import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import "../themes/themes.js" as Theme ToolBar { Material.background: customTheme.bgColor Material.foreground: "black" // TODO customize too Material.elevation: 0 visible: isFooterVisible() Item { id: footerRow width: root.width ToolButton { id: gwButton visible: true anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter leftMargin: 10 left: parent.left verticalCenterOffset: 5 } icon { width: 20 height: 20 source: stackView.depth > 1 ? "" : "../resources/globe.svg" } HoverHandler { cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor } onClicked: stackView.push("Locations.qml") } Image { id: lightning smooth: true visible: ctx != undefined & root.selectedGateway == "auto" width: 16 source: "../resources/lightning.svg" fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit anchors { left: gwButton.right leftMargin: -10 verticalCenterOffset: -6 } ColorOverlay{ anchors.fill: lightning source: lightning color: getLocationColor() antialiasing: true } } Label { id: locationLabel text: locationStr() color: getLocationColor() anchors { left: lightning.right verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter verticalCenterOffset: 7 leftMargin: (ctx != undefined & root.selectedGateway == "auto") ? 0 : -12 } MouseArea { cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor anchors.fill: parent onClicked: stackView.push("Locations.qml") } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true height: gwButton.implicitHeight } Image { id: bridge smooth: true visible: isBridgeSelected() width: 40 source: "../resources/bridge.svg" fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter verticalCenterOffset: 5 right: gwQuality.left rightMargin: 10 } } // TODO refactor with SignalIcon // This signal image renders particularly bad at this size. // Image { id: gwQuality source: "../resources/reception-0@24.svg" width: 24 sourceSize.width: 24 smooth: false mipmap: true antialiasing: false anchors { right: parent.right verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter verticalCenterOffset: 0 topMargin: 5 rightMargin: 20 } ColorOverlay{ anchors.fill: gwQuality source: gwQuality color: getSignalColor() antialiasing: false } } } function getSignalColor() { if (ctx && ctx.status == "on") { return "green" } else { return "black" } } StateGroup { state: ctx ? ctx.status : "off" states: [ State { name: "on" PropertyChanges { target: gwQuality source: "../resources/reception-4@24.svg" } }, State { name: "off" PropertyChanges { target: gwQuality source: "../resources/reception-0@24.svg" } } ] } function locationStr() { if (ctx && ctx.status == "on") { if (ctx.currentLocation && ctx.currentCountry) { let s = ctx.currentLocation + ", " + ctx.currentCountry /* if (root.selectedGateway == "auto") { s = "🗲 " + s } */ return s } } if (root.selectedGateway == "auto") { if (ctx && ctx.locations && ctx.bestLocation) { //return "🗲 " + getCanonicalLocation(ctx.bestLocation) return getCanonicalLocation(ctx.bestLocation) } else { return qsTr("Recommended") } } if (ctx && ctx.locations && ctx.locationLabels) { return getCanonicalLocation(root.selectedGateway) } } // returns the composite of Location, CC function getCanonicalLocation(label) { try { let loc = ctx.locationLabels[label] return loc[0] + ", " + loc[1] } catch(e) { return "unknown" } } function getLocationColor() { if (ctx && ctx.status == "on") { return "black" } else { // TODO darker gray return "gray" } } function hasMultipleGateways() { let provider = getSelectedProvider(providers) if (provider == "riseup") { return true } else { if (!ctx) { return false } return ctx.locations.length > 0 } } function getSelectedProvider(providers) { let obj = JSON.parse(providers.getJson()) return obj['default'] } function isBridgeSelected() { if (ctx && ctx.transport == "obfs4") { return true } else { return false } } function isFooterVisible() { if (stackView.depth > 1) { return false } return true } }