# dialog Simple cross-platform dialog API for go-lang # examples ok := dialog.Message("%s", "Do you want to continue?").Title("Are you sure?").YesNo() Creates a dialog box titled "Are you sure?", containing the message "Do you want to continue?", a "Yes" button and a "No" button. Returns true iff the dialog could be displayed and the user pressed the "Yes" button. filename, err := dialog.File().Filter("Mp3 audio file", "mp3").Load() Creates a file selection dialog allowing the user to select a .mp3 file. The absolute path of the file is returned, unless an error is encountered or the user cancels/closes the dialog. In the latter case, `filename` will be the empty string and `err` will equal `dialog.Cancelled`. filename, err := dialog.File().Filter("XML files", "xml").Title("Export to XML").Save() Asks the user for a filename to write data into. If the user selects a file which already exists, an additional dialog is spawned to confirm they want to overwrite the existing file. directory, err := dialog.Directory().Title("Load images").Browse() Asks the user for a directory. # platform details * OSX: uses Cocoa's NSAlert/NSSavePanel/NSOpenPanel clasess * Win32: uses MessageBox/GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName (via package github.com/AllenDang/w32) * Linux: uses Gtk's MessageDialog/FileChooserDialog (via package github.com/mattn/gtk)