path: root/go/golang/go/doc/articles/wiki/index.html
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+ "Title": "Writing Web Applications",
+ "Template": true
+Covered in this tutorial:
+<li>Creating a data structure with load and save methods</li>
+<li>Using the <code>net/http</code> package to build web applications
+<li>Using the <code>html/template</code> package to process HTML templates</li>
+<li>Using the <code>regexp</code> package to validate user input</li>
+<li>Using closures</li>
+Assumed knowledge:
+<li>Programming experience</li>
+<li>Understanding of basic web technologies (HTTP, HTML)</li>
+<li>Some UNIX/DOS command-line knowledge</li>
+<h2>Getting Started</h2>
+At present, you need to have a FreeBSD, Linux, OS X, or Windows machine to run Go.
+We will use <code>$</code> to represent the command prompt.
+Install Go (see the <a href="/doc/install">Installation Instructions</a>).
+Make a new directory for this tutorial inside your <code>GOPATH</code> and cd to it:
+$ mkdir gowiki
+$ cd gowiki
+Create a file named <code>wiki.go</code>, open it in your favorite editor, and
+add the following lines:
+package main
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+We import the <code>fmt</code> and <code>ioutil</code> packages from the Go
+standard library. Later, as we implement additional functionality, we will
+add more packages to this <code>import</code> declaration.
+<h2>Data Structures</h2>
+Let's start by defining the data structures. A wiki consists of a series of
+interconnected pages, each of which has a title and a body (the page content).
+Here, we define <code>Page</code> as a struct with two fields representing
+the title and body.
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/part1.go" `/^type Page/` `/}/`}}
+The type <code>[]byte</code> means "a <code>byte</code> slice".
+(See <a href="/doc/articles/slices_usage_and_internals.html">Slices: usage and
+internals</a> for more on slices.)
+The <code>Body</code> element is a <code>[]byte</code> rather than
+<code>string</code> because that is the type expected by the <code>io</code>
+libraries we will use, as you'll see below.
+The <code>Page</code> struct describes how page data will be stored in memory.
+But what about persistent storage? We can address that by creating a
+<code>save</code> method on <code>Page</code>:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/part1.go" `/^func.*Page.*save/` `/}/`}}
+This method's signature reads: "This is a method named <code>save</code> that
+takes as its receiver <code>p</code>, a pointer to <code>Page</code> . It takes
+no parameters, and returns a value of type <code>error</code>."
+This method will save the <code>Page</code>'s <code>Body</code> to a text
+file. For simplicity, we will use the <code>Title</code> as the file name.
+The <code>save</code> method returns an <code>error</code> value because
+that is the return type of <code>WriteFile</code> (a standard library function
+that writes a byte slice to a file). The <code>save</code> method returns the
+error value, to let the application handle it should anything go wrong while
+writing the file. If all goes well, <code></code> will return
+<code>nil</code> (the zero-value for pointers, interfaces, and some other
+The octal integer literal <code>0600</code>, passed as the third parameter to
+<code>WriteFile</code>, indicates that the file should be created with
+read-write permissions for the current user only. (See the Unix man page
+<code>open(2)</code> for details.)
+In addition to saving pages, we will want to load pages, too:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/part1-noerror.go" `/^func loadPage/` `/^}/`}}
+The function <code>loadPage</code> constructs the file name from the title
+parameter, reads the file's contents into a new variable <code>body</code>, and
+returns a pointer to a <code>Page</code> literal constructed with the proper
+title and body values.
+Functions can return multiple values. The standard library function
+<code>io.ReadFile</code> returns <code>[]byte</code> and <code>error</code>.
+In <code>loadPage</code>, error isn't being handled yet; the "blank identifier"
+represented by the underscore (<code>_</code>) symbol is used to throw away the
+error return value (in essence, assigning the value to nothing).
+But what happens if <code>ReadFile</code> encounters an error? For example,
+the file might not exist. We should not ignore such errors. Let's modify the
+function to return <code>*Page</code> and <code>error</code>.
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/part1.go" `/^func loadPage/` `/^}/`}}
+Callers of this function can now check the second parameter; if it is
+<code>nil</code> then it has successfully loaded a Page. If not, it will be an
+<code>error</code> that can be handled by the caller (see the
+<a href="/ref/spec#Errors">language specification</a> for details).
+At this point we have a simple data structure and the ability to save to and
+load from a file. Let's write a <code>main</code> function to test what we've
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/part1.go" `/^func main/` `/^}/`}}
+After compiling and executing this code, a file named <code>TestPage.txt</code>
+would be created, containing the contents of <code>p1</code>. The file would
+then be read into the struct <code>p2</code>, and its <code>Body</code> element
+printed to the screen.
+You can compile and run the program like this:
+$ go build wiki.go
+$ ./wiki
+This is a sample Page.
+(If you're using Windows you must type "<code>wiki</code>" without the
+"<code>./</code>" to run the program.)
+<a href="part1.go">Click here to view the code we've written so far.</a>
+<h2>Introducing the <code>net/http</code> package (an interlude)</h2>
+Here's a full working example of a simple web server:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/http-sample.go"}}
+The <code>main</code> function begins with a call to
+<code>http.HandleFunc</code>, which tells the <code>http</code> package to
+handle all requests to the web root (<code>"/"</code>) with
+It then calls <code>http.ListenAndServe</code>, specifying that it should
+listen on port 8080 on any interface (<code>":8080"</code>). (Don't
+worry about its second parameter, <code>nil</code>, for now.)
+This function will block until the program is terminated.
+<code>ListenAndServe</code> always returns an error, since it only returns when an
+unexpected error occurs.
+In order to log that error we wrap the function call with <code>log.Fatal</code>.
+The function <code>handler</code> is of the type <code>http.HandlerFunc</code>.
+It takes an <code>http.ResponseWriter</code> and an <code>http.Request</code> as
+its arguments.
+An <code>http.ResponseWriter</code> value assembles the HTTP server's response; by writing
+to it, we send data to the HTTP client.
+An <code>http.Request</code> is a data structure that represents the client
+HTTP request. <code>r.URL.Path</code> is the path component
+of the request URL. The trailing <code>[1:]</code> means
+"create a sub-slice of <code>Path</code> from the 1st character to the end."
+This drops the leading "/" from the path name.
+If you run this program and access the URL:
+the program would present a page containing:
+<pre>Hi there, I love monkeys!</pre>
+<h2>Using <code>net/http</code> to serve wiki pages</h2>
+To use the <code>net/http</code> package, it must be imported:
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ <b>"net/http"</b>
+Let's create a handler, <code>viewHandler</code> that will allow users to
+view a wiki page. It will handle URLs prefixed with "/view/".
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/part2.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+Again, note the use of <code>_</code> to ignore the <code>error</code>
+return value from <code>loadPage</code>. This is done here for simplicity
+and generally considered bad practice. We will attend to this later.
+First, this function extracts the page title from <code>r.URL.Path</code>,
+the path component of the request URL.
+The <code>Path</code> is re-sliced with <code>[len("/view/"):]</code> to drop
+the leading <code>"/view/"</code> component of the request path.
+This is because the path will invariably begin with <code>"/view/"</code>,
+which is not part of the page's title.
+The function then loads the page data, formats the page with a string of simple
+HTML, and writes it to <code>w</code>, the <code>http.ResponseWriter</code>.
+To use this handler, we rewrite our <code>main</code> function to
+initialize <code>http</code> using the <code>viewHandler</code> to handle
+any requests under the path <code>/view/</code>.
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/part2.go" `/^func main/` `/^}/`}}
+<a href="part2.go">Click here to view the code we've written so far.</a>
+Let's create some page data (as <code>test.txt</code>), compile our code, and
+try serving a wiki page.
+Open <code>test.txt</code> file in your editor, and save the string "Hello world" (without quotes)
+in it.
+$ go build wiki.go
+$ ./wiki
+(If you're using Windows you must type "<code>wiki</code>" without the
+"<code>./</code>" to run the program.)
+With this web server running, a visit to <code><a
+should show a page titled "test" containing the words "Hello world".
+<h2>Editing Pages</h2>
+A wiki is not a wiki without the ability to edit pages. Let's create two new
+handlers: one named <code>editHandler</code> to display an 'edit page' form,
+and the other named <code>saveHandler</code> to save the data entered via the
+First, we add them to <code>main()</code>:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/^func main/` `/^}/`}}
+The function <code>editHandler</code> loads the page
+(or, if it doesn't exist, create an empty <code>Page</code> struct),
+and displays an HTML form.
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/notemplate.go" `/^func editHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+This function will work fine, but all that hard-coded HTML is ugly.
+Of course, there is a better way.
+<h2>The <code>html/template</code> package</h2>
+The <code>html/template</code> package is part of the Go standard library.
+We can use <code>html/template</code> to keep the HTML in a separate file,
+allowing us to change the layout of our edit page without modifying the
+underlying Go code.
+First, we must add <code>html/template</code> to the list of imports. We
+also won't be using <code>fmt</code> anymore, so we have to remove that.
+import (
+ <b>"html/template"</b>
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "net/http"
+Let's create a template file containing the HTML form.
+Open a new file named <code>edit.html</code>, and add the following lines:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/edit.html"}}
+Modify <code>editHandler</code> to use the template, instead of the hard-coded
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noerror.go" `/^func editHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+The function <code>template.ParseFiles</code> will read the contents of
+<code>edit.html</code> and return a <code>*template.Template</code>.
+The method <code>t.Execute</code> executes the template, writing the
+generated HTML to the <code>http.ResponseWriter</code>.
+The <code>.Title</code> and <code>.Body</code> dotted identifiers refer to
+<code>p.Title</code> and <code>p.Body</code>.
+Template directives are enclosed in double curly braces.
+The <code>printf "%s" .Body</code> instruction is a function call
+that outputs <code>.Body</code> as a string instead of a stream of bytes,
+the same as a call to <code>fmt.Printf</code>.
+The <code>html/template</code> package helps guarantee that only safe and
+correct-looking HTML is generated by template actions. For instance, it
+automatically escapes any greater than sign (<code>&gt;</code>), replacing it
+with <code>&amp;gt;</code>, to make sure user data does not corrupt the form
+Since we're working with templates now, let's create a template for our
+<code>viewHandler</code> called <code>view.html</code>:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/view.html"}}
+Modify <code>viewHandler</code> accordingly:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noerror.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+Notice that we've used almost exactly the same templating code in both
+handlers. Let's remove this duplication by moving the templating code
+to its own function:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-template.go" `/^func renderTemplate/` `/^}/`}}
+And modify the handlers to use that function:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-template.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-template.go" `/^func editHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+If we comment out the registration of our unimplemented save handler in
+<code>main</code>, we can once again build and test our program.
+<a href="part3.go">Click here to view the code we've written so far.</a>
+<h2>Handling non-existent pages</h2>
+What if you visit <a href="http://localhost:8080/view/APageThatDoesntExist">
+<code>/view/APageThatDoesntExist</code></a>? You'll see a page containing
+HTML. This is because it ignores the error return value from
+<code>loadPage</code> and continues to try and fill out the template
+with no data. Instead, if the requested Page doesn't exist, it should
+redirect the client to the edit Page so the content may be created:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/part3-errorhandling.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+The <code>http.Redirect</code> function adds an HTTP status code of
+<code>http.StatusFound</code> (302) and a <code>Location</code>
+header to the HTTP response.
+<h2>Saving Pages</h2>
+The function <code>saveHandler</code> will handle the submission of forms
+located on the edit pages. After uncommenting the related line in
+<code>main</code>, let's implement the handler:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-template.go" `/^func saveHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+The page title (provided in the URL) and the form's only field,
+<code>Body</code>, are stored in a new <code>Page</code>.
+The <code>save()</code> method is then called to write the data to a file,
+and the client is redirected to the <code>/view/</code> page.
+The value returned by <code>FormValue</code> is of type <code>string</code>.
+We must convert that value to <code>[]byte</code> before it will fit into
+the <code>Page</code> struct. We use <code>[]byte(body)</code> to perform
+the conversion.
+<h2>Error handling</h2>
+There are several places in our program where errors are being ignored. This
+is bad practice, not least because when an error does occur the program will
+have unintended behavior. A better solution is to handle the errors and return
+an error message to the user. That way if something does go wrong, the server
+will function exactly how we want and the user can be notified.
+First, let's handle the errors in <code>renderTemplate</code>:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-parsetemplate.go" `/^func renderTemplate/` `/^}/`}}
+The <code>http.Error</code> function sends a specified HTTP response code
+(in this case "Internal Server Error") and error message.
+Already the decision to put this in a separate function is paying off.
+Now let's fix up <code>saveHandler</code>:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/part3-errorhandling.go" `/^func saveHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+Any errors that occur during <code></code> will be reported
+to the user.
+<h2>Template caching</h2>
+There is an inefficiency in this code: <code>renderTemplate</code> calls
+<code>ParseFiles</code> every time a page is rendered.
+A better approach would be to call <code>ParseFiles</code> once at program
+initialization, parsing all templates into a single <code>*Template</code>.
+Then we can use the
+<a href="/pkg/html/template/#Template.ExecuteTemplate"><code>ExecuteTemplate</code></a>
+method to render a specific template.
+First we create a global variable named <code>templates</code>, and initialize
+it with <code>ParseFiles</code>.
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/var templates/`}}
+The function <code>template.Must</code> is a convenience wrapper that panics
+when passed a non-nil <code>error</code> value, and otherwise returns the
+<code>*Template</code> unaltered. A panic is appropriate here; if the templates
+can't be loaded the only sensible thing to do is exit the program.
+The <code>ParseFiles</code> function takes any number of string arguments that
+identify our template files, and parses those files into templates that are
+named after the base file name. If we were to add more templates to our
+program, we would add their names to the <code>ParseFiles</code> call's
+We then modify the <code>renderTemplate</code> function to call the
+<code>templates.ExecuteTemplate</code> method with the name of the appropriate
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/func renderTemplate/` `/^}/`}}
+Note that the template name is the template file name, so we must
+append <code>".html"</code> to the <code>tmpl</code> argument.
+As you may have observed, this program has a serious security flaw: a user
+can supply an arbitrary path to be read/written on the server. To mitigate
+this, we can write a function to validate the title with a regular expression.
+First, add <code>"regexp"</code> to the <code>import</code> list.
+Then we can create a global variable to store our validation
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/^var validPath/`}}
+The function <code>regexp.MustCompile</code> will parse and compile the
+regular expression, and return a <code>regexp.Regexp</code>.
+<code>MustCompile</code> is distinct from <code>Compile</code> in that it will
+panic if the expression compilation fails, while <code>Compile</code> returns
+an <code>error</code> as a second parameter.
+Now, let's write a function that uses the <code>validPath</code>
+expression to validate path and extract the page title:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/func getTitle/` `/^}/`}}
+If the title is valid, it will be returned along with a <code>nil</code>
+error value. If the title is invalid, the function will write a
+"404 Not Found" error to the HTTP connection, and return an error to the
+handler. To create a new error, we have to import the <code>errors</code>
+Let's put a call to <code>getTitle</code> in each of the handlers:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/^func editHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final-noclosure.go" `/^func saveHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+<h2>Introducing Function Literals and Closures</h2>
+Catching the error condition in each handler introduces a lot of repeated code.
+What if we could wrap each of the handlers in a function that does this
+validation and error checking? Go's
+<a href="/ref/spec#Function_literals">function
+literals</a> provide a powerful means of abstracting functionality
+that can help us here.
+First, we re-write the function definition of each of the handlers to accept
+a title string:
+func viewHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, title string)
+func editHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, title string)
+func saveHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, title string)
+Now let's define a wrapper function that <i>takes a function of the above
+type</i>, and returns a function of type <code>http.HandlerFunc</code>
+(suitable to be passed to the function <code>http.HandleFunc</code>):
+func makeHandler(fn func (http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, string)) http.HandlerFunc {
+ return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ // Here we will extract the page title from the Request,
+ // and call the provided handler 'fn'
+ }
+The returned function is called a closure because it encloses values defined
+outside of it. In this case, the variable <code>fn</code> (the single argument
+to <code>makeHandler</code>) is enclosed by the closure. The variable
+<code>fn</code> will be one of our save, edit, or view handlers.
+Now we can take the code from <code>getTitle</code> and use it here
+(with some minor modifications):
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/func makeHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+The closure returned by <code>makeHandler</code> is a function that takes
+an <code>http.ResponseWriter</code> and <code>http.Request</code> (in other
+words, an <code>http.HandlerFunc</code>).
+The closure extracts the <code>title</code> from the request path, and
+validates it with the <code>TitleValidator</code> regexp. If the
+<code>title</code> is invalid, an error will be written to the
+<code>ResponseWriter</code> using the <code>http.NotFound</code> function.
+If the <code>title</code> is valid, the enclosed handler function
+<code>fn</code> will be called with the <code>ResponseWriter</code>,
+<code>Request</code>, and <code>title</code> as arguments.
+Now we can wrap the handler functions with <code>makeHandler</code> in
+<code>main</code>, before they are registered with the <code>http</code>
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/func main/` `/^}/`}}
+Finally we remove the calls to <code>getTitle</code> from the handler functions,
+making them much simpler:
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/^func viewHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/^func editHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+{{code "doc/articles/wiki/final.go" `/^func saveHandler/` `/^}/`}}
+<h2>Try it out!</h2>
+<a href="final.go">Click here to view the final code listing.</a>
+Recompile the code, and run the app:
+$ go build wiki.go
+$ ./wiki
+Visiting <a href="http://localhost:8080/view/ANewPage">http://localhost:8080/view/ANewPage</a>
+should present you with the page edit form. You should then be able to
+enter some text, click 'Save', and be redirected to the newly created page.
+<h2>Other tasks</h2>
+Here are some simple tasks you might want to tackle on your own:
+<li>Store templates in <code>tmpl/</code> and page data in <code>data/</code>.
+<li>Add a handler to make the web root redirect to
+ <code>/view/FrontPage</code>.</li>
+<li>Spruce up the page templates by making them valid HTML and adding some
+ CSS rules.</li>
+<li>Implement inter-page linking by converting instances of
+ <code>[PageName]</code> to <br>
+ <code>&lt;a href="/view/PageName"&gt;PageName&lt;/a&gt;</code>.
+ (hint: you could use <code>regexp.ReplaceAllFunc</code> to do this)
+ </li>