path: root/vendor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc25889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+// +build !js
+package webrtc
+import (
+ "crypto/ecdsa"
+ "crypto/elliptic"
+ "crypto/rand"
+ "crypto/tls"
+ "crypto/x509"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// DTLSTransport allows an application access to information about the DTLS
+// transport over which RTP and RTCP packets are sent and received by
+// RTPSender and RTPReceiver, as well other data such as SCTP packets sent
+// and received by data channels.
+type DTLSTransport struct {
+ lock sync.RWMutex
+ iceTransport *ICETransport
+ certificates []Certificate
+ remoteParameters DTLSParameters
+ remoteCertificate []byte
+ state DTLSTransportState
+ srtpProtectionProfile srtp.ProtectionProfile
+ onStateChangeHandler func(DTLSTransportState)
+ conn *dtls.Conn
+ srtpSession, srtcpSession atomic.Value
+ srtpEndpoint, srtcpEndpoint *mux.Endpoint
+ simulcastStreams []*srtp.ReadStreamSRTP
+ srtpReady chan struct{}
+ dtlsMatcher mux.MatchFunc
+ api *API
+ log logging.LeveledLogger
+// NewDTLSTransport creates a new DTLSTransport.
+// This constructor is part of the ORTC API. It is not
+// meant to be used together with the basic WebRTC API.
+func (api *API) NewDTLSTransport(transport *ICETransport, certificates []Certificate) (*DTLSTransport, error) {
+ t := &DTLSTransport{
+ iceTransport: transport,
+ api: api,
+ state: DTLSTransportStateNew,
+ dtlsMatcher: mux.MatchDTLS,
+ srtpReady: make(chan struct{}),
+ log: api.settingEngine.LoggerFactory.NewLogger("DTLSTransport"),
+ }
+ if len(certificates) > 0 {
+ now := time.Now()
+ for _, x509Cert := range certificates {
+ if !x509Cert.Expires().IsZero() && now.After(x509Cert.Expires()) {
+ return nil, &rtcerr.InvalidAccessError{Err: ErrCertificateExpired}
+ }
+ t.certificates = append(t.certificates, x509Cert)
+ }
+ } else {
+ sk, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, &rtcerr.UnknownError{Err: err}
+ }
+ certificate, err := GenerateCertificate(sk)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ t.certificates = []Certificate{*certificate}
+ }
+ return t, nil
+// ICETransport returns the currently-configured *ICETransport or nil
+// if one has not been configured
+func (t *DTLSTransport) ICETransport() *ICETransport {
+ t.lock.RLock()
+ defer t.lock.RUnlock()
+ return t.iceTransport
+// onStateChange requires the caller holds the lock
+func (t *DTLSTransport) onStateChange(state DTLSTransportState) {
+ t.state = state
+ handler := t.onStateChangeHandler
+ if handler != nil {
+ handler(state)
+ }
+// OnStateChange sets a handler that is fired when the DTLS
+// connection state changes.
+func (t *DTLSTransport) OnStateChange(f func(DTLSTransportState)) {
+ t.lock.Lock()
+ defer t.lock.Unlock()
+ t.onStateChangeHandler = f
+// State returns the current dtls transport state.
+func (t *DTLSTransport) State() DTLSTransportState {
+ t.lock.RLock()
+ defer t.lock.RUnlock()
+ return t.state
+// GetLocalParameters returns the DTLS parameters of the local DTLSTransport upon construction.
+func (t *DTLSTransport) GetLocalParameters() (DTLSParameters, error) {
+ fingerprints := []DTLSFingerprint{}
+ for _, c := range t.certificates {
+ prints, err := c.GetFingerprints()
+ if err != nil {
+ return DTLSParameters{}, err
+ }
+ fingerprints = append(fingerprints, prints...)
+ }
+ return DTLSParameters{
+ Role: DTLSRoleAuto, // always returns the default role
+ Fingerprints: fingerprints,
+ }, nil
+// GetRemoteCertificate returns the certificate chain in use by the remote side
+// returns an empty list prior to selection of the remote certificate
+func (t *DTLSTransport) GetRemoteCertificate() []byte {
+ t.lock.RLock()
+ defer t.lock.RUnlock()
+ return t.remoteCertificate
+func (t *DTLSTransport) startSRTP() error {
+ srtpConfig := &srtp.Config{
+ Profile: t.srtpProtectionProfile,
+ BufferFactory: t.api.settingEngine.BufferFactory,
+ LoggerFactory: t.api.settingEngine.LoggerFactory,
+ }
+ if t.api.settingEngine.replayProtection.SRTP != nil {
+ srtpConfig.RemoteOptions = append(
+ srtpConfig.RemoteOptions,
+ srtp.SRTPReplayProtection(*t.api.settingEngine.replayProtection.SRTP),
+ )
+ }
+ if t.api.settingEngine.disableSRTPReplayProtection {
+ srtpConfig.RemoteOptions = append(
+ srtpConfig.RemoteOptions,
+ srtp.SRTPNoReplayProtection(),
+ )
+ }
+ if t.api.settingEngine.replayProtection.SRTCP != nil {
+ srtpConfig.RemoteOptions = append(
+ srtpConfig.RemoteOptions,
+ srtp.SRTCPReplayProtection(*t.api.settingEngine.replayProtection.SRTCP),
+ )
+ }
+ if t.api.settingEngine.disableSRTCPReplayProtection {
+ srtpConfig.RemoteOptions = append(
+ srtpConfig.RemoteOptions,
+ srtp.SRTCPNoReplayProtection(),
+ )
+ }
+ connState := t.conn.ConnectionState()
+ err := srtpConfig.ExtractSessionKeysFromDTLS(&connState, t.role() == DTLSRoleClient)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", errDtlsKeyExtractionFailed, err)
+ }
+ srtpSession, err := srtp.NewSessionSRTP(t.srtpEndpoint, srtpConfig)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", errFailedToStartSRTP, err)
+ }
+ srtcpSession, err := srtp.NewSessionSRTCP(t.srtcpEndpoint, srtpConfig)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", errFailedToStartSRTCP, err)
+ }
+ t.srtpSession.Store(srtpSession)
+ t.srtcpSession.Store(srtcpSession)
+ close(t.srtpReady)
+ return nil
+func (t *DTLSTransport) getSRTPSession() (*srtp.SessionSRTP, error) {
+ if value := t.srtpSession.Load(); value != nil {
+ return value.(*srtp.SessionSRTP), nil
+ }
+ return nil, errDtlsTransportNotStarted
+func (t *DTLSTransport) getSRTCPSession() (*srtp.SessionSRTCP, error) {
+ if value := t.srtcpSession.Load(); value != nil {
+ return value.(*srtp.SessionSRTCP), nil
+ }
+ return nil, errDtlsTransportNotStarted
+func (t *DTLSTransport) role() DTLSRole {
+ // If remote has an explicit role use the inverse
+ switch t.remoteParameters.Role {
+ case DTLSRoleClient:
+ return DTLSRoleServer
+ case DTLSRoleServer:
+ return DTLSRoleClient
+ default:
+ }
+ // If SettingEngine has an explicit role
+ switch t.api.settingEngine.answeringDTLSRole {
+ case DTLSRoleServer:
+ return DTLSRoleServer
+ case DTLSRoleClient:
+ return DTLSRoleClient
+ default:
+ }
+ // Remote was auto and no explicit role was configured via SettingEngine
+ if t.iceTransport.Role() == ICERoleControlling {
+ return DTLSRoleServer
+ }
+ return defaultDtlsRoleAnswer
+// Start DTLS transport negotiation with the parameters of the remote DTLS transport
+func (t *DTLSTransport) Start(remoteParameters DTLSParameters) error {
+ // Take lock and prepare connection, we must not hold the lock
+ // when connecting
+ prepareTransport := func() (DTLSRole, *dtls.Config, error) {
+ t.lock.Lock()
+ defer t.lock.Unlock()
+ if err := t.ensureICEConn(); err != nil {
+ return DTLSRole(0), nil, err
+ }
+ if t.state != DTLSTransportStateNew {
+ return DTLSRole(0), nil, &rtcerr.InvalidStateError{Err: fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", errInvalidDTLSStart, t.state)}
+ }
+ t.srtpEndpoint = t.iceTransport.NewEndpoint(mux.MatchSRTP)
+ t.srtcpEndpoint = t.iceTransport.NewEndpoint(mux.MatchSRTCP)
+ t.remoteParameters = remoteParameters
+ cert := t.certificates[0]
+ t.onStateChange(DTLSTransportStateConnecting)
+ return t.role(), &dtls.Config{
+ Certificates: []tls.Certificate{
+ {
+ Certificate: [][]byte{cert.x509Cert.Raw},
+ PrivateKey: cert.privateKey,
+ },
+ },
+ SRTPProtectionProfiles: []dtls.SRTPProtectionProfile{dtls.SRTP_AEAD_AES_128_GCM, dtls.SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80},
+ ClientAuth: dtls.RequireAnyClientCert,
+ LoggerFactory: t.api.settingEngine.LoggerFactory,
+ InsecureSkipVerify: true,
+ }, nil
+ }
+ var dtlsConn *dtls.Conn
+ dtlsEndpoint := t.iceTransport.NewEndpoint(mux.MatchDTLS)
+ role, dtlsConfig, err := prepareTransport()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if t.api.settingEngine.replayProtection.DTLS != nil {
+ dtlsConfig.ReplayProtectionWindow = int(*t.api.settingEngine.replayProtection.DTLS)
+ }
+ // Connect as DTLS Client/Server, function is blocking and we
+ // must not hold the DTLSTransport lock
+ if role == DTLSRoleClient {
+ dtlsConn, err = dtls.Client(dtlsEndpoint, dtlsConfig)
+ } else {
+ dtlsConn, err = dtls.Server(dtlsEndpoint, dtlsConfig)
+ }
+ // Re-take the lock, nothing beyond here is blocking
+ t.lock.Lock()
+ defer t.lock.Unlock()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.onStateChange(DTLSTransportStateFailed)
+ return err
+ }
+ srtpProfile, ok := dtlsConn.SelectedSRTPProtectionProfile()
+ if !ok {
+ t.onStateChange(DTLSTransportStateFailed)
+ return ErrNoSRTPProtectionProfile
+ }
+ switch srtpProfile {
+ case dtls.SRTP_AEAD_AES_128_GCM:
+ t.srtpProtectionProfile = srtp.ProtectionProfileAeadAes128Gcm
+ case dtls.SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80:
+ t.srtpProtectionProfile = srtp.ProtectionProfileAes128CmHmacSha1_80
+ default:
+ t.onStateChange(DTLSTransportStateFailed)
+ return ErrNoSRTPProtectionProfile
+ }
+ if t.api.settingEngine.disableCertificateFingerprintVerification {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Check the fingerprint if a certificate was exchanged
+ remoteCerts := dtlsConn.ConnectionState().PeerCertificates
+ if len(remoteCerts) == 0 {
+ t.onStateChange(DTLSTransportStateFailed)
+ return errNoRemoteCertificate
+ }
+ t.remoteCertificate = remoteCerts[0]
+ parsedRemoteCert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(t.remoteCertificate)
+ if err != nil {
+ if closeErr := dtlsConn.Close(); closeErr != nil {
+ t.log.Error(err.Error())
+ }
+ t.onStateChange(DTLSTransportStateFailed)
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = t.validateFingerPrint(parsedRemoteCert); err != nil {
+ if closeErr := dtlsConn.Close(); closeErr != nil {
+ t.log.Error(err.Error())
+ }
+ t.onStateChange(DTLSTransportStateFailed)
+ return err
+ }
+ t.conn = dtlsConn
+ t.onStateChange(DTLSTransportStateConnected)
+ return t.startSRTP()
+// Stop stops and closes the DTLSTransport object.
+func (t *DTLSTransport) Stop() error {
+ t.lock.Lock()
+ defer t.lock.Unlock()
+ // Try closing everything and collect the errors
+ var closeErrs []error
+ if srtpSessionValue := t.srtpSession.Load(); srtpSessionValue != nil {
+ closeErrs = append(closeErrs, srtpSessionValue.(*srtp.SessionSRTP).Close())
+ }
+ if srtcpSessionValue := t.srtcpSession.Load(); srtcpSessionValue != nil {
+ closeErrs = append(closeErrs, srtcpSessionValue.(*srtp.SessionSRTCP).Close())
+ }
+ for i := range t.simulcastStreams {
+ closeErrs = append(closeErrs, t.simulcastStreams[i].Close())
+ }
+ if t.conn != nil {
+ // dtls connection may be closed on sctp close.
+ if err := t.conn.Close(); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, dtls.ErrConnClosed) {
+ closeErrs = append(closeErrs, err)
+ }
+ }
+ t.onStateChange(DTLSTransportStateClosed)
+ return util.FlattenErrs(closeErrs)
+func (t *DTLSTransport) validateFingerPrint(remoteCert *x509.Certificate) error {
+ for _, fp := range t.remoteParameters.Fingerprints {
+ hashAlgo, err := fingerprint.HashFromString(fp.Algorithm)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ remoteValue, err := fingerprint.Fingerprint(remoteCert, hashAlgo)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if strings.EqualFold(remoteValue, fp.Value) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ return errNoMatchingCertificateFingerprint
+func (t *DTLSTransport) ensureICEConn() error {
+ if t.iceTransport == nil || t.iceTransport.State() == ICETransportStateNew {
+ return errICEConnectionNotStarted
+ }
+ return nil
+func (t *DTLSTransport) storeSimulcastStream(s *srtp.ReadStreamSRTP) {
+ t.lock.Lock()
+ defer t.lock.Unlock()
+ t.simulcastStreams = append(t.simulcastStreams, s)