path: root/vendor/
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authorkali kaneko (leap communications) <>2021-11-29 01:46:27 +0100
committerkali kaneko (leap communications) <>2021-11-29 18:14:16 +0100
commit18f52af5be3a9a0c73811706108f790d65ee9c67 (patch)
treee13cbacb47d56919caa9c44a2b45dec1497a7860 /vendor/
parentebcef0d57b6ecb5a40c6579f6be07182dd3033ba (diff)
[pkg] update vendor
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
9 files changed, 592 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Copyright (c) 2013, Space Monkey, Inc.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+Goroutine local storage
+It is my duty to point you to, which is how
+Google solves all of the problems you'd perhaps consider using this package
+for at scale.
+One downside to Google's approach is that *all* of your functions must have
+a new first argument, but after clearing that hurdle everything else is much
+If you aren't interested in this warning, read on.
+### Huhwaht? Why? ###
+Every so often, a thread shows up on the
+[golang-nuts]( asking for some
+form of goroutine-local-storage, or some kind of goroutine id, or some kind of
+context. There are a few valid use cases for goroutine-local-storage, one of
+the most prominent being log line context. One poster was interested in being
+able to log an HTTP request context id in every log line in the same goroutine
+as the incoming HTTP request, without having to change every library and
+function call he was interested in logging.
+This would be pretty useful. Provided that you could get some kind of
+goroutine-local-storage, you could call
+[log.SetOutput]( with your own logging
+writer that checks goroutine-local-storage for some context information and
+adds that context to your log lines.
+But alas, Andrew Gerrand's typically diplomatic answer to the question of
+goroutine-local variables was:
+> We wouldn't even be having this discussion if thread local storage wasn't
+> useful. But every feature comes at a cost, and in my opinion the cost of
+> threadlocals far outweighs their benefits. They're just not a good fit for
+> Go.
+So, yeah, that makes sense. That's a pretty good reason for why the language
+won't support a specific and (relatively) unuseful feature that requires some
+runtime changes, just for the sake of a little bit of log improvement.
+But does Go require runtime changes?
+### How it works ###
+Go has pretty fantastic introspective and reflective features, but one thing Go
+doesn't give you is any kind of access to the stack pointer, or frame pointer,
+or goroutine id, or anything contextual about your current stack. It gives you
+access to your list of callers, but only along with program counters, which are
+fixed at compile time.
+But it does give you the stack.
+So, we define 16 special functions and embed base-16 tags into the stack using
+the call order of those 16 functions. Then, we can read our tags back out of
+the stack looking at the callers list.
+We then use these tags as an index into a traditional map for implementing
+this library.
+### What are people saying? ###
+"Wow, that's horrifying."
+"This is the most terrible thing I have seen in a very long time."
+"Where is it getting a context from? Is this serializing all the requests?
+What the heck is the client being bound to? What are these tags? Why does he
+need callers? Oh god no. No no no."
+### Docs ###
+Please see the docs at
+### Related ###
+If you're okay relying on the string format of the current runtime stacktrace
+including a unique goroutine id (not guaranteed by the spec or anything, but
+very unlikely to change within a Go release), you might be able to squeeze
+out a bit more performance by using this similar library, inspired by some
+code Brad Fitzpatrick wrote for debugging his HTTP/2 library:
+ (in contrast, jtolds/gls doesn't require
+any knowledge of the string format of the runtime stacktrace, which
+probably adds unnecessary overhead).
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+// Package gls implements goroutine-local storage.
+package gls
+import (
+ "sync"
+var (
+ mgrRegistry = make(map[*ContextManager]bool)
+ mgrRegistryMtx sync.RWMutex
+// Values is simply a map of key types to value types. Used by SetValues to
+// set multiple values at once.
+type Values map[interface{}]interface{}
+// ContextManager is the main entrypoint for interacting with
+// Goroutine-local-storage. You can have multiple independent ContextManagers
+// at any given time. ContextManagers are usually declared globally for a given
+// class of context variables. You should use NewContextManager for
+// construction.
+type ContextManager struct {
+ mtx sync.Mutex
+ values map[uint]Values
+// NewContextManager returns a brand new ContextManager. It also registers the
+// new ContextManager in the ContextManager registry which is used by the Go
+// method. ContextManagers are typically defined globally at package scope.
+func NewContextManager() *ContextManager {
+ mgr := &ContextManager{values: make(map[uint]Values)}
+ mgrRegistryMtx.Lock()
+ defer mgrRegistryMtx.Unlock()
+ mgrRegistry[mgr] = true
+ return mgr
+// Unregister removes a ContextManager from the global registry, used by the
+// Go method. Only intended for use when you're completely done with a
+// ContextManager. Use of Unregister at all is rare.
+func (m *ContextManager) Unregister() {
+ mgrRegistryMtx.Lock()
+ defer mgrRegistryMtx.Unlock()
+ delete(mgrRegistry, m)
+// SetValues takes a collection of values and a function to call for those
+// values to be set in. Anything further down the stack will have the set
+// values available through GetValue. SetValues will add new values or replace
+// existing values of the same key and will not mutate or change values for
+// previous stack frames.
+// SetValues is slow (makes a copy of all current and new values for the new
+// gls-context) in order to reduce the amount of lookups GetValue requires.
+func (m *ContextManager) SetValues(new_values Values, context_call func()) {
+ if len(new_values) == 0 {
+ context_call()
+ return
+ }
+ mutated_keys := make([]interface{}, 0, len(new_values))
+ mutated_vals := make(Values, len(new_values))
+ EnsureGoroutineId(func(gid uint) {
+ m.mtx.Lock()
+ state, found := m.values[gid]
+ if !found {
+ state = make(Values, len(new_values))
+ m.values[gid] = state
+ }
+ m.mtx.Unlock()
+ for key, new_val := range new_values {
+ mutated_keys = append(mutated_keys, key)
+ if old_val, ok := state[key]; ok {
+ mutated_vals[key] = old_val
+ }
+ state[key] = new_val
+ }
+ defer func() {
+ if !found {
+ m.mtx.Lock()
+ delete(m.values, gid)
+ m.mtx.Unlock()
+ return
+ }
+ for _, key := range mutated_keys {
+ if val, ok := mutated_vals[key]; ok {
+ state[key] = val
+ } else {
+ delete(state, key)
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+ context_call()
+ })
+// GetValue will return a previously set value, provided that the value was set
+// by SetValues somewhere higher up the stack. If the value is not found, ok
+// will be false.
+func (m *ContextManager) GetValue(key interface{}) (
+ value interface{}, ok bool) {
+ gid, ok := GetGoroutineId()
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, false
+ }
+ m.mtx.Lock()
+ state, found := m.values[gid]
+ m.mtx.Unlock()
+ if !found {
+ return nil, false
+ }
+ value, ok = state[key]
+ return value, ok
+func (m *ContextManager) getValues() Values {
+ gid, ok := GetGoroutineId()
+ if !ok {
+ return nil
+ }
+ m.mtx.Lock()
+ state, _ := m.values[gid]
+ m.mtx.Unlock()
+ return state
+// Go preserves ContextManager values and Goroutine-local-storage across new
+// goroutine invocations. The Go method makes a copy of all existing values on
+// all registered context managers and makes sure they are still set after
+// kicking off the provided function in a new goroutine. If you don't use this
+// Go method instead of the standard 'go' keyword, you will lose values in
+// ContextManagers, as goroutines have brand new stacks.
+func Go(cb func()) {
+ mgrRegistryMtx.RLock()
+ defer mgrRegistryMtx.RUnlock()
+ for mgr := range mgrRegistry {
+ values := mgr.getValues()
+ if len(values) > 0 {
+ cb = func(mgr *ContextManager, cb func()) func() {
+ return func() { mgr.SetValues(values, cb) }
+ }(mgr, cb)
+ }
+ }
+ go cb()
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+package gls
+import (
+ "sync"
+var (
+ keyMtx sync.Mutex
+ keyCounter uint64
+// ContextKey is a throwaway value you can use as a key to a ContextManager
+type ContextKey struct{ id uint64 }
+// GenSym will return a brand new, never-before-used ContextKey
+func GenSym() ContextKey {
+ keyMtx.Lock()
+ defer keyMtx.Unlock()
+ keyCounter += 1
+ return ContextKey{id: keyCounter}
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+package gls
+var (
+ stackTagPool = &idPool{}
+// Will return this goroutine's identifier if set. If you always need a
+// goroutine identifier, you should use EnsureGoroutineId which will make one
+// if there isn't one already.
+func GetGoroutineId() (gid uint, ok bool) {
+ return readStackTag()
+// Will call cb with the current goroutine identifier. If one hasn't already
+// been generated, one will be created and set first. The goroutine identifier
+// might be invalid after cb returns.
+func EnsureGoroutineId(cb func(gid uint)) {
+ if gid, ok := readStackTag(); ok {
+ cb(gid)
+ return
+ }
+ gid := stackTagPool.Acquire()
+ defer stackTagPool.Release(gid)
+ addStackTag(gid, func() { cb(gid) })
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+package gls
+// though this could probably be better at keeping ids smaller, the goal of
+// this class is to keep a registry of the smallest unique integer ids
+// per-process possible
+import (
+ "sync"
+type idPool struct {
+ mtx sync.Mutex
+ released []uint
+ max_id uint
+func (p *idPool) Acquire() (id uint) {
+ p.mtx.Lock()
+ defer p.mtx.Unlock()
+ if len(p.released) > 0 {
+ id = p.released[len(p.released)-1]
+ p.released = p.released[:len(p.released)-1]
+ return id
+ }
+ id = p.max_id
+ p.max_id++
+ return id
+func (p *idPool) Release(id uint) {
+ p.mtx.Lock()
+ defer p.mtx.Unlock()
+ p.released = append(p.released, id)
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+package gls
+// so, basically, we're going to encode integer tags in base-16 on the stack
+const (
+ bitWidth = 4
+ stackBatchSize = 16
+var (
+ pc_lookup = make(map[uintptr]int8, 17)
+ mark_lookup [16]func(uint, func())
+func init() {
+ setEntries := func(f func(uint, func()), v int8) {
+ var ptr uintptr
+ f(0, func() {
+ ptr = findPtr()
+ })
+ pc_lookup[ptr] = v
+ if v >= 0 {
+ mark_lookup[v] = f
+ }
+ }
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markS, -0x1)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark0, 0x0)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark1, 0x1)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark2, 0x2)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark3, 0x3)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark4, 0x4)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark5, 0x5)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark6, 0x6)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark7, 0x7)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark8, 0x8)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_mark9, 0x9)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markA, 0xa)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markB, 0xb)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markC, 0xc)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markD, 0xd)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markE, 0xe)
+ setEntries(github_com_jtolds_gls_markF, 0xf)
+func addStackTag(tag uint, context_call func()) {
+ if context_call == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ github_com_jtolds_gls_markS(tag, context_call)
+// these private methods are named this horrendous name so gopherjs support
+// is easier. it shouldn't add any runtime cost in non-js builds.
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_markS(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark0(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark1(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark2(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark3(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark4(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark5(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark6(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark7(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark8(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_mark9(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_markA(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_markB(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_markC(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_markD(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_markE(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func github_com_jtolds_gls_markF(tag uint, cb func()) { _m(tag, cb) }
+func _m(tag_remainder uint, cb func()) {
+ if tag_remainder == 0 {
+ cb()
+ } else {
+ mark_lookup[tag_remainder&0xf](tag_remainder>>bitWidth, cb)
+ }
+func readStackTag() (tag uint, ok bool) {
+ var current_tag uint
+ offset := 0
+ for {
+ batch, next_offset := getStack(offset, stackBatchSize)
+ for _, pc := range batch {
+ val, ok := pc_lookup[pc]
+ if !ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ if val < 0 {
+ return current_tag, true
+ }
+ current_tag <<= bitWidth
+ current_tag += uint(val)
+ }
+ if next_offset == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ offset = next_offset
+ }
+ return 0, false
+func (m *ContextManager) preventInlining() {
+ // dunno if findPtr or getStack are likely to get inlined in a future release
+ // of go, but if they are inlined and their callers are inlined, that could
+ // hork some things. let's do our best to explain to the compiler that we
+ // really don't want those two functions inlined by saying they could change
+ // at any time. assumes preventInlining doesn't get compiled out.
+ // this whole thing is probably overkill.
+ findPtr = m.values[0][0].(func() uintptr)
+ getStack = m.values[0][1].(func(int, int) ([]uintptr, int))
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index 0000000..c4e8b80
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@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// +build js
+package gls
+// This file is used for GopherJS builds, which don't have normal runtime
+// stack trace support
+import (
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ ""
+const (
+ jsFuncNamePrefix = "github_com_jtolds_gls_mark"
+func jsMarkStack() (f []uintptr) {
+ lines := strings.Split(
+ js.Global.Get("Error").New().Get("stack").String(), "\n")
+ f = make([]uintptr, 0, len(lines))
+ for i, line := range lines {
+ line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
+ if line == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if i == 0 {
+ if line != "Error" {
+ panic("didn't understand js stack trace")
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ fields := strings.Fields(line)
+ if len(fields) < 2 || fields[0] != "at" {
+ panic("didn't understand js stack trace")
+ }
+ pos := strings.Index(fields[1], jsFuncNamePrefix)
+ if pos < 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ pos += len(jsFuncNamePrefix)
+ if pos >= len(fields[1]) {
+ panic("didn't understand js stack trace")
+ }
+ char := string(fields[1][pos])
+ switch char {
+ case "S":
+ f = append(f, uintptr(0))
+ default:
+ val, err := strconv.ParseUint(char, 16, 8)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("didn't understand js stack trace")
+ }
+ f = append(f, uintptr(val)+1)
+ }
+ }
+ return f
+// variables to prevent inlining
+var (
+ findPtr = func() uintptr {
+ funcs := jsMarkStack()
+ if len(funcs) == 0 {
+ panic("failed to find function pointer")
+ }
+ return funcs[0]
+ }
+ getStack = func(offset, amount int) (stack []uintptr, next_offset int) {
+ return jsMarkStack(), 0
+ }
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+// +build !js
+package gls
+// This file is used for standard Go builds, which have the expected runtime
+// support
+import (
+ "runtime"
+var (
+ findPtr = func() uintptr {
+ var pc [1]uintptr
+ n := runtime.Callers(4, pc[:])
+ if n != 1 {
+ panic("failed to find function pointer")
+ }
+ return pc[0]
+ }
+ getStack = func(offset, amount int) (stack []uintptr, next_offset int) {
+ stack = make([]uintptr, amount)
+ stack = stack[:runtime.Callers(offset, stack)]
+ if len(stack) < amount {
+ return stack, 0
+ }
+ return stack, offset + len(stack)
+ }