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+## Ansible playbook to setup Dev env for Bitmask VPN development
+### Prerequisites on the target macOS host
+Although the playbook should work for any macOS version >= 10.15 (Catalina), it has been tested on macOS versions 10.15 and 12.6.
+- SSH is enabled, go to **System Settings > Sharing** and tick **Remote Login**
+- Ansible user for the host should be a sudoer
+- Public key authentication for SSH is setup
+### Playbook organisation
+├── inventory.yaml # Example inventory file
+├── requirements.yaml # Collection and roles the playbook uses
+├── site.yaml # Playbook
+It currently installs Homebrew and Qt Installer FW on the target host apart from the various development tools installed from Homebrew.
+All the dependencies from homebrew are defined using the `homebrew_installed_packages` variable
+For installing Homebrew and packages from it we make use of the `geerlingguy.mac.homebrew` role from the [mac ansible collection.](
+The included `inventory` file is just an example file for easy testing during development
+> **NOTE:** The playbook doesn't add Qt, QtIFW and Golang `bin` directories to `PATH` on some macOS versions.
+This needs to be set by the user before running the `make` targets.
+To get the needed filepath for Qt and Golang `bin` directories, use `brew info <go@1.17 | qt5>`.
+QtIFW gets installed to a directory named _Qt_ in the user's home folder, filepath to add to `PATH` is `~/Qt/QtIFW-4.4.2/bin`.
+### How to run the playbook
+Install the required collections and modules from ansible-galaxy:
+$ ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yaml
+$ ansible-galaxy role install -r requirements.yaml
+Make sure you have a valid inventory file, update the provided `inventory.yaml` file with your VM or remote host's IP address and run:
+$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml site.yaml --private-key=<path_to_ssh_key> --ask-become-pass
+Or to target the localhost run:
+$ ansible-playbook --connection=local --ask-become-pass site.yaml