@ECHO OFF IF "%GOPATH%"=="" GOTO NOGO IF NOT EXIST %GOPATH%\bin\2goarray.exe GOTO INSTALL :POSTINSTALL IF "%1"=="" GOTO NOICO IF NOT EXIST %1 GOTO BADFILE ECHO Creating iconwin.go ECHO //+build windows > iconwin.go ECHO. >> iconwin.go TYPE %1 | %GOPATH%\bin\2goarray Data icon >> iconwin.go GOTO DONE :CREATEFAIL ECHO Unable to create output file GOTO DONE :INSTALL ECHO Installing 2goarray... go get github.com/cratonica/2goarray IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO GETFAIL GOTO POSTINSTALL :GETFAIL ECHO Failure running go get github.com/cratonica/2goarray. Ensure that go and git are in PATH GOTO DONE :NOGO ECHO GOPATH environment variable not set GOTO DONE :NOICO ECHO Please specify a .ico file GOTO DONE :BADFILE ECHO %1 is not a valid file GOTO DONE :DONE