Censorship Circumvention ================================================================================ This document contains some advice for using BitmaskVPN for censorship circumvention. Bootstrapping the connection ----------------------------- There are two different steps where circumvention can be used: boostrapping the connection (getting a certificate and the configuration files) and using an obfuscated transport protocol. For the initial bootstrap, there are a couple of techniques that will be attempted. If this fails, please open an issue with the relevant log information. Obfuscated bridges ----------------------------- At the moment RiseupVPN offers obfs4 transport "bridges" (you can try them with the `--obfs4` command line argument, a way to enable them from the gui will be following soon). If you know you need bridges but the current ones do not work for you, please get in contact. We're interested in learning what are the specific censorship measures being deployed in your concrete location, and we could work together to enable new bridges. Getting certificates off-band ----------------------------- As a last resort, you can place a valid certificate in the config folder (name it after the provider domain). You might have downloaded this cert with Tor, using a socks proxy etc... ~/.config/leap/riseup.net.pem When the certificate expires you will need to download a new one.