path: root/vendor/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f680e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+// Package udp provides a connection-oriented listener over a UDP PacketConn
+package udp
+import (
+ "context"
+ "errors"
+ "net"
+ "sync"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+const receiveMTU = 8192
+const defaultListenBacklog = 128 // same as Linux default
+var errClosedListener = errors.New("udp: listener closed")
+var errListenQueueExceeded = errors.New("udp: listen queue exceeded")
+// listener augments a connection-oriented Listener over a UDP PacketConn
+type listener struct {
+ pConn *net.UDPConn
+ accepting atomic.Value // bool
+ acceptCh chan *Conn
+ doneCh chan struct{}
+ doneOnce sync.Once
+ acceptFilter func([]byte) bool
+ connLock sync.Mutex
+ conns map[string]*Conn
+ connWG sync.WaitGroup
+ readWG sync.WaitGroup
+ errClose atomic.Value // error
+// Accept waits for and returns the next connection to the listener.
+func (l *listener) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
+ select {
+ case c := <-l.acceptCh:
+ l.connWG.Add(1)
+ return c, nil
+ case <-l.doneCh:
+ return nil, errClosedListener
+ }
+// Close closes the listener.
+// Any blocked Accept operations will be unblocked and return errors.
+func (l *listener) Close() error {
+ var err error
+ l.doneOnce.Do(func() {
+ l.accepting.Store(false)
+ close(l.doneCh)
+ l.connLock.Lock()
+ // Close unaccepted connections
+ for {
+ select {
+ case c := <-l.acceptCh:
+ close(c.doneCh)
+ delete(l.conns, c.rAddr.String())
+ default:
+ break L_CLOSE
+ }
+ }
+ nConns := len(l.conns)
+ l.connLock.Unlock()
+ l.connWG.Done()
+ if nConns == 0 {
+ // Wait if this is the final connection
+ l.readWG.Wait()
+ if errClose, ok := l.errClose.Load().(error); ok {
+ err = errClose
+ }
+ } else {
+ err = nil
+ }
+ })
+ return err
+// Addr returns the listener's network address.
+func (l *listener) Addr() net.Addr {
+ return l.pConn.LocalAddr()
+// ListenConfig stores options for listening to an address.
+type ListenConfig struct {
+ // Backlog defines the maximum length of the queue of pending
+ // connections. It is equivalent of the backlog argument of
+ // POSIX listen function.
+ // If a connection request arrives when the queue is full,
+ // the request will be silently discarded, unlike TCP.
+ // Set zero to use default value 128 which is same as Linux default.
+ Backlog int
+ // AcceptFilter determines whether the new conn should be made for
+ // the incoming packet. If not set, any packet creates new conn.
+ AcceptFilter func([]byte) bool
+// Listen creates a new listener based on the ListenConfig.
+func (lc *ListenConfig) Listen(network string, laddr *net.UDPAddr) (net.Listener, error) {
+ if lc.Backlog == 0 {
+ lc.Backlog = defaultListenBacklog
+ }
+ conn, err := net.ListenUDP(network, laddr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ l := &listener{
+ pConn: conn,
+ acceptCh: make(chan *Conn, lc.Backlog),
+ conns: make(map[string]*Conn),
+ doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
+ acceptFilter: lc.AcceptFilter,
+ }
+ l.accepting.Store(true)
+ l.connWG.Add(1)
+ l.readWG.Add(2) // wait readLoop and Close execution routine
+ go l.readLoop()
+ go func() {
+ l.connWG.Wait()
+ if err := l.pConn.Close(); err != nil {
+ l.errClose.Store(err)
+ }
+ l.readWG.Done()
+ }()
+ return l, nil
+// Listen creates a new listener using default ListenConfig.
+func Listen(network string, laddr *net.UDPAddr) (net.Listener, error) {
+ return (&ListenConfig{}).Listen(network, laddr)
+var readBufferPool = &sync.Pool{
+ New: func() interface{} {
+ buf := make([]byte, receiveMTU)
+ return &buf
+ },
+// readLoop has to tasks:
+// 1. Dispatching incoming packets to the correct Conn.
+// It can therefore not be ended until all Conns are closed.
+// 2. Creating a new Conn when receiving from a new remote.
+func (l *listener) readLoop() {
+ defer l.readWG.Done()
+ for {
+ buf := *(readBufferPool.Get().(*[]byte))
+ n, raddr, err := l.pConn.ReadFrom(buf)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ conn, ok, err := l.getConn(raddr, buf[:n])
+ if err != nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ if ok {
+ _, _ = conn.buffer.Write(buf[:n])
+ }
+ }
+func (l *listener) getConn(raddr net.Addr, buf []byte) (*Conn, bool, error) {
+ l.connLock.Lock()
+ defer l.connLock.Unlock()
+ conn, ok := l.conns[raddr.String()]
+ if !ok {
+ if !l.accepting.Load().(bool) {
+ return nil, false, errClosedListener
+ }
+ if l.acceptFilter != nil {
+ if !l.acceptFilter(buf) {
+ return nil, false, nil
+ }
+ }
+ conn = l.newConn(raddr)
+ select {
+ case l.acceptCh <- conn:
+ l.conns[raddr.String()] = conn
+ default:
+ return nil, false, errListenQueueExceeded
+ }
+ }
+ return conn, true, nil
+// Conn augments a connection-oriented connection over a UDP PacketConn
+type Conn struct {
+ listener *listener
+ rAddr net.Addr
+ buffer *packetio.Buffer
+ doneCh chan struct{}
+ doneOnce sync.Once
+ writeDeadline *deadline.Deadline
+func (l *listener) newConn(rAddr net.Addr) *Conn {
+ return &Conn{
+ listener: l,
+ rAddr: rAddr,
+ buffer: packetio.NewBuffer(),
+ doneCh: make(chan struct{}),
+ writeDeadline: deadline.New(),
+ }
+// Read
+func (c *Conn) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
+ return c.buffer.Read(p)
+// Write writes len(p) bytes from p to the DTLS connection
+func (c *Conn) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ select {
+ case <-c.writeDeadline.Done():
+ return 0, context.DeadlineExceeded
+ default:
+ }
+ return c.listener.pConn.WriteTo(p, c.rAddr)
+// Close closes the conn and releases any Read calls
+func (c *Conn) Close() error {
+ var err error
+ c.doneOnce.Do(func() {
+ c.listener.connWG.Done()
+ close(c.doneCh)
+ c.listener.connLock.Lock()
+ delete(c.listener.conns, c.rAddr.String())
+ nConns := len(c.listener.conns)
+ c.listener.connLock.Unlock()
+ if nConns == 0 && !c.listener.accepting.Load().(bool) {
+ // Wait if this is the final connection
+ c.listener.readWG.Wait()
+ if errClose, ok := c.listener.errClose.Load().(error); ok {
+ err = errClose
+ }
+ } else {
+ err = nil
+ }
+ })
+ return err
+// LocalAddr implements net.Conn.LocalAddr
+func (c *Conn) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
+ return c.listener.pConn.LocalAddr()
+// RemoteAddr implements net.Conn.RemoteAddr
+func (c *Conn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
+ return c.rAddr
+// SetDeadline implements net.Conn.SetDeadline
+func (c *Conn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
+ c.writeDeadline.Set(t)
+ return c.SetReadDeadline(t)
+// SetReadDeadline implements net.Conn.SetDeadline
+func (c *Conn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
+ return c.buffer.SetReadDeadline(t)
+// SetWriteDeadline implements net.Conn.SetDeadline
+func (c *Conn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
+ c.writeDeadline.Set(t)
+ // Write deadline of underlying connection should not be changed
+ // since the connection can be shared.
+ return nil