything - UI for signup more accessible - Error messages are shown as they arrive from the server Bugs Fixed - Cancelling a failed signup/login stops progressbar 0.5.1 April 26 2014 - the "blue sky" release Features - Autostart - Gradle build system Bugs Fixed - README file describes the building process correctly - Provider data is downloaded only using its commercial certificate 0.5 April 4 2014 - the "soft winds" release Features - Replace bitmask.net with demo.bitmask.net - Transifex URL added to the About page Bugs Fixed - Tests run without problems from ant - Calyx.net and all registered-only EIP providers works correctly once logged in. - Menu gets built correctly from the beginning - Switching provider doesn't crash the app - Removed an unnecessary string from strings.xml - Link to the "Building with Eclipse" file corrected. - Clearer message when the provider isn't reachable. - Android NDK r9d support added - EIP switch doesn't toggle off momentarily while starting VPN - About text more readable: space between display's border and text - Font sizes scaled up for 10' devices - Cancelling a provider setup doesn't crash anymore - Providers that only offer authenticated EIP work ok - Cancelling a provider setup shows the complete provider list again - Providers cannot be added twice. 0.4 Feb 10 2014 - the "early spring cleaning" release Features - Use token based authentication - UI Improvements - Show location of VPN gateway - About view is now an Activity - Removed ics-openvpn references and unused code Bugs Fixed - Improved handling of Configuration Wizard errors - Use strong cert pinning for provider - Progress bars layout - References to "LEAP Android" changed to Bitmask - Login/logout messages clear when complete 0.2.3 Nov 29 2013 - the "three is a magic number" release Features - Begin integrating tests into repository - Clearer wording in some places - Show VPN Gateway location in notification Bugs Fixed - URL parsing error if http entered for custom provider - Issues with certificates and gateways when switching providers - SEVERE: Routes were not set on VPN connection and traffic was routed in the clear 0.2.2 - Nov 15 2013 - the "rampant growth" release: Features - Rebranded to Bitmask - Updated docs - Disconnected notification icon - Progress bar and other UI improvements Bugs Fixed - Android PRNG insecurity - SRP B value validation - VPN reconnect hang - Complex certificate verification - Remember authentication status - Widget shortcut crashes app 0.2.1 - Oct 21 2013 - the "get on that rolling bandwagon" release: Bugs Fixed - SRP tests should be runnable localhost - Evaluate testing solution: http://appium.io/ - EIP fragment is not showed after switching provider - Provider down is not differentiated from certificate error - EIP switch toggles on screen rotate - bug - login dialog should require username - Backstack is screwed up by notification tap - Inconsistent Cookie Management - danger_on is true for assets' provider - EIP Service Exported With No Access Control - Lack of Input Validation on User Certificates - LeapHttpClient Disables Hostname Verification Features - Tests for ConfigurationWizard - Sensible notification handling - User friendly EIP status and notifications strings - Refactor EIP UI logic into a Fragment - Only parse eip-service.json if serial incremented - Add progress indicator while VPN connection is being established - Refactor EIP switch logic - Retry login should retain username - Move all ConfigHelper constants to their corresponding classes 0.2.0 Initial release.