// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. package main import ( "golang.org/x/text/language" "golang.org/x/text/message" "golang.org/x/text/message/catalog" ) type dictionary struct { index []uint32 data string } func (d *dictionary) Lookup(key string) (data string, ok bool) { p := messageKeyToIndex[key] start, end := d.index[p], d.index[p+1] if start == end { return "", false } return d.data[start:end], true } func init() { dict := map[string]catalog.Dictionary{ "en_US": &dictionary{index: en_USIndex, data: en_USData}, "es_ES": &dictionary{index: es_ESIndex, data: es_ESData}, "pt_BR": &dictionary{index: pt_BRIndex, data: pt_BRData}, } fallback := language.MustParse("en-US") cat, err := catalog.NewFromMap(dict, catalog.Fallback(fallback)) if err != nil { panic(err) } message.DefaultCatalog = cat } var messageKeyToIndex = map[string]int{ "%s blocking internet": 21, "%s off": 17, "%s on": 16, "Can't contact bitmask": 3, "Cancel": 9, "Cancel connection to %s": 10, "Checking status...": 6, "Connecting to %s": 18, "Could not find a polkit authentication agent. Please run one and try again.": 4, "Donate": 1, "Donate ...": 12, "Help ...": 11, "Is bitmaskd running? Start bitmask and try again.": 2, "Missing authentication agent": 5, "Quit": 13, "Retry": 20, "Route traffic through": 14, "Stopping %s": 19, "The %s service is expensive to run. Because we don't want to store personal information about you, there is no accounts or billing for this service. But if you want the service to continue, donate at least $5 each month.\n\t\nDo you want to donate now?": 0, "Turn off": 8, "Turn on": 7, "Use %s %v gateway": 15, } var en_USIndex = []uint32{ // 23 elements 0x00000000, 0x000000fd, 0x00000104, 0x00000136, 0x0000014c, 0x00000198, 0x000001b5, 0x000001c8, 0x000001d0, 0x000001d9, 0x000001e0, 0x000001fb, 0x00000204, 0x0000020f, 0x00000214, 0x0000022a, 0x00000242, 0x0000024b, 0x00000255, 0x00000269, 0x00000278, 0x0000027e, 0x00000296, } // Size: 116 bytes const en_USData string = "" + // Size: 662 bytes "\x02The %[1]s service is expensive to run. Because we don't want to stor" + "e personal information about you, there is no accounts or billing for th" + "is service. But if you want the service to continue, donate at least $5 " + "each month.\x0a\x09\x0aDo you want to donate now?\x02Donate\x02Is bitmas" + "kd running? Start bitmask and try again.\x02Can't contact bitmask\x02Cou" + "ld not find a polkit authentication agent. Please run one and try again." + "\x02Missing authentication agent\x02Checking status...\x02Turn on\x02Tur" + "n off\x02Cancel\x02Cancel connection to %[1]s\x02Help ...\x02Donate ..." + "\x02Quit\x02Route traffic through\x02Use %[1]s %[2]v gateway\x02%[1]s on" + "\x02%[1]s off\x02Connecting to %[1]s\x02Stopping %[1]s\x02Retry\x02%[1]s" + " blocking internet" var es_ESIndex = []uint32{ // 23 elements 0x00000000, 0x000000ec, 0x000000f1, 0x00000130, 0x00000151, 0x000001b8, 0x000001da, 0x000001f3, 0x000001fc, 0x00000203, 0x0000020c, 0x00000229, 0x00000233, 0x0000023c, 0x00000243, 0x00000256, 0x00000277, 0x00000287, 0x00000295, 0x000002a9, 0x000002c1, 0x000002cc, 0x000002e6, } // Size: 116 bytes const es_ESData string = "" + // Size: 742 bytes "\x02El servicio %[1]s es caro de mantener. Como no queremos guardar ning" + "una información personal tuya, no hay cuentas ni servicio de facturación" + ". Si quieres que este servicio continúe, dona al menos $5 cada mes.\x0a" + "\x09\x0a¿Quieres donar ahora?\x02Dona\x02¿Está corriendo bitmaskd? Arran" + "ca bitmask y prueba de nuevo.\x02No se pudo contactar con bitmask\x02No " + "se pudo encontrar ningún agente de autenticacion de polkit. Por favor la" + "nza uno y prueba de nuevo.\x02Falta un agente de autenticación\x02Compro" + "bando el estado...\x02Encender\x02Apagar\x02Cancelar\x02Cancela la conex" + "ión a %[1]s\x02Ayuda ...\x02Dona ...\x02Cerrar\x02Salir a través de\x02U" + "sa la salida de %[1]s por %[2]v\x02%[1]s encendida\x02%[1]s apagada\x02C" + "onnectando a %[1]s\x02Desconnectando de %[1]s\x02Reintentar\x02%[1]s blo" + "queando internet" var pt_BRIndex = []uint32{ // 23 elements 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000013, 0x0000006d, 0x00000099, 0x0000010a, 0x00000135, 0x00000154, 0x0000015a, 0x00000163, 0x0000016c, 0x00000189, 0x00000193, 0x000001aa, 0x000001b1, 0x000001cf, 0x000001ed, 0x00000200, 0x00000216, 0x00000233, 0x0000024e, 0x0000025f, 0x00000281, } // Size: 116 bytes const pt_BRData string = "" + // Size: 641 bytes "\x02Fazer uma doação\x02Você tem certeza que bitmaskd está sendo executa" + "do? Inicie o bitmask e tente novamente.\x02Não foi possível se comunicar" + " com bitmask\x02Não foi possível encontrar um agente de autenticação pol" + "kit. Por favor, execute um agente e tente novamente.\x02Um agente de aut" + "enticação está faltando\x02Verificando o estado da VPN...\x02Ligar\x02De" + "sligar\x02Cancelar\x02Cancelar a conexão à %[1]s\x02Ajuda ...\x02Fazer u" + "ma doação ...\x02Fechar\x02Rotear o tráfego através de\x02Usar o gateway" + " %[2]v da %[1]s\x02%[1]s está ligada\x02%[1]s está desligada\x02A %[1]s " + "está sendo iniciada\x02A %[1]s está sendo parada\x02Tentar novamente\x02" + "%[1]s está bloqueando a Internet" // Total table size 2393 bytes (2KiB); checksum: 3C9654DB