import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import "../themes/themes.js" as Theme
Page {
id: splash
property int timeoutInterval: qmlDebug ? 600 : 1600
property alias errors: splashErrorBox
ToolButton {
id: closeButton
visible: false
anchors {
right: parent.right
//rightMargin: -10
icon.source: "../resources/close.svg"
HoverHandler {
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: {
loader.source = "MainView.qml"
Column {
width: parent.width * 0.8
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.topMargin: 24
MotdBox {
id: motd
visible: false
anchors {
topMargin: 100
bottomMargin: 30
VerticalSpacer {
id: motdSpacer
visible: false
height: 100
VerticalSpacer {
id: upperSpacer
visible: true
height: root.height * 0.25
Image {
id: connectionImage
height: 180
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
source: customTheme.iconSplash
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
VerticalSpacer {
id: middleSpacer
visible: true
height: root.height * 0.05
ProgressBar {
id: splashProgress
width: appWidth * 0.8 - 60
indeterminate: true
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
InitErrors {
id: splashErrorBox
} // end Column
Image {
id: motdImage
visible: false
height: 100
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 50
source: "../resources/icon-noshield.svg"
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
Timer {
id: splashTimer
function hasMotd() {
return needsUpgrade() || (ctx && !isEmptyMotd(ctx.motd))
function getUpgradeText() {
return qsTr("There is a newer version available. ") + qsTr("Make sure to uninstall the previous one before running the new installer.")
function getUpgradeLink() {
return "" + qsTr("UPGRADE NOW") + "";
function getLinkURL() {
return "" + Qt.platform.os + "/"
function needsUpgrade() {
if (ctx && isTrue(ctx.canUpgrade)) {
if (qmlDebug) {
return true
let platform = Qt.platform.os
//DEBUG -------------------------------------------------------------------
//if (platform == "windows" || platform == "osx" || platform == "linux" ) {
//DEBUG -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (platform == "windows" || platform == "osx") {
return true
return false
function showMotd() {
// XXX this is not picking locales configured by LANG or LC_ALL
// Need to fix this; probably also with allowing to select translation
// manually on runtime.
let isUpgrade = false
let lang = Qt.locale().name.substring(0,2)
let messages = JSON.parse(ctx.motd)
let platform = Qt.platform.os
let textEn = ""
let textLocale = ""
let link = ""
if (needsUpgrade()) {
isUpgrade = true;
textLocale = getUpgradeText();
link = getUpgradeLink();
} else {
// TODO fallback in case upgrade has no text
console.debug("configured locale: " + lang)
console.debug("platform: " + Qt.platform.os)
for (let i=0; i < messages.length; i++) {
let m = messages[i]
if (m.platform == "all" || m.platform == platform) {
for (let k=0; k < m.text.length; k++) {
if (m.text[k].lang == lang) {
textLocale = m.text[k].str
} else if (m.text[k].lang == "en") {
testEn = m.text[k].str
if (isUpgrade) {
upperSpacer.height = 100
} else {
// TODO get proportional to textLocale/textEn
upperSpacer.height = 50
//connectionImage.height = 100
connectionImage.visible = false
motdImage.visible = true
middleSpacer.visible = false
splashProgress.visible = false
motd.visible = true
motdSpacer.visible = true
motd.motdText = textLocale ? textLocale : textEn
motd.motdLink = link
motd.url = getLinkURL()
// FIXME if no text, just skip to main view
closeButton.visible = true
function delay(delayTime, cb) {
splashTimer.interval = delayTime
splashTimer.repeat = true
function loadMainViewWhenReady() {
if (!isEmpty(root.error)) {
if (ctx && isTrue(ctx.isReady) || qmlDebug) {
if (hasMotd()) {
console.debug("show motd");
} else {
loader.source = "MainView.qml"
} else {
if (!splashTimer.running) {
delay(500, loadMainViewWhenReady)
Timer {
interval: timeoutInterval
running: true
repeat: false
onTriggered: {
Component.onCompleted: {
function isTrue(val) {
return val == "true";
function isEmpty(val) {
return val.length == 0;
function isEmptyMotd(motd) {
let m = JSON.parse(motd)
let first = m[0]
if (first == undefined) {
return true
return isEmpty(first.txt)