#TARGET = $$BINARY_NAME QT += quickcontrols2 svg CONFIG += c++11 CONFIG += qt staticlib CONFIG += qtquickcompiler CONFIG+=force_debug_info CONFIG+=debug_and_release #CONFIG+=release windows:CONFIG -= console unix:DEBUG:CONFIG += debug lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5): error("requires Qt 5") QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.11 QMAKE_TARGET_BUNDLE_PREFIX = se.leap QMAKE_BUNDLE = $$TARGET # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use # any feature of Qt which as been marked deprecated (the exact warnings # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it. DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS !defined(VENDOR_PATH, var):VENDOR_PATH="providers/riseup" message("[qmake] VENDOR_PATH: $$VENDOR_PATH") RESOURCES += gui/gui.qrc RESOURCES += $$VENDOR_PATH/vendor.qrc ICON = $$VENDOR_PATH/icon.png macx { ICON = $$VENDOR_PATH/assets/icon.icns LIBS += -framework Security -framework CoreFoundation } win32 { RC_ICONS = $$VENDOR_PATH/assets/icon.ico } QT += qml widgets quick SOURCES += \ gui/main.cpp \ gui/qjsonmodel.cpp \ gui/handlers.cpp HEADERS += \ gui/handlers.h \ gui/qjsonmodel.h \ lib/libgoshim.h # we build from build/qt LIBS += -L../../lib -lgoshim -lpthread DESTDIR = release OBJECTS_DIR = release/.obj MOC_DIR = release/.moc RCC_DIR = release/.rcc UI_DIR = release/.ui Release:DESTDIR = release Release:OBJECTS_DIR = release/.obj Release:MOC_DIR = release/.moc Release:RCC_DIR = release/.rcc Release:UI_DIR = release/.ui Debug:DESTDIR = debug Debug:OBJECTS_DIR = debug/.obj Debug:MOC_DIR = debug/.moc Debug:RCC_DIR = debug/.rcc Debug:UI_DIR = debug/.ui DISTFILES += \ README.md CONFIG += lrelease embed_translations TRANSLATIONS += $$files(gui/i18n/*.ts, true) RESOURCES += $$files(gui/i18n/*.qm, true) # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5960192/qml-qt-openurlexternally#5960581 # Needed for bringing browser from background to foreground using # QDesktopServices: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-8336 TARGET.CAPABILITY += SwEvent