#!/bin/bash set -e set -x XBUILD=${XBUILD-no} WIN64="win64" GO=`which go` PROJECT=bitmask.pro TARGET_GOLIB=lib/libgoshim.a SOURCE_GOLIB=gui/backend.go QTBUILD=build/qt RELEASE=$QTBUILD/release PLATFORM=$(uname -s) if [ "$TARGET" == "" ] then TARGET=riseup-vpn fi if [ "$XBUILD" == "$WIN64" ] then # TODO allow to override vars QMAKE="`pwd`/../../mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/qt5/bin/qmake" PATH="`pwd`/../../mxe/usr/bin"/:$PATH CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32.static-gcc else if [ "$QMAKE" == "" ] then QMAKE=`which qmake` fi fi PLATFORM=`uname -s` function init { mkdir -p lib } # TODO this should be moved to the makefile function buildGoLib { echo "[+] Using go in" $GO "[`go version`]" $GO generate ./pkg/config/version/genver/gen.go if [ "$PLATFORM" == "Darwin" ] then OSX_TARGET=10.12 GOOS=darwin CC=clang CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2 -mmacosx-version-min=$OSX_TARGET" CGO_LDFLAGS="-g -O2 -mmacosx-version-min=$OSX_TARGET" fi if [ "$XBUILD" == "no" ] then echo "[+] Building Go library with standard Go compiler" CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=$GOOS CC=$CC CGO_CFLAGS=$CGO_CFLAGS CGO_LDFLAGS=$CGO_LDFLAGS go build -buildmode=c-archive -o $TARGET_GOLIB $SOURCE_GOLIB fi if [ "$XBUILD" == "$WIN64" ] then echo "[+] Building Go library with mxe" echo "[+] Using cc:" $CC CC=$CC CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -buildmode=c-archive -o $TARGET_GOLIB $SOURCE_GOLIB fi } function buildQmake { echo "[+] Now building Qml app with Qt qmake" echo "[+] Using qmake in:" $QMAKE mkdir -p $QTBUILD $QMAKE -o $QTBUILD/Makefile "CONFIG-=debug CONFIG+=release" $PROJECT } function renameOutput { # i would expect that passing QMAKE_TARGET would produce the right output, but nope. if [ "$PLATFORM" == "Linux" ] then mv $RELEASE/bitmask $RELEASE/$TARGET strip $RELEASE/$TARGET echo "[+] Binary is in" $RELEASE/$TARGET fi if [ "$PLATFORM" == "Darwin" ] then rm -rf $RELEASE/$TARGET.app mv $RELEASE/bitmask.app/ $RELEASE/$TARGET.app/ echo "[+] App is in" $RELEASE/$TARGET fi } echo "[+] Building BitmaskVPN" lrelease bitmask.pro # FIXME move buildGoLib to the main makefile, to avoid redundant builds if possible buildGoLib buildQmake make -C $QTBUILD clean make -C $QTBUILD -j4 all renameOutput echo "[+] Done."