path: root/vendor/
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbac09c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+package server
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "net"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// //
+func handleAllocateRequest(r Request, m *stun.Message) error {
+ r.Log.Debugf("received AllocateRequest from %s", r.SrcAddr.String())
+ // 1. The server MUST require that the request be authenticated. This
+ // authentication MUST be done using the long-term credential
+ // mechanism of []
+ // unless the client and server agree to use another mechanism through
+ // some procedure outside the scope of this document.
+ messageIntegrity, hasAuth, err := authenticateRequest(r, m, stun.MethodAllocate)
+ if !hasAuth {
+ return err
+ }
+ fiveTuple := &allocation.FiveTuple{
+ SrcAddr: r.SrcAddr,
+ DstAddr: r.Conn.LocalAddr(),
+ Protocol: allocation.UDP,
+ }
+ requestedPort := 0
+ reservationToken := ""
+ badRequestMsg := buildMsg(m.TransactionID, stun.NewType(stun.MethodAllocate, stun.ClassErrorResponse), &stun.ErrorCodeAttribute{Code: stun.CodeBadRequest})
+ insufficentCapacityMsg := buildMsg(m.TransactionID, stun.NewType(stun.MethodAllocate, stun.ClassErrorResponse), &stun.ErrorCodeAttribute{Code: stun.CodeInsufficientCapacity})
+ // 2. The server checks if the 5-tuple is currently in use by an
+ // existing allocation. If yes, the server rejects the request with
+ // a 437 (Allocation Mismatch) error.
+ if alloc := r.AllocationManager.GetAllocation(fiveTuple); alloc != nil {
+ msg := buildMsg(m.TransactionID, stun.NewType(stun.MethodAllocate, stun.ClassErrorResponse), &stun.ErrorCodeAttribute{Code: stun.CodeAllocMismatch})
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, errRelayAlreadyAllocatedForFiveTuple, msg...)
+ }
+ // 3. The server checks if the request contains a REQUESTED-TRANSPORT
+ // attribute. If the REQUESTED-TRANSPORT attribute is not included
+ // or is malformed, the server rejects the request with a 400 (Bad
+ // Request) error. Otherwise, if the attribute is included but
+ // specifies a protocol other that UDP, the server rejects the
+ // request with a 442 (Unsupported Transport Protocol) error.
+ var requestedTransport proto.RequestedTransport
+ if err = requestedTransport.GetFrom(m); err != nil {
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, err, badRequestMsg...)
+ } else if requestedTransport.Protocol != proto.ProtoUDP {
+ msg := buildMsg(m.TransactionID, stun.NewType(stun.MethodAllocate, stun.ClassErrorResponse), &stun.ErrorCodeAttribute{Code: stun.CodeUnsupportedTransProto})
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, errRequestedTransportMustBeUDP, msg...)
+ }
+ // 4. The request may contain a DONT-FRAGMENT attribute. If it does,
+ // but the server does not support sending UDP datagrams with the DF
+ // bit set to 1 (see Section 12), then the server treats the DONT-
+ // FRAGMENT attribute in the Allocate request as an unknown
+ // comprehension-required attribute.
+ if m.Contains(stun.AttrDontFragment) {
+ msg := buildMsg(m.TransactionID, stun.NewType(stun.MethodAllocate, stun.ClassErrorResponse), &stun.ErrorCodeAttribute{Code: stun.CodeUnknownAttribute}, &stun.UnknownAttributes{stun.AttrDontFragment})
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, errNoDontFragmentSupport, msg...)
+ }
+ // 5. The server checks if the request contains a RESERVATION-TOKEN
+ // attribute. If yes, and the request also contains an EVEN-PORT
+ // attribute, then the server rejects the request with a 400 (Bad
+ // Request) error. Otherwise, it checks to see if the token is
+ // valid (i.e., the token is in range and has not expired and the
+ // corresponding relayed transport address is still available). If
+ // the token is not valid for some reason, the server rejects the
+ // request with a 508 (Insufficient Capacity) error.
+ var reservationTokenAttr proto.ReservationToken
+ if err = reservationTokenAttr.GetFrom(m); err == nil {
+ var evenPort proto.EvenPort
+ if err = evenPort.GetFrom(m); err == nil {
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, errRequestWithReservationTokenAndEvenPort, badRequestMsg...)
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. The server checks if the request contains an EVEN-PORT attribute.
+ // If yes, then the server checks that it can satisfy the request
+ // (i.e., can allocate a relayed transport address as described
+ // below). If the server cannot satisfy the request, then the
+ // server rejects the request with a 508 (Insufficient Capacity)
+ // error.
+ var evenPort proto.EvenPort
+ if err = evenPort.GetFrom(m); err == nil {
+ randomPort := 0
+ randomPort, err = r.AllocationManager.GetRandomEvenPort()
+ if err != nil {
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, err, insufficentCapacityMsg...)
+ }
+ requestedPort = randomPort
+ reservationToken = randSeq(8)
+ }
+ // 7. At any point, the server MAY choose to reject the request with a
+ // 486 (Allocation Quota Reached) error if it feels the client is
+ // trying to exceed some locally defined allocation quota. The
+ // server is free to define this allocation quota any way it wishes,
+ // but SHOULD define it based on the username used to authenticate
+ // the request, and not on the client's transport address.
+ // 8. Also at any point, the server MAY choose to reject the request
+ // with a 300 (Try Alternate) error if it wishes to redirect the
+ // client to a different server. The use of this error code and
+ // attribute follow the specification in [RFC5389].
+ lifetimeDuration := allocationLifeTime(m)
+ a, err := r.AllocationManager.CreateAllocation(
+ fiveTuple,
+ r.Conn,
+ requestedPort,
+ lifetimeDuration)
+ if err != nil {
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, err, insufficentCapacityMsg...)
+ }
+ // Once the allocation is created, the server replies with a success
+ // response. The success response contains:
+ // * An XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS attribute containing the relayed transport
+ // address.
+ // * A LIFETIME attribute containing the current value of the time-to-
+ // expiry timer.
+ // * A RESERVATION-TOKEN attribute (if a second relayed transport
+ // address was reserved).
+ // * An XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS attribute containing the client's IP address
+ // and port (from the 5-tuple).
+ srcIP, srcPort, err := ipnet.AddrIPPort(r.SrcAddr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, err, badRequestMsg...)
+ }
+ relayIP, relayPort, err := ipnet.AddrIPPort(a.RelayAddr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, err, badRequestMsg...)
+ }
+ responseAttrs := []stun.Setter{
+ &proto.RelayedAddress{
+ IP: relayIP,
+ Port: relayPort,
+ },
+ &proto.Lifetime{
+ Duration: lifetimeDuration,
+ },
+ &stun.XORMappedAddress{
+ IP: srcIP,
+ Port: srcPort,
+ },
+ }
+ if reservationToken != "" {
+ r.AllocationManager.CreateReservation(reservationToken, relayPort)
+ responseAttrs = append(responseAttrs, proto.ReservationToken([]byte(reservationToken)))
+ }
+ msg := buildMsg(m.TransactionID, stun.NewType(stun.MethodAllocate, stun.ClassSuccessResponse), append(responseAttrs, messageIntegrity)...)
+ return buildAndSend(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, msg...)
+func handleRefreshRequest(r Request, m *stun.Message) error {
+ r.Log.Debugf("received RefreshRequest from %s", r.SrcAddr.String())
+ messageIntegrity, hasAuth, err := authenticateRequest(r, m, stun.MethodRefresh)
+ if !hasAuth {
+ return err
+ }
+ lifetimeDuration := allocationLifeTime(m)
+ fiveTuple := &allocation.FiveTuple{
+ SrcAddr: r.SrcAddr,
+ DstAddr: r.Conn.LocalAddr(),
+ Protocol: allocation.UDP,
+ }
+ if lifetimeDuration != 0 {
+ a := r.AllocationManager.GetAllocation(fiveTuple)
+ if a == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w %v:%v", errNoAllocationFound, r.SrcAddr, r.Conn.LocalAddr())
+ }
+ a.Refresh(lifetimeDuration)
+ } else {
+ r.AllocationManager.DeleteAllocation(fiveTuple)
+ }
+ return buildAndSend(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, buildMsg(m.TransactionID, stun.NewType(stun.MethodRefresh, stun.ClassSuccessResponse), []stun.Setter{
+ &proto.Lifetime{
+ Duration: lifetimeDuration,
+ },
+ messageIntegrity,
+ }...)...)
+func handleCreatePermissionRequest(r Request, m *stun.Message) error {
+ r.Log.Debugf("received CreatePermission from %s", r.SrcAddr.String())
+ a := r.AllocationManager.GetAllocation(&allocation.FiveTuple{
+ SrcAddr: r.SrcAddr,
+ DstAddr: r.Conn.LocalAddr(),
+ Protocol: allocation.UDP,
+ })
+ if a == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w %v:%v", errNoAllocationFound, r.SrcAddr, r.Conn.LocalAddr())
+ }
+ messageIntegrity, hasAuth, err := authenticateRequest(r, m, stun.MethodCreatePermission)
+ if !hasAuth {
+ return err
+ }
+ addCount := 0
+ if err := m.ForEach(stun.AttrXORPeerAddress, func(m *stun.Message) error {
+ var peerAddress proto.PeerAddress
+ if err := peerAddress.GetFrom(m); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ r.Log.Debugf("adding permission for %s", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d",
+ peerAddress.IP.String(), peerAddress.Port))
+ a.AddPermission(allocation.NewPermission(
+ &net.UDPAddr{
+ IP: peerAddress.IP,
+ Port: peerAddress.Port,
+ },
+ r.Log,
+ ))
+ addCount++
+ return nil
+ }); err != nil {
+ addCount = 0
+ }
+ respClass := stun.ClassSuccessResponse
+ if addCount == 0 {
+ respClass = stun.ClassErrorResponse
+ }
+ return buildAndSend(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, buildMsg(m.TransactionID, stun.NewType(stun.MethodCreatePermission, respClass), []stun.Setter{messageIntegrity}...)...)
+func handleSendIndication(r Request, m *stun.Message) error {
+ r.Log.Debugf("received SendIndication from %s", r.SrcAddr.String())
+ a := r.AllocationManager.GetAllocation(&allocation.FiveTuple{
+ SrcAddr: r.SrcAddr,
+ DstAddr: r.Conn.LocalAddr(),
+ Protocol: allocation.UDP,
+ })
+ if a == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w %v:%v", errNoAllocationFound, r.SrcAddr, r.Conn.LocalAddr())
+ }
+ dataAttr := proto.Data{}
+ if err := dataAttr.GetFrom(m); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ peerAddress := proto.PeerAddress{}
+ if err := peerAddress.GetFrom(m); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ msgDst := &net.UDPAddr{IP: peerAddress.IP, Port: peerAddress.Port}
+ if perm := a.GetPermission(msgDst); perm == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", errNoPermission, msgDst)
+ }
+ l, err := a.RelaySocket.WriteTo(dataAttr, msgDst)
+ if l != len(dataAttr) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w %d != %d (expected) err: %v", errShortWrite, l, len(dataAttr), err)
+ }
+ return err
+func handleChannelBindRequest(r Request, m *stun.Message) error {
+ r.Log.Debugf("received ChannelBindRequest from %s", r.SrcAddr.String())
+ a := r.AllocationManager.GetAllocation(&allocation.FiveTuple{
+ SrcAddr: r.SrcAddr,
+ DstAddr: r.Conn.LocalAddr(),
+ Protocol: allocation.UDP,
+ })
+ if a == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w %v:%v", errNoAllocationFound, r.SrcAddr, r.Conn.LocalAddr())
+ }
+ badRequestMsg := buildMsg(m.TransactionID, stun.NewType(stun.MethodChannelBind, stun.ClassErrorResponse), &stun.ErrorCodeAttribute{Code: stun.CodeBadRequest})
+ messageIntegrity, hasAuth, err := authenticateRequest(r, m, stun.MethodChannelBind)
+ if !hasAuth {
+ return err
+ }
+ var channel proto.ChannelNumber
+ if err = channel.GetFrom(m); err != nil {
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, err, badRequestMsg...)
+ }
+ peerAddr := proto.PeerAddress{}
+ if err = peerAddr.GetFrom(m); err != nil {
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, err, badRequestMsg...)
+ }
+ r.Log.Debugf("binding channel %d to %s",
+ channel,
+ fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", peerAddr.IP.String(), peerAddr.Port))
+ err = a.AddChannelBind(allocation.NewChannelBind(
+ channel,
+ &net.UDPAddr{IP: peerAddr.IP, Port: peerAddr.Port},
+ r.Log,
+ ), r.ChannelBindTimeout)
+ if err != nil {
+ return buildAndSendErr(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, err, badRequestMsg...)
+ }
+ return buildAndSend(r.Conn, r.SrcAddr, buildMsg(m.TransactionID, stun.NewType(stun.MethodChannelBind, stun.ClassSuccessResponse), []stun.Setter{messageIntegrity}...)...)
+func handleChannelData(r Request, c *proto.ChannelData) error {
+ r.Log.Debugf("received ChannelData from %s", r.SrcAddr.String())
+ a := r.AllocationManager.GetAllocation(&allocation.FiveTuple{
+ SrcAddr: r.SrcAddr,
+ DstAddr: r.Conn.LocalAddr(),
+ Protocol: allocation.UDP,
+ })
+ if a == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w %v:%v", errNoAllocationFound, r.SrcAddr, r.Conn.LocalAddr())
+ }
+ channel := a.GetChannelByNumber(c.Number)
+ if channel == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w %x", errNoSuchChannelBind, uint16(c.Number))
+ }
+ l, err := a.RelaySocket.WriteTo(c.Data, channel.Peer)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", errFailedWriteSocket, err.Error())
+ } else if l != len(c.Data) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%w %d != %d (expected)", errShortWrite, l, len(c.Data))
+ }
+ return nil