{ "language": "fa-IR", "messages": [ { "id": [ "errorMsg", "An error has ocurred initializing the VPN: {Err}" ], "message": "An error has ocurred initializing the VPN: {Err}", "translation": "خطایی در راهاندازی VPN روی داد: {Err}", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": [ "donationText", "The {ApplicationName} service is expensive to run. Because we don't want to store personal information about you, there are no accounts or billing for this service. But if you want the service to continue, donate at least $5 each month.\n\t\nDo you want to donate now?" ], "message": "The {ApplicationName} service is expensive to run. Because we don't want to store personal information about you, there are no accounts or billing for this service. But if you want the service to continue, donate at least $5 each month.\n\t\nDo you want to donate now?", "translation": "سرویس {ApplicationName} برای اجرا گران است. به این دلیل که ما نمیخواهیم اطلاعات شخصی شما را ذخیره کنیم، حساب کاربری یا صورت حساب برای این سرویس وجود ندارد. ولی اگر مایل هستید که این سرویس ادامه داشته باشد، حداقل ماهی ۵ دلار به ما کمک کنید\n\t\nماید هستید که الان کمک کنید؟", "placeholders": [ { "id": "ApplicationName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" } ] }, { "id": "Donate", "message": "Donate", "translation": "حمایت از ما" }, { "id": [ "aboutText", "{ApplicationName} is an easy, fast, and secure VPN service from {Provider}. {ApplicationName} does not require a user account, keep logs, or track you in any way.\n\t \nThis service is paid for entirely by donations from users like you. Please donate at {DonateURL}.\n\t\t\nBy using this application, you agree to the Terms of Service available at {TosURL}. This service is provided as-is, without any warranty, and is intended for people who work to make the world a better place.\n\n\n{ApplicationName_1} version: {Version}" ], "message": "{ApplicationName} is an easy, fast, and secure VPN service from {Provider}. {ApplicationName} does not require a user account, keep logs, or track you in any way.\n\t \nThis service is paid for entirely by donations from users like you. Please donate at {DonateURL}.\n\t\t\nBy using this application, you agree to the Terms of Service available at {TosURL}. This service is provided as-is, without any warranty, and is intended for people who work to make the world a better place.\n\n\n{ApplicationName_1} version: {Version}", "translation": "نرمافزار {ApplicationName} یک سرویس VPN اسان، سریع و امن از {Provider} است. نرمافزار {ApplicationName} نیاز به حساب کاربری ندارد، لاگ فعالیت کاربر یا فعالیتهای شما را ذخیره نمیکند\n\t\nهزینههای این سرویس به شکل کامل از کمکهای مالی کاربرانی مانند شما تأمین میشود. لطفاً از طریق آدرس {DonateURL} به ما کمک مالی کنید.\n\t\t\nبا استفاده از این نرمافزار، شما با شرایط خدمات که در آدرس {TosURL} در دسترس است موافقت میکنید. یان سرویس به شکلی که هست و بدون هیچگونه گارانتی ارائه میگردد، و برای افرادی است که برای اینکه دنیا جای بهتری باشد تلاش میکنند\n\n\n{ApplicationName_1} نسخه: {Version}", "placeholders": [ { "id": "ApplicationName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" }, { "id": "Provider", "string": "%[2]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 2, "expr": "config.Provider" }, { "id": "ApplicationName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" }, { "id": "DonateURL", "string": "%[3]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 3, "expr": "config.DonateURL" }, { "id": "TosURL", "string": "%[4]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 4, "expr": "config.TosURL" }, { "id": "ApplicationName_1", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" }, { "id": "Version", "string": "%[5]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 5, "expr": "version" } ] }, { "id": "About", "message": "About", "translation": "درباره" }, { "id": "Initialization error", "message": "Initialization error", "translation": "خطا در راه اندازی" }, { "id": [ "missingAuthAgent", "Could not find a polkit authentication agent. Please run one and try again." ], "message": "Could not find a polkit authentication agent. Please run one and try again.", "translation": "عامل تأیید هویت polkit در دسترس نیست. لطفاً یکی را اجرا کنید و مجدد امتحان کنید." }, { "id": "Missing authentication agent", "message": "Missing authentication agent", "translation": "عامل تأیید هویت پیدا نشد" }, { "id": [ "errorStartingVPN", "Can't connect to {ApplicationName}: {Err}" ], "message": "Can't connect to {ApplicationName}: {Err}", "translation": "امکان اتصال به {ApplicationName} وجود ندارد: {Err}", "placeholders": [ { "id": "ApplicationName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" }, { "id": "Err", "string": "%[2]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 2, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "Error starting VPN", "message": "Error starting VPN", "translation": "خطا در راه اندازی VPN" }, { "id": "Checking status...", "message": "Checking status...", "translation": "چک کردن وضعیت..." }, { "id": "Turn on", "message": "Turn on", "translation": "روشن کردن" }, { "id": "Turn off", "message": "Turn off", "translation": "خاموش کردن" }, { "id": "Help...", "message": "Help...", "translation": "راهنما" }, { "id": "Donate...", "message": "Donate...", "translation": "حمایت از ما" }, { "id": "About...", "message": "About...", "translation": "درباره" }, { "id": "Quit", "message": "Quit", "translation": "خروج" }, { "id": "Route traffic through:", "message": "Route traffic through:", "translation": "مسیریابی ترافیک از طریق:" }, { "id": "Use {ApplicationName} {City} gateway", "message": "Use {ApplicationName} {City} gateway", "translation": "از دروازه {ApplicationName} {City} استفاده کن", "placeholders": [ { "id": "ApplicationName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" }, { "id": "City", "string": "%[2]v", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 2, "expr": "city" } ] }, { "id": "{ApplicationName} on", "message": "{ApplicationName} on", "translation": "{ApplicationName} روشن", "placeholders": [ { "id": "ApplicationName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" } ] }, { "id": "{ApplicationName} off", "message": "{ApplicationName} off", "translation": "{ApplicationName} خاموش", "placeholders": [ { "id": "ApplicationName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" } ] }, { "id": "Cancel", "message": "Cancel", "translation": "انصراف" }, { "id": "Connecting to {ApplicationName}", "message": "Connecting to {ApplicationName}", "translation": "اتصال به {ApplicationName}", "placeholders": [ { "id": "ApplicationName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" } ] }, { "id": "Stopping {ApplicationName}", "message": "Stopping {ApplicationName}", "translation": "متوقف کردن {ApplicationName}", "placeholders": [ { "id": "ApplicationName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" } ] }, { "id": "Reconnect", "message": "Reconnect", "translation": "اتصال مجدد" }, { "id": "{ApplicationName} blocking internet", "message": "{ApplicationName} blocking internet", "translation": "{ApplicationName} مسدود کردن اینترنت", "placeholders": [ { "id": "ApplicationName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.ApplicationName" } ] } ] }