path: root/vendor/
diff options
authorKali Kaneko (leap communications) <>2019-01-12 18:39:45 +0100
committerRuben Pollan <>2019-01-17 12:30:32 +0100
commitb1247d2d0d51108c910a73891ff3116e5f032ab1 (patch)
treee9948964f0bfb1ad2df3bc7bad02aa1f41ccfbd8 /vendor/
parentefcb8312e31b5c2261b1a1e95ace55b322cfcc27 (diff)
[pkg] all your deps are vendored to us
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/')
1 files changed, 543 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39a81d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+// Copyright 2010-2012 The W32 Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package w32
+import (
+ "syscall"
+ "unsafe"
+var (
+ modgdi32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("gdi32.dll")
+ procGetDeviceCaps = modgdi32.NewProc("GetDeviceCaps")
+ procGetCurrentObject = modgdi32.NewProc("GetCurrentObject")
+ procDeleteObject = modgdi32.NewProc("DeleteObject")
+ procCreateFontIndirect = modgdi32.NewProc("CreateFontIndirectW")
+ procAbortDoc = modgdi32.NewProc("AbortDoc")
+ procBitBlt = modgdi32.NewProc("BitBlt")
+ procPatBlt = modgdi32.NewProc("PatBlt")
+ procCloseEnhMetaFile = modgdi32.NewProc("CloseEnhMetaFile")
+ procCopyEnhMetaFile = modgdi32.NewProc("CopyEnhMetaFileW")
+ procCreateBrushIndirect = modgdi32.NewProc("CreateBrushIndirect")
+ procCreateCompatibleDC = modgdi32.NewProc("CreateCompatibleDC")
+ procCreateDC = modgdi32.NewProc("CreateDCW")
+ procCreateCompatibleBitmap = modgdi32.NewProc("CreateCompatibleBitmap")
+ procCreateDIBSection = modgdi32.NewProc("CreateDIBSection")
+ procCreateEnhMetaFile = modgdi32.NewProc("CreateEnhMetaFileW")
+ procCreateIC = modgdi32.NewProc("CreateICW")
+ procDeleteDC = modgdi32.NewProc("DeleteDC")
+ procDeleteEnhMetaFile = modgdi32.NewProc("DeleteEnhMetaFile")
+ procEllipse = modgdi32.NewProc("Ellipse")
+ procEndDoc = modgdi32.NewProc("EndDoc")
+ procEndPage = modgdi32.NewProc("EndPage")
+ procExtCreatePen = modgdi32.NewProc("ExtCreatePen")
+ procGetEnhMetaFile = modgdi32.NewProc("GetEnhMetaFileW")
+ procGetEnhMetaFileHeader = modgdi32.NewProc("GetEnhMetaFileHeader")
+ procGetObject = modgdi32.NewProc("GetObjectW")
+ procGetStockObject = modgdi32.NewProc("GetStockObject")
+ procGetTextExtentExPoint = modgdi32.NewProc("GetTextExtentExPointW")
+ procGetTextExtentPoint32 = modgdi32.NewProc("GetTextExtentPoint32W")
+ procGetTextMetrics = modgdi32.NewProc("GetTextMetricsW")
+ procLineTo = modgdi32.NewProc("LineTo")
+ procMoveToEx = modgdi32.NewProc("MoveToEx")
+ procPlayEnhMetaFile = modgdi32.NewProc("PlayEnhMetaFile")
+ procRectangle = modgdi32.NewProc("Rectangle")
+ procResetDC = modgdi32.NewProc("ResetDCW")
+ procSelectObject = modgdi32.NewProc("SelectObject")
+ procSetBkMode = modgdi32.NewProc("SetBkMode")
+ procSetBrushOrgEx = modgdi32.NewProc("SetBrushOrgEx")
+ procSetStretchBltMode = modgdi32.NewProc("SetStretchBltMode")
+ procSetTextColor = modgdi32.NewProc("SetTextColor")
+ procSetBkColor = modgdi32.NewProc("SetBkColor")
+ procStartDoc = modgdi32.NewProc("StartDocW")
+ procStartPage = modgdi32.NewProc("StartPage")
+ procStretchBlt = modgdi32.NewProc("StretchBlt")
+ procSetDIBitsToDevice = modgdi32.NewProc("SetDIBitsToDevice")
+ procChoosePixelFormat = modgdi32.NewProc("ChoosePixelFormat")
+ procDescribePixelFormat = modgdi32.NewProc("DescribePixelFormat")
+ procGetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat = modgdi32.NewProc("GetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat")
+ procGetPixelFormat = modgdi32.NewProc("GetPixelFormat")
+ procSetPixelFormat = modgdi32.NewProc("SetPixelFormat")
+ procSwapBuffers = modgdi32.NewProc("SwapBuffers")
+func GetDeviceCaps(hdc HDC, index int) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetDeviceCaps.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(index))
+ return int(ret)
+func GetCurrentObject(hdc HDC, uObjectType uint32) HGDIOBJ {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetCurrentObject.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(uObjectType))
+ return HGDIOBJ(ret)
+func DeleteObject(hObject HGDIOBJ) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procDeleteObject.Call(
+ uintptr(hObject))
+ return ret != 0
+func CreateFontIndirect(logFont *LOGFONT) HFONT {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateFontIndirect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(logFont)))
+ return HFONT(ret)
+func AbortDoc(hdc HDC) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procAbortDoc.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc))
+ return int(ret)
+func BitBlt(hdcDest HDC, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight int, hdcSrc HDC, nXSrc, nYSrc int, dwRop uint) {
+ ret, _, _ := procBitBlt.Call(
+ uintptr(hdcDest),
+ uintptr(nXDest),
+ uintptr(nYDest),
+ uintptr(nWidth),
+ uintptr(nHeight),
+ uintptr(hdcSrc),
+ uintptr(nXSrc),
+ uintptr(nYSrc),
+ uintptr(dwRop))
+ if ret == 0 {
+ panic("BitBlt failed")
+ }
+func PatBlt(hdc HDC, nXLeft, nYLeft, nWidth, nHeight int, dwRop uint) {
+ ret, _, _ := procPatBlt.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(nXLeft),
+ uintptr(nYLeft),
+ uintptr(nWidth),
+ uintptr(nHeight),
+ uintptr(dwRop))
+ if ret == 0 {
+ panic("PatBlt failed")
+ }
+func CloseEnhMetaFile(hdc HDC) HENHMETAFILE {
+ ret, _, _ := procCloseEnhMetaFile.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc))
+ return HENHMETAFILE(ret)
+func CopyEnhMetaFile(hemfSrc HENHMETAFILE, lpszFile *uint16) HENHMETAFILE {
+ ret, _, _ := procCopyEnhMetaFile.Call(
+ uintptr(hemfSrc),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpszFile)))
+ return HENHMETAFILE(ret)
+func CreateBrushIndirect(lplb *LOGBRUSH) HBRUSH {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateBrushIndirect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lplb)))
+ return HBRUSH(ret)
+func CreateCompatibleDC(hdc HDC) HDC {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateCompatibleDC.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc))
+ if ret == 0 {
+ panic("Create compatible DC failed")
+ }
+ return HDC(ret)
+func CreateDC(lpszDriver, lpszDevice, lpszOutput *uint16, lpInitData *DEVMODE) HDC {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateDC.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpszDriver)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpszDevice)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpszOutput)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpInitData)))
+ return HDC(ret)
+func CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc HDC, width, height uint) HBITMAP {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateCompatibleBitmap.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(width),
+ uintptr(height))
+ return HBITMAP(ret)
+func CreateDIBSection(hdc HDC, pbmi *BITMAPINFO, iUsage uint, ppvBits *unsafe.Pointer, hSection HANDLE, dwOffset uint) HBITMAP {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateDIBSection.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pbmi)),
+ uintptr(iUsage),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ppvBits)),
+ uintptr(hSection),
+ uintptr(dwOffset))
+ return HBITMAP(ret)
+func CreateEnhMetaFile(hdcRef HDC, lpFilename *uint16, lpRect *RECT, lpDescription *uint16) HDC {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateEnhMetaFile.Call(
+ uintptr(hdcRef),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpFilename)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpRect)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpDescription)))
+ return HDC(ret)
+func CreateIC(lpszDriver, lpszDevice, lpszOutput *uint16, lpdvmInit *DEVMODE) HDC {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateIC.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpszDriver)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpszDevice)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpszOutput)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpdvmInit)))
+ return HDC(ret)
+func DeleteDC(hdc HDC) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procDeleteDC.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc))
+ return ret != 0
+func DeleteEnhMetaFile(hemf HENHMETAFILE) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procDeleteEnhMetaFile.Call(
+ uintptr(hemf))
+ return ret != 0
+func Ellipse(hdc HDC, nLeftRect, nTopRect, nRightRect, nBottomRect int) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procEllipse.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(nLeftRect),
+ uintptr(nTopRect),
+ uintptr(nRightRect),
+ uintptr(nBottomRect))
+ return ret != 0
+func EndDoc(hdc HDC) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procEndDoc.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc))
+ return int(ret)
+func EndPage(hdc HDC) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procEndPage.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc))
+ return int(ret)
+func ExtCreatePen(dwPenStyle, dwWidth uint, lplb *LOGBRUSH, dwStyleCount uint, lpStyle *uint) HPEN {
+ ret, _, _ := procExtCreatePen.Call(
+ uintptr(dwPenStyle),
+ uintptr(dwWidth),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lplb)),
+ uintptr(dwStyleCount),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpStyle)))
+ return HPEN(ret)
+func GetEnhMetaFile(lpszMetaFile *uint16) HENHMETAFILE {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetEnhMetaFile.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpszMetaFile)))
+ return HENHMETAFILE(ret)
+func GetEnhMetaFileHeader(hemf HENHMETAFILE, cbBuffer uint, lpemh *ENHMETAHEADER) uint {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetEnhMetaFileHeader.Call(
+ uintptr(hemf),
+ uintptr(cbBuffer),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpemh)))
+ return uint(ret)
+func GetObject(hgdiobj HGDIOBJ, cbBuffer uintptr, lpvObject unsafe.Pointer) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetObject.Call(
+ uintptr(hgdiobj),
+ uintptr(cbBuffer),
+ uintptr(lpvObject))
+ return int(ret)
+func GetStockObject(fnObject int) HGDIOBJ {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetStockObject.Call(
+ uintptr(fnObject))
+ return HGDIOBJ(ret)
+func GetTextExtentExPoint(hdc HDC, lpszStr *uint16, cchString, nMaxExtent int, lpnFit, alpDx *int, lpSize *SIZE) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetTextExtentExPoint.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpszStr)),
+ uintptr(cchString),
+ uintptr(nMaxExtent),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpnFit)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(alpDx)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpSize)))
+ return ret != 0
+func GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc HDC, lpString *uint16, c int, lpSize *SIZE) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetTextExtentPoint32.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpString)),
+ uintptr(c),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpSize)))
+ return ret != 0
+func GetTextMetrics(hdc HDC, lptm *TEXTMETRIC) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetTextMetrics.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lptm)))
+ return ret != 0
+func LineTo(hdc HDC, nXEnd, nYEnd int) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procLineTo.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(nXEnd),
+ uintptr(nYEnd))
+ return ret != 0
+func MoveToEx(hdc HDC, x, y int, lpPoint *POINT) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procMoveToEx.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(x),
+ uintptr(y),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpPoint)))
+ return ret != 0
+func PlayEnhMetaFile(hdc HDC, hemf HENHMETAFILE, lpRect *RECT) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procPlayEnhMetaFile.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(hemf),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpRect)))
+ return ret != 0
+func Rectangle(hdc HDC, nLeftRect, nTopRect, nRightRect, nBottomRect int) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procRectangle.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(nLeftRect),
+ uintptr(nTopRect),
+ uintptr(nRightRect),
+ uintptr(nBottomRect))
+ return ret != 0
+func ResetDC(hdc HDC, lpInitData *DEVMODE) HDC {
+ ret, _, _ := procResetDC.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpInitData)))
+ return HDC(ret)
+func SelectObject(hdc HDC, hgdiobj HGDIOBJ) HGDIOBJ {
+ ret, _, _ := procSelectObject.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(hgdiobj))
+ if ret == 0 {
+ panic("SelectObject failed")
+ }
+ return HGDIOBJ(ret)
+func SetBkMode(hdc HDC, iBkMode int) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetBkMode.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(iBkMode))
+ if ret == 0 {
+ panic("SetBkMode failed")
+ }
+ return int(ret)
+func SetBrushOrgEx(hdc HDC, nXOrg, nYOrg int, lppt *POINT) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetBrushOrgEx.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(nXOrg),
+ uintptr(nYOrg),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lppt)))
+ return ret != 0
+func SetStretchBltMode(hdc HDC, iStretchMode int) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetStretchBltMode.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(iStretchMode))
+ return int(ret)
+func SetTextColor(hdc HDC, crColor COLORREF) COLORREF {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetTextColor.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(crColor))
+ if ret == CLR_INVALID {
+ panic("SetTextColor failed")
+ }
+ return COLORREF(ret)
+func SetBkColor(hdc HDC, crColor COLORREF) COLORREF {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetBkColor.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(crColor))
+ if ret == CLR_INVALID {
+ panic("SetBkColor failed")
+ }
+ return COLORREF(ret)
+func StartDoc(hdc HDC, lpdi *DOCINFO) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procStartDoc.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpdi)))
+ return int(ret)
+func StartPage(hdc HDC) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procStartPage.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc))
+ return int(ret)
+func StretchBlt(hdcDest HDC, nXOriginDest, nYOriginDest, nWidthDest, nHeightDest int, hdcSrc HDC, nXOriginSrc, nYOriginSrc, nWidthSrc, nHeightSrc int, dwRop uint) {
+ ret, _, _ := procStretchBlt.Call(
+ uintptr(hdcDest),
+ uintptr(nXOriginDest),
+ uintptr(nYOriginDest),
+ uintptr(nWidthDest),
+ uintptr(nHeightDest),
+ uintptr(hdcSrc),
+ uintptr(nXOriginSrc),
+ uintptr(nYOriginSrc),
+ uintptr(nWidthSrc),
+ uintptr(nHeightSrc),
+ uintptr(dwRop))
+ if ret == 0 {
+ panic("StretchBlt failed")
+ }
+func SetDIBitsToDevice(hdc HDC, xDest, yDest, dwWidth, dwHeight, xSrc, ySrc int, uStartScan, cScanLines uint, lpvBits []byte, lpbmi *BITMAPINFO, fuColorUse uint) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetDIBitsToDevice.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(xDest),
+ uintptr(yDest),
+ uintptr(dwWidth),
+ uintptr(dwHeight),
+ uintptr(xSrc),
+ uintptr(ySrc),
+ uintptr(uStartScan),
+ uintptr(cScanLines),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&lpvBits[0])),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpbmi)),
+ uintptr(fuColorUse))
+ return int(ret)
+func ChoosePixelFormat(hdc HDC, pfd *PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procChoosePixelFormat.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pfd)),
+ )
+ return int(ret)
+func DescribePixelFormat(hdc HDC, iPixelFormat int, nBytes uint, pfd *PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procDescribePixelFormat.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(iPixelFormat),
+ uintptr(nBytes),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pfd)),
+ )
+ return int(ret)
+func GetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat(hemf HENHMETAFILE, cbBuffer uint32, pfd *PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) uint {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat.Call(
+ uintptr(hemf),
+ uintptr(cbBuffer),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pfd)),
+ )
+ return uint(ret)
+func GetPixelFormat(hdc HDC) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetPixelFormat.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ )
+ return int(ret)
+func SetPixelFormat(hdc HDC, iPixelFormat int, pfd *PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetPixelFormat.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(iPixelFormat),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pfd)),
+ )
+ return ret == TRUE
+func SwapBuffers(hdc HDC) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procSwapBuffers.Call(uintptr(hdc))
+ return ret == TRUE