path: root/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/
diff options
authorParménides GV <>2014-04-07 20:43:34 +0200
committerParménides GV <>2014-04-08 11:43:27 +0200
commitc206a91d320995f37f8abb33188bfd384249da3d (patch)
tree10a7d8a9dd7f24437ac4851b8d01edbd5dd3ee3b /openssl/crypto/bn/asm/
parent910b0e1746ab3f63e63808b198ad51fec5b635e5 (diff)
Next step: compile jni sources correctly.
Diffstat (limited to 'openssl/crypto/bn/asm/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 918 deletions
diff --git a/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/ b/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3449b358..00000000
--- a/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,918 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# ====================================================================
-# Written by Andy Polyakov <> for the OpenSSL
-# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
-# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
-# details see
-# ====================================================================
-# December 2007
-# The reason for undertaken effort is basically following. Even though
-# Power 6 CPU operates at incredible 4.7GHz clock frequency, its PKI
-# performance was observed to be less than impressive, essentially as
-# fast as 1.8GHz PPC970, or 2.6 times(!) slower than one would hope.
-# Well, it's not surprising that IBM had to make some sacrifices to
-# boost the clock frequency that much, but no overall improvement?
-# Having observed how much difference did switching to FPU make on
-# UltraSPARC, playing same stunt on Power 6 appeared appropriate...
-# Unfortunately the resulting performance improvement is not as
-# impressive, ~30%, and in absolute terms is still very far from what
-# one would expect from 4.7GHz CPU. There is a chance that I'm doing
-# something wrong, but in the lack of assembler level micro-profiling
-# data or at least decent platform guide I can't tell... Or better
-# results might be achieved with VMX... Anyway, this module provides
-# *worse* performance on other PowerPC implementations, ~40-15% slower
-# on PPC970 depending on key length and ~40% slower on Power 5 for all
-# key lengths. As it's obviously inappropriate as "best all-round"
-# alternative, it has to be complemented with run-time CPU family
-# detection. Oh! It should also be noted that unlike other PowerPC
-# implementation IALU module performs *suboptimaly* on
-# >=1024-bit key lengths on Power 6. It should also be noted that
-# *everything* said so far applies to 64-bit builds! As far as 32-bit
-# application executed on 64-bit CPU goes, this module is likely to
-# become preferred choice, because it's easy to adapt it for such
-# case and *is* faster than 32-bit on *all* processors.
-# February 2008
-# Micro-profiling assisted optimization results in ~15% improvement
-# over original version, or overall ~50% improvement
-# over module on Power 6. If compared to on same
-# Power 6 CPU, this module is 5-150% faster depending on key length,
-# [hereafter] more for longer keys. But if compared to
-# on 1.8GHz PPC970, it's only 5-55% faster. Still far from impressive
-# in absolute terms, but it's apparently the way Power 6 is...
-$flavour = shift;
-if ($flavour =~ /32/) {
- $SIZE_T=4;
- $RZONE= 224;
- $FRAME= $SIZE_T*12+8*12;
- $fname= "bn_mul_mont_ppc64";
- $STUX= "stwux"; # store indexed and update
- $PUSH= "stw";
- $POP= "lwz";
- die "not implemented yet";
-} elsif ($flavour =~ /64/) {
- $SIZE_T=8;
- $RZONE= 288;
- $FRAME= $SIZE_T*12+8*12;
- $fname= "bn_mul_mont";
- # same as above, but 64-bit mnemonics...
- $STUX= "stdux"; # store indexed and update
- $PUSH= "std";
- $POP= "ld";
-} else { die "nonsense $flavour"; }
-$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
-( $xlate="${dir}" and -f $xlate ) or
-( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/" and -f $xlate) or
-die "can't locate";
-open STDOUT,"| $^X $xlate $flavour ".shift || die "can't call $xlate: $!";
-$rp="r3"; $ovf="r3";
-$rp="r9"; # $rp is reassigned
-# non-volatile registers
-$nap_d="r14"; # interleaved ap and np in double format
-$a0="r15"; # ap[0]
-$t0="r16"; # temporary registers
-# PPC offers enough register bank capacity to unroll inner loops twice
-# ..A3A2A1A0
-# dcba
-# -----------
-# A0a
-# A0b
-# A0c
-# A0d
-# A1a
-# A1b
-# A1c
-# A1d
-# A2a
-# A2b
-# A2c
-# A2d
-# A3a
-# A3b
-# A3c
-# A3d
-# ..a
-# ..b
-$ba="f0"; $bb="f1"; $bc="f2"; $bd="f3";
-$na="f4"; $nb="f5"; $nc="f6"; $nd="f7";
-$dota="f8"; $dotb="f9";
-$A0="f10"; $A1="f11"; $A2="f12"; $A3="f13";
-$N0="f14"; $N1="f15"; $N2="f16"; $N3="f17";
-$T0a="f18"; $T0b="f19";
-$T1a="f20"; $T1b="f21";
-$T2a="f22"; $T2b="f23";
-$T3a="f24"; $T3b="f25";
-# sp----------->+-------------------------------+
-# | saved sp |
-# +-------------------------------+
-# | |
-# +-------------------------------+
-# | 10 saved gpr, r14-r23 |
-# . .
-# . .
-# +12*size_t +-------------------------------+
-# | 12 saved fpr, f14-f25 |
-# . .
-# . .
-# +12*8 +-------------------------------+
-# | padding to 64 byte boundary |
-# . .
-# +X +-------------------------------+
-# | 16 gpr<->fpr transfer zone |
-# . .
-# . .
-# +16*8 +-------------------------------+
-# | __int64 tmp[-1] |
-# +-------------------------------+
-# | __int64 tmp[num] |
-# . .
-# . .
-# . .
-# +(num+1)*8 +-------------------------------+
-# | padding to 64 byte boundary |
-# . .
-# +X +-------------------------------+
-# | double nap_d[4*num] |
-# . .
-# . .
-# . .
-# +-------------------------------+
-.machine "any"
-.globl .$fname
-.align 5
- cmpwi $num,4
- mr $rp,r3 ; $rp is reassigned
- li r3,0 ; possible "not handled" return code
- bltlr-
- andi. r0,$num,1 ; $num has to be even
- bnelr-
- slwi $num,$num,3 ; num*=8
- li $i,-4096
- slwi $tp,$num,2 ; place for {an}p_{lh}[num], i.e. 4*num
- add $tp,$tp,$num ; place for tp[num+1]
- addi $tp,$tp,`$FRAME+$TRANSFER+8+64+$RZONE`
- subf $tp,$tp,$sp ; $sp-$tp
- and $tp,$tp,$i ; minimize TLB usage
- subf $tp,$sp,$tp ; $tp-$sp
- $STUX $sp,$sp,$tp ; alloca
- $PUSH r14,`2*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $PUSH r15,`3*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $PUSH r16,`4*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $PUSH r17,`5*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $PUSH r18,`6*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $PUSH r19,`7*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $PUSH r20,`8*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $PUSH r21,`9*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $PUSH r22,`10*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $PUSH r23,`11*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- stfd f14,`12*$SIZE_T+0`($sp)
- stfd f15,`12*$SIZE_T+8`($sp)
- stfd f16,`12*$SIZE_T+16`($sp)
- stfd f17,`12*$SIZE_T+24`($sp)
- stfd f18,`12*$SIZE_T+32`($sp)
- stfd f19,`12*$SIZE_T+40`($sp)
- stfd f20,`12*$SIZE_T+48`($sp)
- stfd f21,`12*$SIZE_T+56`($sp)
- stfd f22,`12*$SIZE_T+64`($sp)
- stfd f23,`12*$SIZE_T+72`($sp)
- stfd f24,`12*$SIZE_T+80`($sp)
- stfd f25,`12*$SIZE_T+88`($sp)
- ld $a0,0($ap) ; pull ap[0] value
- ld $n0,0($n0) ; pull n0[0] value
- ld $t3,0($bp) ; bp[0]
- addi $tp,$sp,`$FRAME+$TRANSFER+8+64`
- li $i,-64
- add $nap_d,$tp,$num
- and $nap_d,$nap_d,$i ; align to 64 bytes
- mulld $t7,$a0,$t3 ; ap[0]*bp[0]
- ; nap_d is off by 1, because it's used with stfdu/lfdu
- addi $nap_d,$nap_d,-8
- srwi $j,$num,`3+1` ; counter register, num/2
- mulld $t7,$t7,$n0 ; tp[0]*n0
- addi $j,$j,-1
- addi $tp,$sp,`$FRAME+$TRANSFER-8`
- li $carry,0
- mtctr $j
- ; transfer bp[0] to FPU as 4x16-bit values
- extrdi $t0,$t3,16,48
- extrdi $t1,$t3,16,32
- extrdi $t2,$t3,16,16
- extrdi $t3,$t3,16,0
- std $t0,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- std $t1,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- std $t2,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- std $t3,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- ; transfer (ap[0]*bp[0])*n0 to FPU as 4x16-bit values
- extrdi $t4,$t7,16,48
- extrdi $t5,$t7,16,32
- extrdi $t6,$t7,16,16
- extrdi $t7,$t7,16,0
- std $t4,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- std $t5,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- std $t6,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- std $t7,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
- lwz $t0,4($ap) ; load a[j] as 32-bit word pair
- lwz $t1,0($ap)
- lwz $t2,12($ap) ; load a[j+1] as 32-bit word pair
- lwz $t3,8($ap)
- lwz $t4,4($np) ; load n[j] as 32-bit word pair
- lwz $t5,0($np)
- lwz $t6,12($np) ; load n[j+1] as 32-bit word pair
- lwz $t7,8($np)
- lfd $ba,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- lfd $bb,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- lfd $bc,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- lfd $bd,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- lfd $na,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- lfd $nb,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- lfd $nc,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- lfd $nd,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
- std $t0,`$FRAME+64`($sp)
- std $t1,`$FRAME+72`($sp)
- std $t2,`$FRAME+80`($sp)
- std $t3,`$FRAME+88`($sp)
- std $t4,`$FRAME+96`($sp)
- std $t5,`$FRAME+104`($sp)
- std $t6,`$FRAME+112`($sp)
- std $t7,`$FRAME+120`($sp)
- fcfid $ba,$ba
- fcfid $bb,$bb
- fcfid $bc,$bc
- fcfid $bd,$bd
- fcfid $na,$na
- fcfid $nb,$nb
- fcfid $nc,$nc
- fcfid $nd,$nd
- lfd $A0,`$FRAME+64`($sp)
- lfd $A1,`$FRAME+72`($sp)
- lfd $A2,`$FRAME+80`($sp)
- lfd $A3,`$FRAME+88`($sp)
- lfd $N0,`$FRAME+96`($sp)
- lfd $N1,`$FRAME+104`($sp)
- lfd $N2,`$FRAME+112`($sp)
- lfd $N3,`$FRAME+120`($sp)
- fcfid $A0,$A0
- fcfid $A1,$A1
- fcfid $A2,$A2
- fcfid $A3,$A3
- fcfid $N0,$N0
- fcfid $N1,$N1
- fcfid $N2,$N2
- fcfid $N3,$N3
- addi $ap,$ap,16
- addi $np,$np,16
- fmul $T1a,$A1,$ba
- fmul $T1b,$A1,$bb
- stfd $A0,8($nap_d) ; save a[j] in double format
- stfd $A1,16($nap_d)
- fmul $T2a,$A2,$ba
- fmul $T2b,$A2,$bb
- stfd $A2,24($nap_d) ; save a[j+1] in double format
- stfd $A3,32($nap_d)
- fmul $T3a,$A3,$ba
- fmul $T3b,$A3,$bb
- stfd $N0,40($nap_d) ; save n[j] in double format
- stfd $N1,48($nap_d)
- fmul $T0a,$A0,$ba
- fmul $T0b,$A0,$bb
- stfd $N2,56($nap_d) ; save n[j+1] in double format
- stfdu $N3,64($nap_d)
- fmadd $T1a,$A0,$bc,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$A0,$bd,$T1b
- fmadd $T2a,$A1,$bc,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$A1,$bd,$T2b
- fmadd $T3a,$A2,$bc,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$A2,$bd,$T3b
- fmul $dota,$A3,$bc
- fmul $dotb,$A3,$bd
- fmadd $T1a,$N1,$na,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$N1,$nb,$T1b
- fmadd $T2a,$N2,$na,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$N2,$nb,$T2b
- fmadd $T3a,$N3,$na,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$N3,$nb,$T3b
- fmadd $T0a,$N0,$na,$T0a
- fmadd $T0b,$N0,$nb,$T0b
- fmadd $T1a,$N0,$nc,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$N0,$nd,$T1b
- fmadd $T2a,$N1,$nc,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$N1,$nd,$T2b
- fmadd $T3a,$N2,$nc,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$N2,$nd,$T3b
- fmadd $dota,$N3,$nc,$dota
- fmadd $dotb,$N3,$nd,$dotb
- fctid $T0a,$T0a
- fctid $T0b,$T0b
- fctid $T1a,$T1a
- fctid $T1b,$T1b
- fctid $T2a,$T2a
- fctid $T2b,$T2b
- fctid $T3a,$T3a
- fctid $T3b,$T3b
- stfd $T0a,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- stfd $T0b,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- stfd $T1a,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- stfd $T1b,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- stfd $T2a,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- stfd $T2b,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- stfd $T3a,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- stfd $T3b,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
-.align 5
- lwz $t0,4($ap) ; load a[j] as 32-bit word pair
- lwz $t1,0($ap)
- lwz $t2,12($ap) ; load a[j+1] as 32-bit word pair
- lwz $t3,8($ap)
- lwz $t4,4($np) ; load n[j] as 32-bit word pair
- lwz $t5,0($np)
- lwz $t6,12($np) ; load n[j+1] as 32-bit word pair
- lwz $t7,8($np)
- std $t0,`$FRAME+64`($sp)
- std $t1,`$FRAME+72`($sp)
- std $t2,`$FRAME+80`($sp)
- std $t3,`$FRAME+88`($sp)
- std $t4,`$FRAME+96`($sp)
- std $t5,`$FRAME+104`($sp)
- std $t6,`$FRAME+112`($sp)
- std $t7,`$FRAME+120`($sp)
- ld $t0,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- ld $t1,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- ld $t2,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- ld $t3,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- ld $t4,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- ld $t5,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- ld $t6,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- ld $t7,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
- lfd $A0,`$FRAME+64`($sp)
- lfd $A1,`$FRAME+72`($sp)
- lfd $A2,`$FRAME+80`($sp)
- lfd $A3,`$FRAME+88`($sp)
- lfd $N0,`$FRAME+96`($sp)
- lfd $N1,`$FRAME+104`($sp)
- lfd $N2,`$FRAME+112`($sp)
- lfd $N3,`$FRAME+120`($sp)
- fcfid $A0,$A0
- fcfid $A1,$A1
- fcfid $A2,$A2
- fcfid $A3,$A3
- fcfid $N0,$N0
- fcfid $N1,$N1
- fcfid $N2,$N2
- fcfid $N3,$N3
- addi $ap,$ap,16
- addi $np,$np,16
- fmul $T1a,$A1,$ba
- fmul $T1b,$A1,$bb
- fmul $T2a,$A2,$ba
- fmul $T2b,$A2,$bb
- stfd $A0,8($nap_d) ; save a[j] in double format
- stfd $A1,16($nap_d)
- fmul $T3a,$A3,$ba
- fmul $T3b,$A3,$bb
- fmadd $T0a,$A0,$ba,$dota
- fmadd $T0b,$A0,$bb,$dotb
- stfd $A2,24($nap_d) ; save a[j+1] in double format
- stfd $A3,32($nap_d)
- fmadd $T1a,$A0,$bc,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$A0,$bd,$T1b
- fmadd $T2a,$A1,$bc,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$A1,$bd,$T2b
- stfd $N0,40($nap_d) ; save n[j] in double format
- stfd $N1,48($nap_d)
- fmadd $T3a,$A2,$bc,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$A2,$bd,$T3b
- add $t0,$t0,$carry ; can not overflow
- fmul $dota,$A3,$bc
- fmul $dotb,$A3,$bd
- stfd $N2,56($nap_d) ; save n[j+1] in double format
- stfdu $N3,64($nap_d)
- srdi $carry,$t0,16
- add $t1,$t1,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t1,16
- fmadd $T1a,$N1,$na,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$N1,$nb,$T1b
- insrdi $t0,$t1,16,32
- fmadd $T2a,$N2,$na,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$N2,$nb,$T2b
- add $t2,$t2,$carry
- fmadd $T3a,$N3,$na,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$N3,$nb,$T3b
- srdi $carry,$t2,16
- fmadd $T0a,$N0,$na,$T0a
- fmadd $T0b,$N0,$nb,$T0b
- insrdi $t0,$t2,16,16
- add $t3,$t3,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t3,16
- fmadd $T1a,$N0,$nc,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$N0,$nd,$T1b
- insrdi $t0,$t3,16,0 ; 0..63 bits
- fmadd $T2a,$N1,$nc,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$N1,$nd,$T2b
- add $t4,$t4,$carry
- fmadd $T3a,$N2,$nc,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$N2,$nd,$T3b
- srdi $carry,$t4,16
- fmadd $dota,$N3,$nc,$dota
- fmadd $dotb,$N3,$nd,$dotb
- add $t5,$t5,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t5,16
- insrdi $t4,$t5,16,32
- fctid $T0a,$T0a
- fctid $T0b,$T0b
- add $t6,$t6,$carry
- fctid $T1a,$T1a
- fctid $T1b,$T1b
- srdi $carry,$t6,16
- fctid $T2a,$T2a
- fctid $T2b,$T2b
- insrdi $t4,$t6,16,16
- fctid $T3a,$T3a
- fctid $T3b,$T3b
- add $t7,$t7,$carry
- insrdi $t4,$t7,16,0 ; 64..127 bits
- srdi $carry,$t7,16 ; upper 33 bits
- stfd $T0a,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- stfd $T0b,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- stfd $T1a,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- stfd $T1b,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- stfd $T2a,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- stfd $T2b,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- stfd $T3a,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- stfd $T3b,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
- std $t0,8($tp) ; tp[j-1]
- stdu $t4,16($tp) ; tp[j]
- bdnz- L1st
- fctid $dota,$dota
- fctid $dotb,$dotb
- ld $t0,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- ld $t1,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- ld $t2,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- ld $t3,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- ld $t4,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- ld $t5,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- ld $t6,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- ld $t7,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
- stfd $dota,`$FRAME+64`($sp)
- stfd $dotb,`$FRAME+72`($sp)
- add $t0,$t0,$carry ; can not overflow
- srdi $carry,$t0,16
- add $t1,$t1,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t1,16
- insrdi $t0,$t1,16,32
- add $t2,$t2,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t2,16
- insrdi $t0,$t2,16,16
- add $t3,$t3,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t3,16
- insrdi $t0,$t3,16,0 ; 0..63 bits
- add $t4,$t4,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t4,16
- add $t5,$t5,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t5,16
- insrdi $t4,$t5,16,32
- add $t6,$t6,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t6,16
- insrdi $t4,$t6,16,16
- add $t7,$t7,$carry
- insrdi $t4,$t7,16,0 ; 64..127 bits
- srdi $carry,$t7,16 ; upper 33 bits
- ld $t6,`$FRAME+64`($sp)
- ld $t7,`$FRAME+72`($sp)
- std $t0,8($tp) ; tp[j-1]
- stdu $t4,16($tp) ; tp[j]
- add $t6,$t6,$carry ; can not overflow
- srdi $carry,$t6,16
- add $t7,$t7,$carry
- insrdi $t6,$t7,48,0
- srdi $ovf,$t7,48
- std $t6,8($tp) ; tp[num-1]
- slwi $t7,$num,2
- subf $nap_d,$t7,$nap_d ; rewind pointer
- li $i,8 ; i=1
-.align 5
- ldx $t3,$bp,$i ; bp[i]
- ld $t6,`$FRAME+$TRANSFER+8`($sp) ; tp[0]
- mulld $t7,$a0,$t3 ; ap[0]*bp[i]
- addi $tp,$sp,`$FRAME+$TRANSFER`
- add $t7,$t7,$t6 ; ap[0]*bp[i]+tp[0]
- li $carry,0
- mulld $t7,$t7,$n0 ; tp[0]*n0
- mtctr $j
- ; transfer bp[i] to FPU as 4x16-bit values
- extrdi $t0,$t3,16,48
- extrdi $t1,$t3,16,32
- extrdi $t2,$t3,16,16
- extrdi $t3,$t3,16,0
- std $t0,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- std $t1,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- std $t2,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- std $t3,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- ; transfer (ap[0]*bp[i]+tp[0])*n0 to FPU as 4x16-bit values
- extrdi $t4,$t7,16,48
- extrdi $t5,$t7,16,32
- extrdi $t6,$t7,16,16
- extrdi $t7,$t7,16,0
- std $t4,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- std $t5,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- std $t6,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- std $t7,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
- lfd $A0,8($nap_d) ; load a[j] in double format
- lfd $A1,16($nap_d)
- lfd $A2,24($nap_d) ; load a[j+1] in double format
- lfd $A3,32($nap_d)
- lfd $N0,40($nap_d) ; load n[j] in double format
- lfd $N1,48($nap_d)
- lfd $N2,56($nap_d) ; load n[j+1] in double format
- lfdu $N3,64($nap_d)
- lfd $ba,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- lfd $bb,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- lfd $bc,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- lfd $bd,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- lfd $na,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- lfd $nb,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- lfd $nc,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- lfd $nd,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
- fcfid $ba,$ba
- fcfid $bb,$bb
- fcfid $bc,$bc
- fcfid $bd,$bd
- fcfid $na,$na
- fcfid $nb,$nb
- fcfid $nc,$nc
- fcfid $nd,$nd
- fmul $T1a,$A1,$ba
- fmul $T1b,$A1,$bb
- fmul $T2a,$A2,$ba
- fmul $T2b,$A2,$bb
- fmul $T3a,$A3,$ba
- fmul $T3b,$A3,$bb
- fmul $T0a,$A0,$ba
- fmul $T0b,$A0,$bb
- fmadd $T1a,$A0,$bc,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$A0,$bd,$T1b
- fmadd $T2a,$A1,$bc,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$A1,$bd,$T2b
- fmadd $T3a,$A2,$bc,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$A2,$bd,$T3b
- fmul $dota,$A3,$bc
- fmul $dotb,$A3,$bd
- fmadd $T1a,$N1,$na,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$N1,$nb,$T1b
- lfd $A0,8($nap_d) ; load a[j] in double format
- lfd $A1,16($nap_d)
- fmadd $T2a,$N2,$na,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$N2,$nb,$T2b
- lfd $A2,24($nap_d) ; load a[j+1] in double format
- lfd $A3,32($nap_d)
- fmadd $T3a,$N3,$na,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$N3,$nb,$T3b
- fmadd $T0a,$N0,$na,$T0a
- fmadd $T0b,$N0,$nb,$T0b
- fmadd $T1a,$N0,$nc,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$N0,$nd,$T1b
- fmadd $T2a,$N1,$nc,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$N1,$nd,$T2b
- fmadd $T3a,$N2,$nc,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$N2,$nd,$T3b
- fmadd $dota,$N3,$nc,$dota
- fmadd $dotb,$N3,$nd,$dotb
- fctid $T0a,$T0a
- fctid $T0b,$T0b
- fctid $T1a,$T1a
- fctid $T1b,$T1b
- fctid $T2a,$T2a
- fctid $T2b,$T2b
- fctid $T3a,$T3a
- fctid $T3b,$T3b
- stfd $T0a,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- stfd $T0b,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- stfd $T1a,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- stfd $T1b,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- stfd $T2a,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- stfd $T2b,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- stfd $T3a,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- stfd $T3b,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
-.align 5
- fmul $T1a,$A1,$ba
- fmul $T1b,$A1,$bb
- fmul $T2a,$A2,$ba
- fmul $T2b,$A2,$bb
- lfd $N0,40($nap_d) ; load n[j] in double format
- lfd $N1,48($nap_d)
- fmul $T3a,$A3,$ba
- fmul $T3b,$A3,$bb
- fmadd $T0a,$A0,$ba,$dota
- fmadd $T0b,$A0,$bb,$dotb
- lfd $N2,56($nap_d) ; load n[j+1] in double format
- lfdu $N3,64($nap_d)
- fmadd $T1a,$A0,$bc,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$A0,$bd,$T1b
- fmadd $T2a,$A1,$bc,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$A1,$bd,$T2b
- lfd $A0,8($nap_d) ; load a[j] in double format
- lfd $A1,16($nap_d)
- fmadd $T3a,$A2,$bc,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$A2,$bd,$T3b
- fmul $dota,$A3,$bc
- fmul $dotb,$A3,$bd
- lfd $A2,24($nap_d) ; load a[j+1] in double format
- lfd $A3,32($nap_d)
- fmadd $T1a,$N1,$na,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$N1,$nb,$T1b
- ld $t0,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- ld $t1,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- fmadd $T2a,$N2,$na,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$N2,$nb,$T2b
- ld $t2,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- ld $t3,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- fmadd $T3a,$N3,$na,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$N3,$nb,$T3b
- add $t0,$t0,$carry ; can not overflow
- ld $t4,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- ld $t5,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- fmadd $T0a,$N0,$na,$T0a
- fmadd $T0b,$N0,$nb,$T0b
- srdi $carry,$t0,16
- add $t1,$t1,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t1,16
- ld $t6,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- ld $t7,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
- fmadd $T1a,$N0,$nc,$T1a
- fmadd $T1b,$N0,$nd,$T1b
- insrdi $t0,$t1,16,32
- ld $t1,8($tp) ; tp[j]
- fmadd $T2a,$N1,$nc,$T2a
- fmadd $T2b,$N1,$nd,$T2b
- add $t2,$t2,$carry
- fmadd $T3a,$N2,$nc,$T3a
- fmadd $T3b,$N2,$nd,$T3b
- srdi $carry,$t2,16
- insrdi $t0,$t2,16,16
- fmadd $dota,$N3,$nc,$dota
- fmadd $dotb,$N3,$nd,$dotb
- add $t3,$t3,$carry
- ldu $t2,16($tp) ; tp[j+1]
- srdi $carry,$t3,16
- insrdi $t0,$t3,16,0 ; 0..63 bits
- add $t4,$t4,$carry
- fctid $T0a,$T0a
- fctid $T0b,$T0b
- srdi $carry,$t4,16
- fctid $T1a,$T1a
- fctid $T1b,$T1b
- add $t5,$t5,$carry
- fctid $T2a,$T2a
- fctid $T2b,$T2b
- srdi $carry,$t5,16
- insrdi $t4,$t5,16,32
- fctid $T3a,$T3a
- fctid $T3b,$T3b
- add $t6,$t6,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t6,16
- insrdi $t4,$t6,16,16
- stfd $T0a,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- stfd $T0b,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- add $t7,$t7,$carry
- addc $t3,$t0,$t1
- stfd $T1a,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- stfd $T1b,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- insrdi $t4,$t7,16,0 ; 64..127 bits
- srdi $carry,$t7,16 ; upper 33 bits
- stfd $T2a,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- stfd $T2b,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- adde $t5,$t4,$t2
- stfd $T3a,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- stfd $T3b,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
- addze $carry,$carry
- std $t3,-16($tp) ; tp[j-1]
- std $t5,-8($tp) ; tp[j]
- bdnz- Linner
- fctid $dota,$dota
- fctid $dotb,$dotb
- ld $t0,`$FRAME+0`($sp)
- ld $t1,`$FRAME+8`($sp)
- ld $t2,`$FRAME+16`($sp)
- ld $t3,`$FRAME+24`($sp)
- ld $t4,`$FRAME+32`($sp)
- ld $t5,`$FRAME+40`($sp)
- ld $t6,`$FRAME+48`($sp)
- ld $t7,`$FRAME+56`($sp)
- stfd $dota,`$FRAME+64`($sp)
- stfd $dotb,`$FRAME+72`($sp)
- add $t0,$t0,$carry ; can not overflow
- srdi $carry,$t0,16
- add $t1,$t1,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t1,16
- insrdi $t0,$t1,16,32
- add $t2,$t2,$carry
- ld $t1,8($tp) ; tp[j]
- srdi $carry,$t2,16
- insrdi $t0,$t2,16,16
- add $t3,$t3,$carry
- ldu $t2,16($tp) ; tp[j+1]
- srdi $carry,$t3,16
- insrdi $t0,$t3,16,0 ; 0..63 bits
- add $t4,$t4,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t4,16
- add $t5,$t5,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t5,16
- insrdi $t4,$t5,16,32
- add $t6,$t6,$carry
- srdi $carry,$t6,16
- insrdi $t4,$t6,16,16
- add $t7,$t7,$carry
- insrdi $t4,$t7,16,0 ; 64..127 bits
- srdi $carry,$t7,16 ; upper 33 bits
- ld $t6,`$FRAME+64`($sp)
- ld $t7,`$FRAME+72`($sp)
- addc $t3,$t0,$t1
- adde $t5,$t4,$t2
- addze $carry,$carry
- std $t3,-16($tp) ; tp[j-1]
- std $t5,-8($tp) ; tp[j]
- add $carry,$carry,$ovf ; comsume upmost overflow
- add $t6,$t6,$carry ; can not overflow
- srdi $carry,$t6,16
- add $t7,$t7,$carry
- insrdi $t6,$t7,48,0
- srdi $ovf,$t7,48
- std $t6,0($tp) ; tp[num-1]
- slwi $t7,$num,2
- addi $i,$i,8
- subf $nap_d,$t7,$nap_d ; rewind pointer
- cmpw $i,$num
- blt- Louter
- subf $np,$num,$np ; rewind np
- addi $j,$j,1 ; restore counter
- subfc $i,$i,$i ; j=0 and "clear" XER[CA]
- addi $tp,$sp,`$FRAME+$TRANSFER+8`
- addi $t4,$sp,`$FRAME+$TRANSFER+16`
- addi $t5,$np,8
- addi $t6,$rp,8
- mtctr $j
-.align 4
-Lsub: ldx $t0,$tp,$i
- ldx $t1,$np,$i
- ldx $t2,$t4,$i
- ldx $t3,$t5,$i
- subfe $t0,$t1,$t0 ; tp[j]-np[j]
- subfe $t2,$t3,$t2 ; tp[j+1]-np[j+1]
- stdx $t0,$rp,$i
- stdx $t2,$t6,$i
- addi $i,$i,16
- bdnz- Lsub
- li $i,0
- subfe $ovf,$i,$ovf ; handle upmost overflow bit
- and $ap,$tp,$ovf
- andc $np,$rp,$ovf
- or $ap,$ap,$np ; ap=borrow?tp:rp
- addi $t7,$ap,8
- mtctr $j
-.align 4
-Lcopy: ; copy or in-place refresh
- ldx $t0,$ap,$i
- ldx $t1,$t7,$i
- std $i,8($nap_d) ; zap nap_d
- std $i,16($nap_d)
- std $i,24($nap_d)
- std $i,32($nap_d)
- std $i,40($nap_d)
- std $i,48($nap_d)
- std $i,56($nap_d)
- stdu $i,64($nap_d)
- stdx $t0,$rp,$i
- stdx $t1,$t6,$i
- stdx $i,$tp,$i ; zap tp at once
- stdx $i,$t4,$i
- addi $i,$i,16
- bdnz- Lcopy
- $POP r14,`2*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $POP r15,`3*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $POP r16,`4*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $POP r17,`5*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $POP r18,`6*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $POP r19,`7*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $POP r20,`8*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $POP r21,`9*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $POP r22,`10*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- $POP r23,`11*$SIZE_T`($sp)
- lfd f14,`12*$SIZE_T+0`($sp)
- lfd f15,`12*$SIZE_T+8`($sp)
- lfd f16,`12*$SIZE_T+16`($sp)
- lfd f17,`12*$SIZE_T+24`($sp)
- lfd f18,`12*$SIZE_T+32`($sp)
- lfd f19,`12*$SIZE_T+40`($sp)
- lfd f20,`12*$SIZE_T+48`($sp)
- lfd f21,`12*$SIZE_T+56`($sp)
- lfd f22,`12*$SIZE_T+64`($sp)
- lfd f23,`12*$SIZE_T+72`($sp)
- lfd f24,`12*$SIZE_T+80`($sp)
- lfd f25,`12*$SIZE_T+88`($sp)
- $POP $sp,0($sp)
- li r3,1 ; signal "handled"
- blr
- .long 0
-.asciz "Montgomery Multiplication for PPC64, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\>"
-$code =~ s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval $1/gem;
-print $code;
-close STDOUT;