// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT.
// This file was generated by vendorize.py
// At $timeStamp

package config

/* All these constants are defined in the vendor.conf file
const (
	Provider        = "$providerURL"
	ApplicationName = "$applicationName"
	BinaryName      = "$binaryName"
	DonateURL       = "$donateURL"
	AskForDonations = "$askForDonations"
	HelpURL         = "$helpURL"
	TosURL          = "$tosURL"
	APIURL          = "$apiURL"
	GeolocationAPI  = "$geolocationAPI"


CaCert : a string containing a representation of the provider CA, used to
        sign the webapp and openvpn certificates. should be placed in

var CaCert = []byte(`$caCertString`)