path: root/helpers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'helpers')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 1084 deletions
diff --git a/helpers/bitmask-root b/helpers/bitmask-root
deleted file mode 100644
index d33091c..0000000
--- a/helpers/bitmask-root
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1038 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2014-2019 LEAP
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-This is a privileged helper script for safely running certain commands as root.
-It should only be called by the Bitmask application.
-Expected paths:
- When installed by distro path:
- /usr/sbin/bitmask-root
- When installed by bundle or from git:
- /usr/local/sbin/bitmask-root
- When installed by snap:
- /snap/bin/riseup-vpn.bitmask-root
- bitmask-root firewall stop
- bitmask-root firewall start [restart] GATEWAY1 GATEWAY2 ...
- bitmask-root openvpn stop
- bitmask-root openvpn start CONFIG1 CONFIG1 ...
-All actions return exit code 0 for success, non-zero otherwise.
-The `openvpn start` action is special: it calls exec on openvpn and replaces
-the current process. If the `restart` parameter is passed, the firewall will
-not be teared down in the case of an error during launch.
-import ipaddress
-import os
-import re
-import signal
-import socket
-import syslog
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import stat
-import traceback
-cmdcheck = subprocess.check_output
-def get_no_group_name():
- """
- Return the right group name to use for the current OS.
- Examples:
- - Ubuntu: nogroup
- - Arch: nobody
- :rtype: str or None
- """
- import grp
- try:
- grp.getgrnam('nobody')
- return 'nobody'
- except KeyError:
- try:
- grp.getgrnam('nogroup')
- return 'nogroup'
- except KeyError:
- return None
-def is_ipv6_disabled():
- """
- Return True if ipv6 support is disabled by the kernel.
- """
- code = os.system("sysctl -a 2>/dev/null | grep all.disable_ipv6 | grep 1")
- return code == 0
-def tostr(s):
- return s.decode('utf-8')
-VERSION = "16"
-SCRIPT = "bitmask-root"
-if os.getenv("UDP") == "1":
-BITMASK_CHAIN = "bitmask"
-BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_POST = "bitmask_postrouting"
-def swhich(binary):
- """
- Find the path to binary in sbin
- :rtype: str
- """
- for folder in ["/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin"]:
- path = os.path.join(folder, binary)
- if os.path.isfile(path):
- return path
- raise Exception("Can't find %s" % (binary,))
-IP = swhich("ip")
-IPTABLES = swhich("iptables")
-IP6TABLES = swhich("ip6tables")
-SYSCTL = swhich("sysctl")
-OPENVPN_USER = "nobody"
-OPENVPN_GROUP = get_no_group_name()
-OPENVPN_SYSTEM_BIN = "/usr/sbin/openvpn" # Debian location
-OPENVPN_LEAP_BIN = "/usr/local/sbin/leap-openvpn" # installed by bundle
-OPENVPN_SNAP_BIN = "/snap/bin/riseup-vpn.openvpn" # installed by snap
- "--setenv", "LEAPOPENVPN", "1",
- "--nobind",
- "--client",
- "--dev", "tun",
- "--tls-client",
- "--remote-cert-tls", "server",
- "--management-signal",
- "--script-security", "1",
- "--user", "nobody",
- "--persist-key",
- "--persist-local-ip",
- "--tls-version-min", "1.0",
-if OPENVPN_GROUP is not None:
- FIXED_FLAGS.extend(["--group", OPENVPN_GROUP])
-if is_ipv6_disabled():
- FIXED_FLAGS.extend([
- "--pull-filter", "ignore", "ifconfig-ipv6",
- "--pull-filter", "ignore", "route-ipv6"])
- "--remote": ["IP", "NUMBER", "PROTO"],
- "--tls-cipher": ["CIPHER"],
- "--cipher": ["CIPHER"],
- "--auth": ["CIPHER"],
- "--management": ["DIR||IP", "UNIXSOCKET||NUMBER"],
- "--management-client-user": ["USER"],
- "--route": ["IP", "IP", "NETGW"],
- "--cert": ["FILE"],
- "--key": ["FILE"],
- "--ca": ["FILE"],
- "--fragment": ["NUMBER"],
- "--keepalive": ["NUMBER", "NUMBER"],
- "--verb": ["NUMBER"],
- "--management-client": [],
- "--tun-ipv6": [],
- "--log": ["LOGFILE"],
- "NUMBER": lambda s: re.match("^\d+$", s),
- "PROTO": lambda s: re.match("^(tcp|udp|tcp4|udp4)$", s),
- "IP": lambda s: is_valid_address(s),
- "CIPHER": lambda s: re.match("^[A-Z0-9-]+$", s),
- "USER": lambda s: re.match(
- "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\@][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.\@]*\$?$", s), # IEEE Std 1003.1-2001
- "FILE": lambda s: os.path.isfile(s),
- "DIR": lambda s: os.path.isdir(os.path.split(s)[0]),
- "UNIXSOCKET": lambda s: s == "unix",
- "NETGW": lambda s: s == "net_gateway",
- "UID": lambda s: re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", s),
- "LOGFILE": lambda s: s == "/tmp/leap-vpn.log",
-# Determine Qubes OS version, if any
-QUBES_PROXY = os.path.exists("/var/run/qubes/this-is-proxyvm")
-if os.path.isdir("/etc/qubes"):
- QUBES_CFG = "/rw/config/"
- QUBES_IPHOOK = QUBES_CFG + "qubes-ip-change-hook"
- QUBES_FW_SCRIPT = QUBES_CFG + "qubes-firewall-user-script"
- if[IPTABLES, "--list", "QBS-FORWARD"]) == 0:
- else:
- # not a Qubes system
-DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG")
-TEST = os.getenv("TEST")
-if DEBUG:
- import logging
- formatter = logging.Formatter(
- "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
- ch = logging.StreamHandler()
- ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- ch.setFormatter(formatter)
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- logger.addHandler(ch)
-def is_valid_address(value):
- """
- Validate that the passed ip is a valid IP address.
- :param value: the value to be validated
- :type value: str
- :rtype: bool
- """
- try:
- socket.inet_aton(value)
- return True
- except Exception:
- log("%s: ERROR: MALFORMED IP: %s!" % (SCRIPT, value))
- return False
-def split_list(_list, regex):
- """
- Split a list based on a regex:
- e.g. split_list(["xx", "yy", "x1", "zz"], "^x") => [["xx", "yy"], ["x1",
- "zz"]]
- :param _list: the list to be split.
- :type _list: list
- :param regex: the regex expression to filter with.
- :type regex: str
- :rtype: list
- """
- if not hasattr(regex, "match"):
- regex = re.compile(regex)
- result = []
- i = 0
- if not _list:
- return result
- while True:
- if regex.match(_list[i]):
- result.append([])
- while True:
- result[-1].append(_list[i])
- i += 1
- if i >= len(_list) or regex.match(_list[i]):
- break
- else:
- i += 1
- if i >= len(_list):
- break
- return result
-def get_process_list():
- """
- Get a process list by reading `/proc` filesystem.
- :return: a list of tuples, each containing pid and command string.
- :rtype: tuple if lists
- """
- res = []
- pids = [pid for pid in os.listdir('/proc') if pid.isdigit()]
- for pid in pids:
- try:
- res.append((pid, open(
- os.path.join(
- '/proc', pid, 'cmdline'), 'rb').read()))
- except IOError: # proc has already terminated
- continue
- return filter(None, res)
-def getIPv4AllowAddresses():
- lines = []
- try:
- with open("/etc/bitmask/ipv4.allow", 'r') as f:
- lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
- except FileNotFoundError:
- return lines
- lines = filter(lambda x: ipaddress.ip_address(x).version == 4, lines)
- return list(filter(lambda x: ipaddress.ip_address(x).is_private, lines))
-def getIPv6AllowAddresses():
- lines = []
- try:
- with open("/etc/bitmask/ipv6.allow", 'r') as f:
- lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
- except FileNotFoundError:
- return lines
- lines = filter(lambda x: ipaddress.ip_address(x).version == 6, lines)
- return list(filter(lambda x: ipaddress.ip_address(x).is_private, lines))
-def run(command, *args, **options):
- """
- Run an external command.
- Options:
- `check`: If True, check the command's output. bail if non-zero. (the
- default is true unless detach or input is true)
- `exitcode`: like `check`, but return exitcode instead of bailing.
- `detach`: If True, run in detached process.
- `input`: If True, open command for writing stream to, returning the Popen
- object.
- `throw`: If True, raise an exception if there is an error instead
- of bailing.
- """
- parts = [command]
- parts.extend(args)
- debug("%s run: %s " % (SCRIPT, " ".join(parts)))
- _check = options.get("check", True)
- _detach = options.get("detach", False)
- _input = options.get("input", False)
- _exitcode = options.get("exitcode", False)
- _throw = options.get("throw", False)
- if not (_check or _throw) or _detach or _input:
- if _input:
- return subprocess.Popen(parts, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- else:
- subprocess.Popen(parts)
- return None
- else:
- try:
- devnull = open('/dev/null', 'w')
- subprocess.check_call(parts, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
- return 0
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
- if _exitcode:
- if exc.returncode != 1:
- # 0 or 1 is to be expected, but anything else
- # should be logged.
- debug("ERROR: Could not run %s: %s" %
- (exc.cmd, exc.output), exception=exc)
- return exc.returncode
- elif _throw:
- raise exc
- else:
- bail("ERROR: Could not run %s: %s" % (exc.cmd, exc.output),
- exception=exc)
-def log(msg=None, exception=None, priority=syslog.LOG_INFO):
- """
- print and log warning message or exception.
- :param msg: optional error message.
- :type msg: str
- :param msg: optional exception.
- :type msg: Exception
- :param msg: syslog level
- :type msg: one of LOG_EMERG, LOG_ALERT, LOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR,
- """
- if msg is not None:
- print("%s: %s" % (SCRIPT, msg))
- syslog.syslog(priority, msg)
- if exception is not None:
- if TEST or DEBUG:
- traceback.print_exc()
- syslog.syslog(priority, traceback.format_exc())
-def debug(msg=None, exception=None):
- """
- Just like log, but is skipped unless DEBUG. Use syslog.LOG_INFO
- even for debug messages (we don't want to miss them).
- """
- if TEST or DEBUG:
- log(msg, exception)
-def bail(msg=None, exception=None):
- """
- abnormal exit. like log(), but exits with error status code.
- """
- log(msg, exception)
- exit(1)
-def get_openvpn_bin():
- """
- Return the path for either the system openvpn or the one the
- bundle has put there.
- """
- if os.environ.get('SNAP') and os.path.isfile(OPENVPN_SNAP_BIN):
- # the snap option should be removed from the debian package.
- if os.path.isfile(OPENVPN_SYSTEM_BIN):
- # the bundle option should also be removed from the debian.
- if os.path.isfile(OPENVPN_LEAP_BIN):
-def parse_openvpn_flags(args):
- """
- Take argument list from the command line and parse it, only allowing some
- configuration flags.
- :type args: list
- """
- result = []
- try:
- for flag in split_list(args, "^--"):
- flag_name = flag[0]
- if flag_name in ALLOWED_FLAGS:
- result.append(flag_name)
- required_params = ALLOWED_FLAGS[flag_name]
- if required_params:
- # flatten if separated by spaces
- flag_params = [i for sublist in map(
- lambda s: s.split(), flag[1:]) for i in sublist]
- if len(flag_params) != len(required_params):
- log("%s: ERROR: not enough params for %s" %
- (SCRIPT, flag_name))
- return None
- for param, param_type in zip(flag_params, required_params):
- for tpe in param_type.split("||"):
- if PARAM_FORMATS[tpe](param):
- result.append(param)
- break
- else:
- log("%s: ERROR: Bad argument %s" %
- (SCRIPT, param))
- return None
- else:
- log("WARNING: unrecognized openvpn flag %s" % flag_name)
- return result
- except Exception as exc:
- log("%s: ERROR PARSING FLAGS: %s" % (SCRIPT, exc))
- if DEBUG:
- logger.exception(exc)
- return None
-def openvpn_start(args):
- """
- Launch openvpn, sanitizing input, and replacing the current process with
- the openvpn process.
- :param args: arguments to be passed to openvpn
- :type args: list
- """
- openvpn_flags = parse_openvpn_flags(args)
- if openvpn_flags:
- OPENVPN = get_openvpn_bin()
- flags = [OPENVPN] + FIXED_FLAGS + openvpn_flags
- if DEBUG:
- log("%s: running openvpn with flags:" % (SCRIPT,))
- log(flags)
- # note: first argument to command is ignored, but customarily set to
- # the command.
- os.execv(OPENVPN, flags)
- else:
- bail('ERROR: could not parse openvpn options')
-def openvpn_stop(args):
- """
- Stop the openvpn that has likely been launched by bitmask.
- :param args: arguments to openvpn
- :type args: list
- """
- plist = get_process_list()
- for pid, proc in plist:
- if bytes("openvpn", 'utf-8') in proc and bytes(LEAPOPENVPN, 'utf-8') in proc:
- os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM)
- break
-def get_gateways(gateways):
- """
- Filter a passed sequence of gateways, returning only the valid ones.
- :param gateways: a sequence of gateways to filter.
- :type gateways: iterable
- :rtype: iterable
- """
- result = filter(is_valid_address, gateways)
- if not result:
- bail("ERROR: No valid gateways specified")
- else:
- return result
-def get_default_device():
- """
- Retrieve the current default network device.
- :rtype: str
- """
- routes = subprocess.check_output([IP, "route", "show"])
- match ="^default .*dev ([^\s]*) .*$", routes, flags=re.M)
- if match and match.groups():
- return tostr(
- else:
- bail("Could not find default device")
-def get_local_network_ipv4(device):
- """
- Get the local ipv4 addres for a given device.
- :param device:
- :type device: str
- """
- addresses = cmdcheck([IP, "-o", "address", "show", "dev", device])
- match ="^.*inet ([^ ]*) .*$", addresses, flags=re.M)
- if match and match.groups():
- return tostr(
- else:
- return None
-def get_local_network_ipv6(device):
- """
- Get the local ipv6 addres for a given device.
- :param device:
- :type device: str
- """
- addresses = cmdcheck([IP, "-o", "address", "show", "dev", device])
- match ="^.*inet6 ([^ ]*) .*$", addresses, flags=re.M)
- if match and match.groups():
- return tostr(
- else:
- return None
-def run_iptable_with_check(cmd, *args, **options):
- """
- Run an iptables command checking to see if it should:
- for --append: run only if rule does not already exist.
- for --insert: run only if rule does not already exist.
- for --delete: run only if rule does exist.
- other commands are run normally.
- """
- if "--insert" in args:
- check_args = [arg.replace("--insert", "--check") for arg in args]
- check_code = run(cmd, *check_args, exitcode=True)
- if check_code != 0:
- run(cmd, *args, **options)
- elif "--append" in args:
- check_args = [arg.replace("--append", "--check") for arg in args]
- check_code = run(cmd, *check_args, exitcode=True)
- if check_code != 0:
- run(cmd, *args, **options)
- elif "--delete" in args:
- check_args = [arg.replace("--delete", "--check") for arg in args]
- check_code = run(cmd, *check_args, exitcode=True)
- if check_code == 0:
- run(cmd, *args, **options)
- else:
- run(cmd, *args, **options)
-def iptables(*args, **options):
- """
- Run iptables4 and iptables6.
- """
- ip4tables(*args, **options)
- ip6tables(*args, **options)
-def ip4tables(*args, **options):
- """
- Run iptables4 with checks.
- """
- run_iptable_with_check(IPTABLES, *args, **options)
-def ip6tables(*args, **options):
- """
- Run iptables6 with checks.
- """
- run_iptable_with_check(IP6TABLES, *args, **options)
-def toggle_ipv6(status='disable'):
- if status == 'disable':
- arg = 1
- elif status == 'enable':
- arg = 0
- else:
- return
- cmdcheck([SYSCTL, '-w', 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=%s' % arg])
-# NOTE: these tests to see if a chain exists might incorrectly return false.
-# This happens when there is an error in calling `iptables --list bitmask`.
-# For this reason, when stopping the firewall, we do not trust the
-# output of ipvx_chain_exists() but instead always attempt to delete
-# the chain.
-def ipv4_chain_exists(chain, table=None):
- """
- Check if a given chain exists. Only returns true if it actually exists,
- but might return false if it exists and iptables failed to run.
- :param chain: the chain to check against
- :type chain: str
- :rtype: bool
- """
- if table is not None:
- code = run(IPTABLES, "-t", table,
- "--list", chain, "--numeric", exitcode=True)
- else:
- code = run(IPTABLES, "--list", chain, "--numeric", exitcode=True)
- if code == 0:
- return True
- elif code == 1:
- return False
- else:
- log("ERROR: Could not determine state of iptable chain")
- return False
-def ipv6_chain_exists(chain):
- """
- see ipv4_chain_exists()
- :param chain: the chain to check against
- :type chain: str
- :rtype: bool
- """
- code = run(IP6TABLES, "--list", chain, "--numeric", exitcode=True)
- if code == 0:
- return True
- elif code == 1:
- return False
- else:
- log("ERROR: Could not determine state of iptable chain")
- return False
-def enable_ip_forwarding():
- """
- ip_fowarding must be enabled for the firewall to work.
- """
- with open('/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward', 'w') as f:
- f.write('1\n')
-def firewall_start(args):
- """
- Bring up the firewall.
- :param args: list of gateways, to be sanitized.
- :type args: list
- """
- default_device = get_default_device()
- local_network_ipv4 = get_local_network_ipv4(default_device)
- local_network_ipv6 = get_local_network_ipv6(default_device)
- gateways = get_gateways(args)
- # allow local address in listed exception list
- # this will allow all ports and both tcp and udp.
- def allow4(ip):
- ip4tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN, "--destination", ip,
- "-o", default_device, "--jump", "ACCEPT")
- def allow6(ip):
- ip6tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN, "--destination", ip,
- "-o", default_device, "--jump", "ACCEPT")
- # add custom chain "bitmask" to front of OUTPUT chain for both
- # the 'filter' and the 'nat' tables.
- if not ipv4_chain_exists(BITMASK_CHAIN):
- ip4tables("--new-chain", BITMASK_CHAIN)
- if not ipv4_chain_exists(BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_OUT, 'nat'):
- ip4tables("--table", "nat", "--new-chain", BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_OUT)
- if not ipv4_chain_exists(BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_POST, 'nat'):
- ip4tables("--table", "nat", "--new-chain", BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_POST)
- if not ipv6_chain_exists(BITMASK_CHAIN):
- ip6tables("--new-chain", BITMASK_CHAIN)
- ip4tables("--table", "nat", "--insert", "OUTPUT",
- ip4tables("--table", "nat", "--insert", "POSTROUTING",
- iptables("--insert", "OUTPUT", "--jump", BITMASK_CHAIN)
- # route all ipv4 DNS over VPN
- # (note: NAT does not work with ipv6 until kernel 3.7)
- enable_ip_forwarding()
- if QUBES_PROXY and QUBES_VER >= 3:
- # rewrite DNS packets for VPN DNS; Qubes preconfigures masquerade
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--flush", "PR-QBS")
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--append", "PR-QBS", "-p", "udp",
- "--dport", "53", "--jump", "DNAT", "--to",
- NAMESERVER + ":53")
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--append", "PR-QBS", "-p", "tcp",
- "--dport", "53", "--jump", "DNAT", "--to",
- NAMESERVER + ":53")
- else:
- # allow dns to localhost
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--append", BITMASK_CHAIN, "--protocol", "udp",
- "--dest", ",,", "--dport", "53",
- "--jump", "ACCEPT")
- # rewrite all outgoing packets to use VPN DNS server
- # (DNS does sometimes use TCP!)
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--append", BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_OUT, "-p", "udp",
- "--dport", "53", "--jump", "DNAT", "--to",
- NAMESERVER + ":53")
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--append", BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_OUT, "-p", "tcp",
- "--dport", "53", "--jump", "DNAT", "--to",
- NAMESERVER + ":53")
- # enable masquerading, so that DNS packets rewritten by DNAT will
- # have the correct source IPs. Apply masquerade only to the NAMESERVER,
- # we don't want to apply it to the localhost dns resolver.
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--append", BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_POST,
- "--dest", NAMESERVER,
- "--protocol", "udp", "--dport", "53", "--jump", "MASQUERADE")
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--append", BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_POST,
- "--dest", NAMESERVER,
- "--protocol", "tcp", "--dport", "53", "--jump", "MASQUERADE")
- # allow local network traffic
- ipv4_exceptions = getIPv4AllowAddresses()
- if local_network_ipv4:
- if len(ipv4_exceptions) == 0:
- # allow all local network destinations if no explicit allow rules defined
- ip4tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN,
- "--destination", local_network_ipv4, "-o", default_device,
- "--jump", "ACCEPT")
- # allow local network sources for DNS
- # (required to allow local network DNS that gets rewritten by NAT
- # to get passed through so that MASQUERADE can set correct source IP)
- ip4tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN,
- "--source", local_network_ipv4, "-o", default_device,
- "-p", "udp", "--dport", "53", "--jump", "ACCEPT")
- ip4tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN,
- "--source", local_network_ipv4, "-o", default_device,
- "-p", "tcp", "--dport", "53", "--jump", "ACCEPT")
- # allow multicast Simple Service Discovery Protocol
- ip4tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN,
- "--protocol", "udp",
- "--destination", "", "--dport", "1900",
- "-o", default_device, "--jump", "RETURN")
- # allow multicast Bonjour/mDNS
- ip4tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN,
- "--protocol", "udp",
- "--destination", "", "--dport", "5353",
- "-o", default_device, "--jump", "RETURN")
- ipv6_exceptions = getIPv6AllowAddresses()
- if local_network_ipv6:
- if len(ipv6_exceptions) == 0:
- # allow all local network destinations if no explicit allow rules defined
- ip6tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN,
- "--destination", local_network_ipv6, "-o", default_device,
- "--jump", "ACCEPT")
- # allow multicast Simple Service Discovery Protocol
- ip6tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN,
- "--protocol", "udp",
- "--destination", "FF05::C", "--dport", "1900",
- "-o", default_device, "--jump", "RETURN")
- # allow multicast Bonjour/mDNS
- ip6tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN,
- "--protocol", "udp",
- "--destination", "FF02::FB", "--dport", "5353",
- "-o", default_device, "--jump", "RETURN")
- # allow ipv4 traffic to gateways
- for gateway in gateways:
- ip4tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN, "--destination", gateway,
- "-o", default_device, "--jump", "ACCEPT")
- # TODO allow ipv6 traffic to gws too
- # log rejected packets to syslog
- if DEBUG:
- iptables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN, "-o", default_device,
- "--jump", "LOG", "--log-prefix", "iptables denied: ",
- "--log-level", "7")
- # allow explicit private exceptions
- if len(ipv4_exceptions) != 0:
- for ip in ipv4_exceptions:
- allow4(ip)
- ip4tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN,
- "--destination", local_network_ipv4, "-o", default_device,
- "--jump", "REJECT")
- if len(ipv6_exceptions) != 0:
- for ip in ipv6_exceptions:
- allow6(ip)
- ip6tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN,
- "--destination", local_network_ipv6, "-o", default_device,
- "--jump", "REJECT")
- # for now, ensure all other ipv6 packets get rejected (regardless of
- # device). not sure why, but "-p any" doesn't work.
- ip6tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN, "-p", "tcp", "--jump", "REJECT")
- ip6tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN, "-p", "udp", "--jump", "REJECT")
- # reject all other ipv4 sent over the default device
- ip4tables("--append", BITMASK_CHAIN, "-o",
- default_device, "--jump", "REJECT")
- # On Qubes OS, add anti-leak rules for proxyVM qubes-firewall.service
- # Must stay on 'top' of chain!
- if QUBES_PROXY and QUBES_VER >= 3 and run("grep", "installed\ by\ " +
- exitcode=True) != 0:
- with open(QUBES_FW_SCRIPT, mode="w") as qfile:
- qfile.write("#!/bin/sh\n")
- qfile.write("# Anti-leak rules installed by " + SCRIPT + " "
- + VERSION + "\n")
- qfile.write("iptables --insert FORWARD -i eth0 -j DROP\n")
- qfile.write("iptables --insert FORWARD -o eth0 -j DROP\n")
- qfile.write("ip6tables --insert FORWARD -i eth0 -j DROP\n")
- qfile.write("ip6tables --insert FORWARD -o eth0 -j DROP\n")
- qfile.write("iptables --insert INPUT -i tun+ -j DROP\n")
- qfile.write("ip6tables --insert INPUT -i tun+ -j DROP\n")
- os.chmod(QUBES_FW_SCRIPT, stat.S_IRWXU)
- if not os.path.exists(QUBES_IPHOOK):
- if QUBES_VER == 4:
- elif QUBES_VER == 3:
- run("systemctl", "restart", "qubes-firewall.service")
- # toggle_ipv6('disable')
-def firewall_stop():
- """
- Stop the firewall. Because we really really always want the firewall to
- be stopped if at all possible, this function is cautious and contains a
- lot of trys and excepts.
- If there were any problems, we raise an exception at the end. This allows
- the calling code to retry stopping the firewall. Stopping the firewall
- can fail if iptables is being run by another process (only one iptables
- command can be run at a time).
- """
- ok = True
- # -t filter -D OUTPUT -j bitmask
- try:
- iptables("--delete", "OUTPUT", "--jump", BITMASK_CHAIN, throw=True)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
- debug("INFO: not able to remove bitmask firewall from OUTPUT chain "
- "(maybe it is already removed?)", exc)
- ok = False
- # -t nat -D OUTPUT -j bitmask
- try:
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--delete", "OUTPUT",
- "--jump", BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_OUT, throw=True)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
- debug("INFO: not able to remove bitmask firewall from OUTPUT chain "
- "in 'nat' table (maybe it is already removed?)", exc)
- ok = False
- # -t nat -D POSTROUTING -j bitmask_postrouting
- try:
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--delete", "POSTROUTING",
- "--jump", BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_POST, throw=True)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
- debug("INFO: not able to remove bitmask firewall from POSTROUTING "
- "chain in 'nat' table (maybe it is already removed?)", exc)
- ok = False
- # -t filter --delete-chain bitmask
- try:
- ip4tables("--flush", BITMASK_CHAIN, throw=True)
- ip4tables("--delete-chain", BITMASK_CHAIN, throw=True)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
- debug("INFO: not able to flush and delete bitmask ipv4 firewall "
- "chain (maybe it is already destroyed?)", exc)
- ok = False
- # -t nat --delete-chain bitmask
- try:
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--flush", BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_OUT, throw=True)
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--delete-chain",
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
- debug("INFO: not able to flush and delete bitmask ipv4 firewall "
- "chain in 'nat' table (maybe it is already destroyed?)", exc)
- ok = False
- # -t nat --delete-chain bitmask_postrouting
- try:
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--flush", BITMASK_CHAIN_NAT_POST, throw=True)
- ip4tables("-t", "nat", "--delete-chain",
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
- debug("INFO: not able to flush and delete bitmask ipv4 firewall "
- "chain in 'nat' table (maybe it is already destroyed?)", exc)
- ok = False
- # -t filter --delete-chain bitmask (ipv6)
- try:
- ip6tables("--flush", BITMASK_CHAIN, throw=True)
- ip6tables("--delete-chain", BITMASK_CHAIN, throw=True)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
- debug("INFO: not able to flush and delete bitmask ipv6 firewall "
- "chain (maybe it is already destroyed?)", exc)
- ok = False
- # toggle_ipv6('enable')
- if not (ok or ipv4_chain_exists or ipv6_chain_exists):
- raise Exception("firewall might still be left up. "
- "Please try `firewall stop` again.")
-USAGE = """
-This is bitmask-root version {VERSION}
-This program manipulates the Bitmask firewall. It is *not* intented to be used
-{SCRIPT} version
-{SCRIPT} restart
-{SCRIPT} openvpn start <args>
-{SCRIPT} openvpn stop
-{SCRIPT} firewall start <args>
-{SCRIPT} firewall stop
-{SCRIPT} firewall isup
-def main():
- """
- Entry point for cmdline execution.
- """
- # TODO use argparse instead please.
- if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
- command = "_".join(sys.argv[1:3])
- args = sys.argv[3:]
- is_restart = False
- if command == 'help' or command == '-h':
- print(USAGE)
- exit(0)
- if args and args[0] == 'restart':
- is_restart = True
- args.remove('restart')
- if command == "version":
- print(VERSION)
- exit(0)
- if os.getuid() != 0:
- bail("ERROR: must be run as root")
- if command == "openvpn_start":
- openvpn_start(args)
- elif command == "openvpn_stop":
- openvpn_stop(args)
- elif command == "firewall_start":
- try:
- firewall_start(args)
- except Exception as ex:
- if not is_restart:
- firewall_stop()
- bail("ERROR: could not start firewall", ex)
- elif command == "firewall_stop":
- try:
- firewall_stop()
- except Exception as ex:
- bail("ERROR: could not stop firewall", ex)
- elif command == "firewall_isup":
- if ipv4_chain_exists(BITMASK_CHAIN):
- # too verbose since bitmask polls this
- pass
- else:
- bail("INFO: bitmask firewall is down")
- else:
- bail("ERROR: No such command. Try bitmask-root help")
- else:
- bail("ERROR: No such command. Try bitmask-root help")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- debug(" ".join(sys.argv))
- main()
- exit(0)
diff --git a/helpers/se.leap.bitmask.policy b/helpers/se.leap.bitmask.policy
deleted file mode 100644
index c1def93..0000000
--- a/helpers/se.leap.bitmask.policy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
- "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"
- "">
- <vendor>LEAP Encryption Access Project</vendor>
- <vendor_url></vendor_url>
- <action id="se.leap.bitmask.policy">
- <description>Runs bitmask helper to launch firewall and openvpn</description>
- <description xml:lang="es">Ejecuta el asistente de bitmask para lanzar el firewall y openvpn</description>
- <message>Bitmask needs that you authenticate to start</message>
- <message xml:lang="es">Bitmask necesita autorizacion para comenzar</message>
- <icon_name>package-x-generic</icon_name>
- <defaults>
- <allow_any>yes</allow_any>
- <allow_inactive>yes</allow_inactive>
- <allow_active>yes</allow_active>
- </defaults>
- <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/sbin/bitmask-root</annotate>
- </action>
diff --git a/helpers/se.leap.bitmask.snap.policy b/helpers/se.leap.bitmask.snap.policy
deleted file mode 100644
index cac56b4..0000000
--- a/helpers/se.leap.bitmask.snap.policy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
- "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"
- "">
- <vendor>LEAP Encryption Access Project Project</vendor>
- <vendor_url></vendor_url>
- <action id="se.leap.bitmask.${applicationName}.policy">
- <description>Runs bitmask helper to launch firewall and openvpn (${applicationName})</description>
- <description xml:lang="es">Ejecuta el asistente de bitmask para lanzar el firewall y openvpn (${applicationName})</description>
- <message>${applicationName} needs that you authenticate to start</message>
- <message xml:lang="es">${applicationName} necesita autorizacion para comenzar</message>
- <icon_name>package-x-generic</icon_name>
- <defaults>
- <allow_any>yes</allow_any>
- <allow_inactive>yes</allow_inactive>
- <allow_active>yes</allow_active>
- </defaults>
- <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/snap/bin/${binaryName}.bitmask-root</annotate>
- </action>