package context import ( "sync" "testing" "" ) func TestStack(t *testing.T) { cm := NewManager() _cm := cm.(*manager) // Put globals first cm.PutGlobal("a", -1) // This will get overriden in specific contexts cm.PutGlobal("ga", "i") cm.PutGlobalDynamic("gb", func() interface{} { return "ii" }) cm.PutGlobalDynamic("gm", func() interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{"gm3": "iii", "gm4": "iv"} }) // Use a Map as a Contextual var contextual = Map{ "a": 0, // This will override whatever is in specific contexts "contextual": "special", } c := cm.Enter() c.Put("a", 1) penultimate := cm.Enter(). Put("b", 2) c = cm.Enter(). PutDynamic("c", func() interface{} { return 4 }). PutIfAbsent("d", 5). PutIfAbsent("a", 11) // Put something in the penultimate context and make sure it doesn't override // what's set in the ultimate context penultimate.Put("c", 3) var assertMutex sync.Mutex doAssertContents := func(expected Map, actual Map, scope string) { assertMutex.Lock() assert.Equal(t, expected, actual, scope) assertMutex.Unlock() } assertContents := func(expected Map) { doAssertContents(expected, cm.AsMap(nil, false), "AsMapwith(nil, false)") expected["ga"] = "i" expected["gb"] = "ii" expected["gm3"] = "iii" expected["gm4"] = "iv" _, exists := expected["a"] if !exists { expected["a"] = -1 } doAssertContents(expected, cm.AsMap(nil, true), "AsMap(nil, true)") expected["a"] = 0 expected["contextual"] = "special" doAssertContents(expected, cm.AsMap(contextual, true), "AsMapWith(contextual, true)") delete(expected, "ga") delete(expected, "gb") delete(expected, "gm3") delete(expected, "gm4") doAssertContents(expected, cm.AsMap(contextual, false), "AsMapWith(contextual, false)") } assertContents(Map{ "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 4, "d": 5, }) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(1) cm.Go(func() { defer cm.Enter().Put("e", 6).Exit() assertContents(Map{ "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 4, "d": 5, "e": 6, }) wg.Done() }) wg.Wait() wg.Add(1) cm.Go(func() { // This goroutine doesn't Exit. Still, we shouldn't leak anything. wg.Done() }) wg.Wait() assertContents(Map{ "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 4, "d": 5, }) c.Exit() c = _cm.currentContext() assert.NotNil(t, c) assertContents(Map{ "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, }) c.Exit() c = _cm.currentContext() assert.NotNil(t, c) assertContents(Map{ "a": 1, }) // Last exit c.Exit() assert.Nil(t, _cm.currentContext()) assertContents(Map{}) // Exit again, just for good measure c.Exit() assert.Nil(t, _cm.currentContext()) assertContents(Map{}) // Spawn a goroutine with no existing contexts wg.Add(1) cm.Go(func() { defer cm.Enter().Put("f", 7).Exit() assertContents(Map{ "f": 7, }) wg.Done() }) wg.Wait() _cm.mxContexts.Lock() assert.Empty(t, _cm.contexts, "No contexts should be left") _cm.mxContexts.Unlock() } func BenchmarkPut(b *testing.B) { cm := NewManager() c := cm.Enter() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { c.Put("key", "value") } } func BenchmarkAsMap(b *testing.B) { cm := NewManager() cm.Enter().Put("a", 1).Put("b", 2) b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { cm.AsMap(nil, true) } }