AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-02-26fix runtime exception on location switchcyBerta
2024-02-26save manually added providers in encrypted shared preferences instead of ↵cyBerta
external files dir
2024-02-25save manually added providercyBerta
2024-02-24Merge branch 'remove_unused_properties' into 'master'cyberta
Document customization options Closes #9155 See merge request leap/bitmask_android!268
2024-02-24update test vpn certcyBerta
2024-02-24fix accidentally removed donation URL build config fieldcyBerta
2024-02-24add a readme about customization of the appcyBerta
2024-02-24remove unused build propertiescyBerta
2024-02-23Merge branch 'fix_foreground_service_permissions_api_34' into 'master'cyberta
fix foreground service permissions for Android API 34 Closes #9154 See merge request leap/bitmask_android!266
2024-02-19Merge branch 'fix_missing_fastlane_icn' into 'master'kwadronaut
fix missing fastlane icon Closes #9147 See merge request leap/bitmask_android!267
2024-02-03fix missing fastlane iconcyBerta
2024-02-03fix foreground service permissions for Android API 34cyBerta
2024-01-25Merge branch 'post_release_work' into 'master'cyberta
post release tweaks and fixes Closes #9150 and #8983 See merge request leap/bitmask_android!264
2024-01-26add jvm flags for unit testscyBerta
2024-01-26move reqex pattern for IPv4 and PEM into functions for nowcyBerta
2024-01-26remove some tests of TetheringStateManager which are hard to rewrite without ↵cyBerta
2024-01-25fix ProviderApiManagerTest, sneaking in some missing changes from previous ↵cyBerta
commits as well
2024-01-25refactor ProviderApiConnector, allow to inject dummy implementations for ↵cyBerta
unit tests
2024-01-25ProviderSetupObservable: replace deprecated Observer class with ↵cyBerta
2024-01-25remove methods from ConfigHelper after moving functionality to CertificateHelpercyBerta
2024-01-25improve TimezoneHelper, don't allow to set the TimezoneInterface outside of ↵cyBerta
2024-01-25improve MockSharedPreferences, adding implementations for put/get Long and ↵cyBerta
put/get StringSet
2024-01-25update client cert for testcyBerta
2024-01-25rename ObfsvpnHelper to BuildConfigHelper, adding other BuildConfig ↵cyBerta
properties there
2024-01-25fix VpnCertificateValidatorTest, extract CertificateHelper (returns a ↵cyBerta
fingerprint for a x509 cert) from ConfigHelper
2024-01-25fix VpnConfigGenerator Test, move RSAHelper and ObfsVpnHelper out of ↵cyBerta
ConfigHelper, use injection pattern for these helpers
2024-01-25fix ProviderManagerTest, adapt InputStreamHelper and Filehelper to be ↵cyBerta
mockable by injection
2024-01-24add TorStatusObservableTest testing propertyChange patterncyBerta
2024-01-24fix GatewaysManagerTestcyBerta
2024-01-24fix ProviderTestcyBerta
2024-01-24fix VpnProfileTestcyBerta
2024-01-24fix GatewaySelectorTest, introduce TimezoneHelpercyBerta
2024-01-22fix check if provider setup result matches the intended last selected providercyBerta
2024-01-17replace deprectated Observer and Observables by PropertyChangeListener and ↵cyBerta
2023-11-24cache library build artifacts and pass them to screenshot stagecyBerta
2023-11-23try to fix the startEmulators scriptcyBerta
2023-11-23don't run unit tests in screenshot CI build stepcyBerta
2023-11-23build screenshots for both Bitmask and RiseupVPN on CIcyBerta
2023-11-23let android-fastlane docker image depend on android-ndk docker image, ↵cyBerta
because the gitlab CI builds native libraries during the screenshot build step (which in turn requires android-fastlane as docker image)
2023-11-23move RiseupVPN's fastlane meta data into fastlane/metadata/android as ↵cyBerta
F-Droid's documentation suggests
2023-11-23only click on the VPN start button after a successful provider setup if we ↵cyBerta
actually want to test the following activities
2023-11-23less verbose output for tryResolve()cyBerta
2023-11-23ensure ProviderSetupTest doesn't fail with fastlane which runs the same test ↵cyBerta
class multuple times with different locales
2023-11-23download frames after installation of fastlane frameitcyBerta
2023-11-23move bitmask fastlane metadata to src/normal/fastlane/metadata/android/ ↵cyBerta
(/android/ was missing in the path)
2023-11-23improve screenhsot tests, fix them for custom flavored buildscyBerta
2023-11-23fixing Screenshot tests for Bitmask, provider setup screenshot tests are ↵cyBerta
also fixed for custom flavored builds.
2023-11-23update gradle dependencies and bump Android SDK to API 34cyBerta
2023-11-23remove deprecated layout filescyBerta
2023-11-23use application context to create VPN permission request intentcyBerta