Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
* this change was necessitated by prior format failing a whitelisted
images check here:
* NOTE: this format means we can't label `android-sdk` images by version
because the tag is reserved for the image name, not the version :(
* ie: the whitelist forces us to specify `bimtask_android:android-sdk`
rather than `bitmask_android/android-sdk:0.0.1` -- is there a reason for this?
* for greater compartmentalization and self-documentation,
use docker registry in this repo to host image used in its build
rather than registry in `leap/gitlab-buildpackage` as before
* HACK: replace all toolchain references to `linux-x86_64` with `linux-x86`
* FIX: provide dependency on `file` package that will allow `ndk-build` to
detect 32-bit userland, making this
* side-effects:
* group sdk/env vars with installation code that uses them
* add explanatory note about why we use outdated version of `android-ndk`
More careful analysis of the meaning of the word `file` in this (subtle!) error message:
/opt/android-sdk-linux/android-ndk-r12b/build/ndk-build: 143: /opt/android-sdk-linux/android-ndk-r12b/build/ndk-build: file: not found
led to inspecting line 143 of `ndk-build`, revealing an undefined variable
called `file` that would allow `ndk-build` to detect a 32-bit userland:
file -L "$SHELL" | grep -q "x86[_-]64"
Thus the error messsage was *not* trying to tell us that a file could
not be found, but that the program called `file` could not be
found. FUN! :)
* most recent version (r14b) of `android-ndk` uses `clang` for cross-compilation
* BUT: `openssl` cannot compile successfully w/ `clang`
* AND: we depend on `openssl` transitively through `ics-openvpn`
while trying to use `android-ndk` r14b
* FIX:
* downgrade to `android-ndk` (12b) (most recent versoin that still
uses `gcc` instead of `clang`)
* modify some of the default
* some string translations for Jamaica now break the build (unclear
why -- outdated country abbreviation? ja for jm???)
* we are now using a version of ndk that is 2 versions old and a
version of ics-openvpn (pinned to a 3.1.2016 commit via submodule)
that depends on an outdated version of `openssl`, which raises
security concerns. updating to the most recent version will force
us to wade into all the dependency problems amongst `ics-openvpn`/`openssl`/`ndk`
* on `openssl` incompatibility w/ clang:
* on `ics-openvpn` problems with `ndk`:
* PROBLEM: the build fails on gitlab in a debian-based docker container
* BUT: i (@aguestuser) have a recently-achieved passing build on a
debian laptop
* ATTEMPTED SOLUTION: construct a dockerfile that matches my local
configuration as precisely as possible
* PROGRESS: the build gets further than it did before -- getting part of
the way through the `buildNative` gradle script before failing
* REMAINING FAILURE: several arm64 cross-compile steps in the
`ndk-build` step fail because they depend on
[arm64-v8a] Compile : crypto_static <= aesv8-armx-64.S
openssl/crypto/aes/asm/aesv8-armx-64.S:35:2: error: instruction requires: neon
eor v0.16b,v0.16b,v0.16b
openssl/crypto/aes/asm/aesv8-armx-64.S:36:2: error: instruction requires: neon
ld1 {v3.16b},[x0],#16
openssl/crypto/aes/asm/aesv8-armx-64.S:38:2: error: instruction requires: neon
ld1 {v1.4s,v2.4s},[x3],#32
* consult team to see if there's any collective wisdom about `neon`
* look for ways to analyze diff of c dependencies in local machine
v. docker instance
* consider using ubuntu or debian:sid as the base image for the
android container?
* add detailed instructions on installing and compiling
* provide workarounds for gotchas setting up emulator on debian
* offer instructions for building in docker
* update build tools & gradle version
* fix indentation in build.gradle
* comment out tests in `TestLogFileHandler` causing `build` to break (and provide justification)
closes #8536
remove pins, because didn\'t work this way (solves #8455)
ics-openvpn already shows it if necessary. Our heuristic (just looking
for an "error" keyword in the past N messages of the log) is very weak,
and it returns an annoying false positive: turning off the VPN triggers
the show log error.
- Android gradle plugin to 1.5.0
- Gson to 2.4
- Support annotations to 23.2.1
- Robotium-solo to 5.5.4
onCreate gets called when the activity is back on the screen. If the app
was already launched, we should not set everything up again.
Warn about the needed libraries for 64 bit systems.
A quote too much
This is also an open issue in Transifex:$/22692144?issue=yes You should double check if this is correct.