import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 import Qt.labs.platform 1.0 as Labs Labs.SystemTrayIcon { visible: systrayVisible property alias statusItem: statusItem menu: Labs.Menu { id: systrayMenu Labs.MenuItem { id: statusItem text: qsTr("Checking status…") enabled: false } Labs.MenuItem { id: vpnSystrayToggle text: getConnectionText() enabled: isConnectionTextEnabled() onTriggered: { if (ctx.status == "off") { backend.switchOn() } else if (ctx.status == "on") { backend.switchOff() } } } Labs.MenuSeparator {} Labs.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Donate") onTriggered: Qt.openUrlExternally(ctx.donateURL) } Labs.MenuSeparator {} Labs.MenuItem { id: showAppItem //: Part of the systray menu; show or hide the main app window text: isVisible() ? qsTr("Hide") : qsTr("Show") onTriggered: { if (isVisible()) { root.hide() } else { root.bringToFront() } } } Labs.MenuItem { //: Part of the systray menu; quits que application text: qsTr("Quit") onTriggered: backend.quit() } } function isVisible() { return root.visibility != 0 && root.visibility != 3 } function getConnectionText() { if (!ctx) { return "" } else if (ctx.status == "off") { // Not Turn on, because we will can later append "to <Location>" if (ctx.locations && ctx.bestLocation) { return qsTr("Connect to") + " " + getCanonicalLocation(ctx.bestLocation) } else { return qsTr("Connect") } } else if (ctx.status == "on") { return qsTr("Disconnect") } return "" } function isConnectionTextEnabled() { if (!ctx) { return false } return ctx.status == "off" || ctx.status == "on" } // returns the composite of Location, CC function getCanonicalLocation(label) { try { let loc = ctx.locationLabels[label] return loc[0] + ", " + loc[1] } catch(e) { return "unknown" } } }