#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This script is expected to be called from the main makefile, that should pass the content of the WIN_CERT_PASS variable as the second argument. """ import subprocess import os import sys WIN_CERT_PATH = sys.argv[1] WIN_CERT_PASS = sys.argv[2] SIGNTOOL = "signtool" VERSION = subprocess.run( 'git describe --tags', stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip() installer = "RiseupVPN-" + str(VERSION, 'utf-8') + '.exe' target = str(os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), 'dist', installer)) cmd = [SIGNTOOL, "sign", "/f", WIN_CERT_PATH, "/p", WIN_CERT_PASS, target] subprocess.run(cmd)