path: root/openssl/crypto/sha/asm/
diff options
authorParménides GV <>2014-04-07 20:43:34 +0200
committerParménides GV <>2014-04-08 11:43:27 +0200
commitc206a91d320995f37f8abb33188bfd384249da3d (patch)
tree10a7d8a9dd7f24437ac4851b8d01edbd5dd3ee3b /openssl/crypto/sha/asm/
parent910b0e1746ab3f63e63808b198ad51fec5b635e5 (diff)
Next step: compile jni sources correctly.
Diffstat (limited to 'openssl/crypto/sha/asm/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/openssl/crypto/sha/asm/ b/openssl/crypto/sha/asm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 492cb62b..00000000
--- a/openssl/crypto/sha/asm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# ====================================================================
-# Written by Andy Polyakov <> for the OpenSSL
-# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
-# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
-# details see
-# ====================================================================
-# SHA256 block procedure for ARMv4. May 2007.
-# Performance is ~2x better than gcc 3.4 generated code and in "abso-
-# lute" terms is ~2250 cycles per 64-byte block or ~35 cycles per
-# byte [on single-issue Xscale PXA250 core].
-# July 2010.
-# Rescheduling for dual-issue pipeline resulted in 22% improvement on
-# Cortex A8 core and ~20 cycles per processed byte.
-while (($output=shift) && ($output!~/^\w[\w\-]*\.\w+$/)) {}
-open STDOUT,">$output";
-$ctx="r0"; $t0="r0";
-$len="r2"; $t1="r2";
-@Sigma0=( 2,13,22);
-@Sigma1=( 6,11,25);
-@sigma0=( 7,18, 3);
-sub BODY_00_15 {
-my ($i,$a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h) = @_;
-$code.=<<___ if ($i<16);
- ldrb $T1,[$inp,#3] @ $i
- ldrb $t2,[$inp,#2]
- ldrb $t1,[$inp,#1]
- ldrb $t0,[$inp],#4
- orr $T1,$T1,$t2,lsl#8
- orr $T1,$T1,$t1,lsl#16
- orr $T1,$T1,$t0,lsl#24
- `"str $inp,[sp,#17*4]" if ($i==15)`
- ldr $t2,[$Ktbl],#4 @ *K256++
- mov $t0,$e,ror#$Sigma1[0]
- str $T1,[sp,#`$i%16`*4]
- eor $t0,$t0,$e,ror#$Sigma1[1]
- eor $t1,$f,$g
- eor $t0,$t0,$e,ror#$Sigma1[2] @ Sigma1(e)
- and $t1,$t1,$e
- add $T1,$T1,$t0
- eor $t1,$t1,$g @ Ch(e,f,g)
- add $T1,$T1,$h
- mov $h,$a,ror#$Sigma0[0]
- add $T1,$T1,$t1
- eor $h,$h,$a,ror#$Sigma0[1]
- add $T1,$T1,$t2
- eor $h,$h,$a,ror#$Sigma0[2] @ Sigma0(a)
- orr $t0,$a,$b
- and $t1,$a,$b
- and $t0,$t0,$c
- add $h,$h,$T1
- orr $t0,$t0,$t1 @ Maj(a,b,c)
- add $d,$d,$T1
- add $h,$h,$t0
-sub BODY_16_XX {
-my ($i,$a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h) = @_;
- ldr $t1,[sp,#`($i+1)%16`*4] @ $i
- ldr $t2,[sp,#`($i+14)%16`*4]
- ldr $T1,[sp,#`($i+0)%16`*4]
- mov $t0,$t1,ror#$sigma0[0]
- ldr $inp,[sp,#`($i+9)%16`*4]
- eor $t0,$t0,$t1,ror#$sigma0[1]
- eor $t0,$t0,$t1,lsr#$sigma0[2] @ sigma0(X[i+1])
- mov $t1,$t2,ror#$sigma1[0]
- add $T1,$T1,$t0
- eor $t1,$t1,$t2,ror#$sigma1[1]
- add $T1,$T1,$inp
- eor $t1,$t1,$t2,lsr#$sigma1[2] @ sigma1(X[i+14])
- add $T1,$T1,$t1
- &BODY_00_15(@_);
-.code 32
-.type K256,%object
-.align 5
-.word 0x428a2f98,0x71374491,0xb5c0fbcf,0xe9b5dba5
-.word 0x3956c25b,0x59f111f1,0x923f82a4,0xab1c5ed5
-.word 0xd807aa98,0x12835b01,0x243185be,0x550c7dc3
-.word 0x72be5d74,0x80deb1fe,0x9bdc06a7,0xc19bf174
-.word 0xe49b69c1,0xefbe4786,0x0fc19dc6,0x240ca1cc
-.word 0x2de92c6f,0x4a7484aa,0x5cb0a9dc,0x76f988da
-.word 0x983e5152,0xa831c66d,0xb00327c8,0xbf597fc7
-.word 0xc6e00bf3,0xd5a79147,0x06ca6351,0x14292967
-.word 0x27b70a85,0x2e1b2138,0x4d2c6dfc,0x53380d13
-.word 0x650a7354,0x766a0abb,0x81c2c92e,0x92722c85
-.word 0xa2bfe8a1,0xa81a664b,0xc24b8b70,0xc76c51a3
-.word 0xd192e819,0xd6990624,0xf40e3585,0x106aa070
-.word 0x19a4c116,0x1e376c08,0x2748774c,0x34b0bcb5
-.word 0x391c0cb3,0x4ed8aa4a,0x5b9cca4f,0x682e6ff3
-.word 0x748f82ee,0x78a5636f,0x84c87814,0x8cc70208
-.word 0x90befffa,0xa4506ceb,0xbef9a3f7,0xc67178f2
-.size K256,.-K256
- sha256_block_data_order
-.type sha256_block_data_order,%function
- sub r3,pc,#8 @ sha256_block_data_order
- add $len,$inp,$len,lsl#6 @ len to point at the end of inp
- stmdb sp!,{$ctx,$inp,$len,r4-r12,lr}
- ldmia $ctx,{$A,$B,$C,$D,$E,$F,$G,$H}
- sub $Ktbl,r3,#256 @ K256
- sub sp,sp,#16*4 @ alloca(X[16])
-for($i=0;$i<16;$i++) { &BODY_00_15($i,@V); unshift(@V,pop(@V)); }
-for (;$i<32;$i++) { &BODY_16_XX($i,@V); unshift(@V,pop(@V)); }
- and $t2,$t2,#0xff
- cmp $t2,#0xf2
- bne .Lrounds_16_xx
- ldr $T1,[sp,#16*4] @ pull ctx
- ldr $t0,[$T1,#0]
- ldr $t1,[$T1,#4]
- ldr $t2,[$T1,#8]
- add $A,$A,$t0
- ldr $t0,[$T1,#12]
- add $B,$B,$t1
- ldr $t1,[$T1,#16]
- add $C,$C,$t2
- ldr $t2,[$T1,#20]
- add $D,$D,$t0
- ldr $t0,[$T1,#24]
- add $E,$E,$t1
- ldr $t1,[$T1,#28]
- add $F,$F,$t2
- ldr $inp,[sp,#17*4] @ pull inp
- ldr $t2,[sp,#18*4] @ pull inp+len
- add $G,$G,$t0
- add $H,$H,$t1
- stmia $T1,{$A,$B,$C,$D,$E,$F,$G,$H}
- cmp $inp,$t2
- sub $Ktbl,$Ktbl,#256 @ rewind Ktbl
- bne .Loop
- add sp,sp,#`16+3`*4 @ destroy frame
- ldmia sp!,{r4-r12,lr}
- tst lr,#1
- moveq pc,lr @ be binary compatible with V4, yet
- bx lr @ interoperable with Thumb ISA:-)
-.size sha256_block_data_order,.-sha256_block_data_order
-.asciz "SHA256 block transform for ARMv4, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\>"
-.align 2
-$code =~ s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval $1/gem;
-$code =~ s/\bbx\s+lr\b/.word\t0xe12fff1e/gm; # make it possible to compile with -march=armv4
-print $code;
-close STDOUT; # enforce flush