path: root/app/build.gradle
diff options
authorcyBerta <>2022-02-06 15:15:29 +0100
committercyBerta <>2022-02-06 15:15:29 +0100
commitaf1d0d98dc5e3052ca128b884c14562fa276aa96 (patch)
tree9c71be7901f471300cd615795ca9b9229ad39d96 /app/build.gradle
parent1e297ce0d5c52d2a6658f3b248e5e4aa953f8b28 (diff)
remove unused and deprecated gradle tasks
Diffstat (limited to 'app/build.gradle')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/app/build.gradle b/app/build.gradle
index c8dbafe8..cfd37d04 100644
--- a/app/build.gradle
+++ b/app/build.gradle
@@ -489,157 +489,9 @@ subprojects {
-def processFileInplace(file, Closure processText) {
- def text = file.text
- file.write(processText(text))
-task copyIcsOpenVPNClasses(dependsOn: 'copyIcsOpenVPNFiles', type: Copy ) {
- println "copyIcsOpenVPNClasses"
-// from ('../ics-openvpn/main/') {
-// include '**/'
-// include '**/'
-// include '**/'
-// include '**/'
-// include '**/'
-// include '**/'
-// include '**/core/**.java'
-// include '**/activities/'
-// include '**/'
-// include '**/aidl/**/api/**.aidl'
-// include '**/aidl/**/core/**.aidl'
-// includeEmptyDirs = false
-// filter {
-// line -> line.replaceAll('de.blinkt.openvpn.R', 'se.leap.bitmaskclient.R')
-// }
-// filter {
-// line -> line.replaceAll('de.blinkt.openvpn.BuildConfig', 'se.leap.bitmaskclient.BuildConfig')
-// }
-// filter {
-// line -> line.replace('package de.blinkt.openvpn;', 'package de.blinkt.openvpn;\n\nimport se.leap.bitmaskclient.R;')
-// }
-// } into '.'
-task copyIcsOpenVPNXml(dependsOn: 'copyIcsOpenVPNFiles', type: Copy ) {
- println "copyIcsOpenVPNXml"
- from ('../ics-openvpn/main/') {
- include '**/strings.xml'
- include '**/refs.xml'
- include '**/white_rect.xml'
- include '**/plurals.xml'
- includeEmptyDirs = false
- rename 'strings.xml', 'strings-icsopenvpn.xml'
- rename 'plurals.xml', 'plurals-icsopenvpn.xml'
- filter {
- line -> line.replaceAll('.*name="app".*', '')
- }
- } into '.'
-task copyIcsOpenVPNImages(dependsOn: 'copyIcsOpenVPNFiles', type: Copy ) {
- println "copyIcsOpenVPNImages"
-// from ('../ics-openvpn/main/') {
-// include '**/ic_filter*.png'
-// include '**/ic_delete*.png'
-// include '**/ic_share*.png'
-// include '**/ic_close*.png'
-// include '**/ic_edit*.png'
-// include '**/ic_check*.png'
-// include '**/ic_pause*.png'
-// include '**/ic_play*.png'
-// include '**/ic_content_copy_white_*.png'
-// include '**/ic_add_circle_outline_white_*.png'
-// include '**/ic_warning_black_*.png'
-// include '**/ic_add_circle_outline_grey600_*.png'
-// include '**/ic_archive_grey600_*.png'
-// include '**/ic_receipt_white_*.png'
-// include '**/ic_sort_white_*.png'
-// include '**/ic_content_copy_white_*.png'
-// include '**/ic_archive_white_*.png'
-// include '**/ic_menu_archive*.png'
-// include '**/vpn_item_settings*.png'
-// include '**/ic_menu_log*.png'
-// include '**/ic_menu_copy_holo_light*.png'
-// includeEmptyDirs = false
-// } into '.'
-// thanks to
-def removeDuplicatedStrings() {
- println "removeDuplicatedStrings"
- new File('.').eachFileRecurse {
- if('strings.xml') ||'plurals.xml')) {
- replaceDuplicatesForSource(it,,'.')))
- }
- }
-def replaceDuplicatesForSource(File it, String type) {
- def ics_openvpn_file = file(it.absolutePath.replace(type+'.xml', type+'-icsopenvpn.xml'))
- if(ics_openvpn_file.exists()) {
- def ics_openvpn_strings_names = new XmlParser().parse(ics_openvpn_file)
- def current_file = it
- ics_openvpn_strings_names.string.each {
- processFileInplace(current_file) { text ->
- text.replaceAll('.*name=\"' + it.attribute('name') + '\".*(\n)*.*string>.*\n+', '')
- }
- }
- }
-task mergeUntranslatable(dependsOn: 'copyIcsOpenVPNFiles', type: Copy ) {
- println "mergeUntranslatable"
- from ('../ics-openvpn/main/') {
- include '**/untranslatable.xml'
- rename 'untranslatable.xml', 'untranslatable-icsopenvpn.xml'
- } into '.'
- def bitmask_untranslatable = file('src/main/res/values/untranslatable.xml')
- def ics_openvpn_untranslatable = new File(bitmask_untranslatable.path.replace('untranslatable.xml', 'untranslatable-icsopenvpn.xml'))
- ics_openvpn_untranslatable.createNewFile()
- def string_continuation = false;
- ics_openvpn_untranslatable.eachLine { text ->
- if(text.contains('string name=')) {
- if(!bitmask_untranslatable.text.contains(text))
- bitmask_untranslatable << text
- if(text.contains('</string>'))
- string_continuation = true
- }
- else if(string_continuation) {
- bitmask_untranslatable << text
- }
- if(text.contains('</string>')) {
- string_continuation = false
- bitmask_untranslatable << System.getProperty("line.separator")
- }
- }
- bitmask_untranslatable.write(bitmask_untranslatable.text.replaceAll("</resources>", ""))
- bitmask_untranslatable << "</resources>"
- delete ics_openvpn_untranslatable
-task copyIcsOpenVPNFiles(dependsOn: 'updateIcsOpenVpn') {
- println "copyIcsOpenVPNFiles"
- copyIcsOpenVPNClasses
- copyIcsOpenVPNXml
- copyIcsOpenVPNImages
- //mergeUntranslatable.execute()
- removeDuplicatedStrings()
task updateIcsOpenVpn( type: Exec ) {
commandLine 'git', 'submodule', 'sync'
commandLine 'git', 'submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive'
def getTag() {
@@ -647,7 +499,6 @@ def getTag() {
return ("git describe --tags --exact-match "+ commit).execute().text.trim()
task cleanNative( type: Delete ) {
def shouldClean = getCurrentFlavorForBetaOrRelease() == "production"
println "cleanNative: " + shouldClean