#!/bin/bash function die() { echo $* exit 1 } if [ -z "$BNS_CERT" ] then die "$0: Please set BNS_CERT to the bns signing certificate for windows" fi if [ -z "$BNS_CERT_PASS" ] then die "$0: Please set BNS_CERT_PASS to the password for the $BNS_CERT signing key" fi which osslsigncode > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Installing osslsigncode" brew install osslsigncode || die "Could not install osslsigncode" fi osslsigncode sign -pkcs12 "$BNS_CERT" -pass "$BNS_CERT_PASS" -in dll/systray386.dll_unsigned -out dll/systray386.dll || die "Could not sign windows 386 dll" osslsigncode sign -pkcs12 "$BNS_CERT" -pass "$BNS_CERT_PASS" -in dll/systrayamd64.dll_unsigned -out dll/systrayamd64.dll || die "Could not sign windows 386 dll"