import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 // TODO use native dialogs in labs.platform import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 import Qt.labs.platform 1.0 ApplicationWindow { id: app visible: true width: 500 height: 600 maximumWidth: 600 minimumWidth: 300 maximumHeight: 500 minimumHeight: 300 property var ctx property var loginDone property var allowEmptyPass onSceneGraphError: function(error, msg) { console.debug("ERROR while initializing scene") console.debug(msg) } // TODO get a nice background color for this mainwindow. It should be customizable. // TODO refactorize all this mess into discrete components. TabBar { id: bar width: parent.width TabButton { text: qsTr("Info") } TabButton { text: qsTr("Location") } } StackLayout { anchors.fill: parent currentIndex: bar.currentIndex Item { id: infoTab anchors.centerIn: parent Column { anchors.centerIn: parent spacing: 5 Text { id: mainStatus text: "off" font.pixelSize: 26 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } Text { id: mainCurrentGateway text: "" font.pixelSize: 20 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } SwitchDelegate { id: vpntoggle text: qsTr("") checked: false anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Connections { function onCheckedChanged() { if (vpntoggle.checked == true && ctx.status == "off") { backend.switchOn() } if (vpntoggle.checked === false && ctx.status == "on") { backend.switchOff() } } } contentItem: Text { rightPadding: vpntoggle.indicator.width + vpntoggle.spacing text: vpntoggle.text font: vpntoggle.font opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.3 color: vpntoggle.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b" elide: Text.ElideRight verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } indicator: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 48 implicitHeight: 26 x: vpntoggle.width - width - vpntoggle.rightPadding y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2 radius: 13 color: vpntoggle.checked ? "#17a81a" : "transparent" border.color: vpntoggle.checked ? "#17a81a" : "#cccccc" Rectangle { x: vpntoggle.checked ? parent.width - width : 0 width: 26 height: 26 radius: 13 color: vpntoggle.down ? "#cccccc" : "#ffffff" border.color: vpntoggle.checked ? (vpntoggle.down ? "#17a81a" : "#21be2b") : "#999999" } } background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 100 implicitHeight: 40 visible: vpntoggle.down || vpntoggle.highlighted color: vpntoggle.down ? "#bdbebf" : "#eeeeee" } } // end switchdelegate Text { id: manualOverrideWarning font.pixelSize: 10 color: "grey" text: qsTr("Location has been manually set.") anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter visible: isManualLocation() } } } Item { id: gatewayTab anchors.centerIn: parent Column { anchors.centerIn: parent spacing: 10 RadioButton { id: autoSelectionButton checked: !isManualLocation() text: qsTr("Best") onClicked: backend.useAutomaticGateway() } RadioButton { id: manualSelectionButton checked: isManualLocation() text: qsTr("Manual") onClicked: setGwSelection() } ComboBox { id: gwSelector editable: false visible: manualSelectionButton.checked anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter model: [qsTr("Best")] onActivated: { console.debug("Selected gateway:", currentText) backend.useLocation(currentText.toString()) } delegate: ItemDelegate { // TODO: we could use icons // background: Rectangle { color: { "#ffffff" // FIXME locations is not defined when we launch /* const fullness = ctx.locations[modelData] if (fullness >= 0 && fullness < 0.4) { "#83fc5a" } else if (fullness >= 0.4 && fullness < 0.75) { "#fcb149" } else if (fullness >= 0.75) { "#fc5a5d" } else { "#ffffff" } */ } } contentItem: Text { text: modelData font: gwSelector.font color: "#000000" } } } } // end column } // end item } // end stacklayout Connections { target: jsonModel function onDataChanged() { ctx = JSON.parse(jsonModel.getJson()) // TODO pass QML_DEBUG variable to be hyper-verbose //console.debug(jsonModel.getJson()) gwSelector.model = Object.keys(ctx.locations) if (ctx.donateDialog == 'true') { console.debug(jsonModel.getJson()) donate.visible = true backend.donateSeen() } if (ctx.loginDialog == 'true') { console.debug(jsonModel.getJson()) console.debug("DEBUG: should display login") login.visible = true } if (ctx.loginOk == 'true') { loginOk.visible = true } if (ctx.errors) { login.visible = false if (ctx.errors == "nohelpers") { showInitFailure( qsTr("Could not find helpers. Please check your installation")) } else if (ctx.errors == "nopolkit") { showInitFailure(qsTr("Could not find polkit agent.")) } else { showInitFailure() } } if (ctx.donateURL) { donateItem.visible = true } } } function showInitFailure(msg) { console.debug("ERRORS:", ctx.errors) if (msg == undefined) { if (ctx.errors == 'bad_auth_502' || ctx.errors == 'bad_auth_timeout') { msg = qsTr("Oops! The authentication service seems down. Please try again later") initFailure.title = qsTr("Service Error") } else if (ctx.errors == 'bad_auth') { if (allowEmptyPass) { // For now, this is a libraryVPN, so we can be explicit about what credentials are here. // Another option to consider is to customize the error strings while vendoring. //: Incorrect library card number msg = qsTr("Please check your Patron ID") } else { msg = qsTr("Could not log in with those credentials, please retry") } initFailure.title = qsTr("Login Error") } else { //: %1 -> application name //: %2 -> error string msg = qsTr("Got an error starting %1: %2").arg(ctx.appName).arg( ctx.errors) } } initFailure.text = msg initFailure.visible = true } function shouldAllowEmptyPass() { let obj = JSON.parse(providers.getJson()) let active = obj['default'] let allProviders = obj['providers'] for (var i = 0; i < allProviders.length; i++) { if (allProviders[i]['name'] === active) { return (allProviders[i]['authEmptyPass'] === 'true') } } return false } function isManualLocation() { if (!ctx) { return false } return ctx.manualLocation == "true" } function setGwSelection() { if (!ctx.currentLocation) { return } const location = ctx.currentLocation.toLowerCase() const idx = gwSelector.model.indexOf(location) gwSelector.currentIndex = idx backend.useLocation(location) } Component.onCompleted: { loginDone = false console.debug("Platform:", Qt.platform.os) console.debug("DEBUG: Pre-seeded providers:") console.debug(providers.getJson()) allowEmptyPass = shouldAllowEmptyPass() /* TODO get appVisible flag from backend */ app.visible = true app.raise() } function toHuman(st) { switch (st) { case "off": //: %1 -> application name return qsTr("%1 off").arg(ctx.appName) case "on": //: %1 -> application name return qsTr("%1 on").arg(ctx.appName) case "connecting": //: %1 -> application name return qsTr("Connecting to %1").arg(ctx.appName) case "stopping": //: %1 -> application name return qsTr("Stopping %1").arg(ctx.appName) case "failed": //: %1 -> application name return qsTr("%1 blocking internet").arg( ctx.appName) // TODO failed is not handed yet } } function locationStr() { return ctx.currentLocation + ", " + ctx.currentCountry } property var icons: { "off": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/white/vpn_off.png", "on": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/white/vpn_on.png", "wait": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/white/vpn_wait_0.png", "blocked": "qrc:/assets/icon/png/white/vpn_blocked.png" } VpnState { id: vpn } SystemTrayIcon { id: systray visible: systrayVisible onActivated: { if (reason != SystemTrayIcon.Context) { if (app.visible) { app.hide() } else { } } } /* the systray menu cannot be buried in a child qml file because * otherwise the ids are not available * from other components */ menu: Menu { id: systrayMenu MenuItem { id: statusItem text: qsTr("Checking status…") enabled: false } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { id: autoSelectionItem text: qsTr("Best") checkable: true checked: !isManualLocation() onTriggered: { backend.useAutomaticGateway() } } /* a minimal segfault for submenu */ // Menu {} MenuItem { id: manualSelectionItem text: { if (isManualLocation()) { locationStr() } else { qsTr("Pick location…") } } checkable: true checked: isManualLocation() onTriggered: setGwSelection() } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { text: { if (vpn.state == "failed") qsTr("Reconnect") else qsTr("Turn on") } onTriggered: { backend.switchOn() } visible: ctx ? (ctx.status == "off" || ctx.status == "failed") : false } MenuItem { text: { if (ctx && ctx.status == "starting") qsTr("Cancel") else qsTr("Turn off") } onTriggered: { backend.switchOff() } visible: ctx ? (ctx.status == "on" || ctx.status == "starting" || ctx.status == "failed") : false } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { text: qsTr("About…") onTriggered: { about.visible = true app.focus = true requestActivate() } } MenuItem { id: donateItem text: qsTr("Donate…") visible: ctx ? ctx.donateURL : false onTriggered: { donate.visible = true } } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { text: qsTr("Help…") onTriggered: { console.debug(Qt.resolvedUrl(ctx.helpURL)) Qt.openUrlExternally(Qt.resolvedUrl(ctx.helpURL)) } } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Report a bug…") onTriggered: { Qt.openUrlExternally( Qt.resolvedUrl( "")) } } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { text: qsTr("Quit") onTriggered: backend.quit() } } Component.onCompleted: { systray.icon.source = icons["off"] tooltip = qsTr("Checking status…") console.debug("systray init completed") //hide() if (systrayVisible) { console.log("show systray") //show() if (Qt.platform.os === "windows") { let appname = ctx ? ctx.appName : "VPN" showNotification( appname + " is up and running. Please use system tray icon to control it.") } } } // Helper to show notification messages function showNotification(msg) { console.log("Going to show notification message: ", msg) if (supportsMessages) { let appname = ctx ? ctx.appName : "VPN" showMessage(appname, msg, null, 15000) } else { console.log("System doesn't support systray notifications") } } } DonateDialog { id: donate visible: false } AboutDialog { id: about visible: false } LoginDialog { id: login visible: false } LoginOKDialog { id: loginOk visible: false } MessageDialog { id: errorStartingVPN //buttons: MessageDialog.Ok modality: Qt.NonModal title: qsTr("Error starting VPN") text: "" detailedText: "" visible: false } MessageDialog { id: authAgent //buttons: MessageDialog.Ok modality: Qt.NonModal title: qsTr("Missing authentication agent") text: qsTr("Could not find a polkit authentication agent. Please run one and try again.") visible: false } FailDialog { id: initFailure visible: false } }