#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re import sys import configparser import urllib.request SCRIPT_NAME = 'check-ca-crt.py' USAGE = '''Check that the stored provider CA matches the one announced online. Usage: {name} Example: {name} riseup branding/config/vendor.conf'''.format(name=SCRIPT_NAME) def getLocalCert(provider): sanitized = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', provider).strip().lower() with open('branding/config/' '{provider}-ca.crt'.format(provider=sanitized)) as crt: return crt.read().strip() def getRemoteCert(uri): fp = urllib.request.urlopen(uri) remote_cert = fp.read().decode('utf-8').strip() fp.close() return remote_cert def getUriForProvider(provider, configfile): c = configparser.ConfigParser() c.read(configfile) return c[provider]['caURL'] if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: print('[!] Not enough arguments') print(USAGE) sys.exit(1) provider = sys.argv[1] config = sys.argv[2] try: uri = getUriForProvider(provider, config) except IndexError: print('[!] Misconfigured provider') sys.exit(1) local = getLocalCert(provider) remote = getRemoteCert(uri) try: assert local == remote except AssertionError: print('[!] ERROR: remote and local CA certs do not match') sys.exit(1) else: print('OK: local CA matches what provider announces')