path: root/packages/w32/user32.go
diff options
authorKali Kaneko (leap communications) <>2019-08-16 12:55:10 +0200
committerKali Kaneko (leap communications) <>2019-08-16 15:50:28 +0200
commitec4974e7660776e8ab2883b109bfa3f96b4f5317 (patch)
tree6c6ae93cab7e3a0ff6ebb7ec07e3ef8757e5272f /packages/w32/user32.go
parentf4ab1b0463e902f23224c37f1e217241084681df (diff)
[pkg] need to vendorize allendang w32 lib
we use go mod edit -replace
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/w32/user32.go')
1 files changed, 1046 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/w32/user32.go b/packages/w32/user32.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8286e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/w32/user32.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1046 @@
+// Copyright 2010-2012 The W32 Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package w32
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "syscall"
+ "unsafe"
+var (
+ moduser32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("user32.dll")
+ procRegisterClassEx = moduser32.NewProc("RegisterClassExW")
+ procLoadIcon = moduser32.NewProc("LoadIconW")
+ procLoadCursor = moduser32.NewProc("LoadCursorW")
+ procShowWindow = moduser32.NewProc("ShowWindow")
+ procUpdateWindow = moduser32.NewProc("UpdateWindow")
+ procCreateWindowEx = moduser32.NewProc("CreateWindowExW")
+ procAdjustWindowRect = moduser32.NewProc("AdjustWindowRect")
+ procAdjustWindowRectEx = moduser32.NewProc("AdjustWindowRectEx")
+ procDestroyWindow = moduser32.NewProc("DestroyWindow")
+ procDefWindowProc = moduser32.NewProc("DefWindowProcW")
+ procDefDlgProc = moduser32.NewProc("DefDlgProcW")
+ procPostQuitMessage = moduser32.NewProc("PostQuitMessage")
+ procGetMessage = moduser32.NewProc("GetMessageW")
+ procTranslateMessage = moduser32.NewProc("TranslateMessage")
+ procDispatchMessage = moduser32.NewProc("DispatchMessageW")
+ procSendMessage = moduser32.NewProc("SendMessageW")
+ procSendMessageTimeout = moduser32.NewProc("SendMessageTimeout")
+ procPostMessage = moduser32.NewProc("PostMessageW")
+ procWaitMessage = moduser32.NewProc("WaitMessage")
+ procSetWindowText = moduser32.NewProc("SetWindowTextW")
+ procGetWindowTextLength = moduser32.NewProc("GetWindowTextLengthW")
+ procGetWindowText = moduser32.NewProc("GetWindowTextW")
+ procGetWindowRect = moduser32.NewProc("GetWindowRect")
+ procMoveWindow = moduser32.NewProc("MoveWindow")
+ procScreenToClient = moduser32.NewProc("ScreenToClient")
+ procCallWindowProc = moduser32.NewProc("CallWindowProcW")
+ procSetWindowLong = moduser32.NewProc("SetWindowLongW")
+ procSetWindowLongPtr = moduser32.NewProc("SetWindowLongW")
+ procGetWindowLong = moduser32.NewProc("GetWindowLongW")
+ procGetWindowLongPtr = moduser32.NewProc("GetWindowLongW")
+ procEnableWindow = moduser32.NewProc("EnableWindow")
+ procIsWindowEnabled = moduser32.NewProc("IsWindowEnabled")
+ procIsWindowVisible = moduser32.NewProc("IsWindowVisible")
+ procSetFocus = moduser32.NewProc("SetFocus")
+ procInvalidateRect = moduser32.NewProc("InvalidateRect")
+ procGetClientRect = moduser32.NewProc("GetClientRect")
+ procGetDC = moduser32.NewProc("GetDC")
+ procReleaseDC = moduser32.NewProc("ReleaseDC")
+ procSetCapture = moduser32.NewProc("SetCapture")
+ procReleaseCapture = moduser32.NewProc("ReleaseCapture")
+ procGetWindowThreadProcessId = moduser32.NewProc("GetWindowThreadProcessId")
+ procMessageBox = moduser32.NewProc("MessageBoxW")
+ procGetSystemMetrics = moduser32.NewProc("GetSystemMetrics")
+ procCopyRect = moduser32.NewProc("CopyRect")
+ procEqualRect = moduser32.NewProc("EqualRect")
+ procInflateRect = moduser32.NewProc("InflateRect")
+ procIntersectRect = moduser32.NewProc("IntersectRect")
+ procIsRectEmpty = moduser32.NewProc("IsRectEmpty")
+ procOffsetRect = moduser32.NewProc("OffsetRect")
+ procPtInRect = moduser32.NewProc("PtInRect")
+ procSetRect = moduser32.NewProc("SetRect")
+ procSetRectEmpty = moduser32.NewProc("SetRectEmpty")
+ procSubtractRect = moduser32.NewProc("SubtractRect")
+ procUnionRect = moduser32.NewProc("UnionRect")
+ procCreateDialogParam = moduser32.NewProc("CreateDialogParamW")
+ procDialogBoxParam = moduser32.NewProc("DialogBoxParamW")
+ procGetDlgItem = moduser32.NewProc("GetDlgItem")
+ procDrawIcon = moduser32.NewProc("DrawIcon")
+ procClientToScreen = moduser32.NewProc("ClientToScreen")
+ procIsDialogMessage = moduser32.NewProc("IsDialogMessageW")
+ procIsWindow = moduser32.NewProc("IsWindow")
+ procEndDialog = moduser32.NewProc("EndDialog")
+ procPeekMessage = moduser32.NewProc("PeekMessageW")
+ procTranslateAccelerator = moduser32.NewProc("TranslateAcceleratorW")
+ procSetWindowPos = moduser32.NewProc("SetWindowPos")
+ procFillRect = moduser32.NewProc("FillRect")
+ procDrawText = moduser32.NewProc("DrawTextW")
+ procAddClipboardFormatListener = moduser32.NewProc("AddClipboardFormatListener")
+ procRemoveClipboardFormatListener = moduser32.NewProc("RemoveClipboardFormatListener")
+ procOpenClipboard = moduser32.NewProc("OpenClipboard")
+ procCloseClipboard = moduser32.NewProc("CloseClipboard")
+ procEnumClipboardFormats = moduser32.NewProc("EnumClipboardFormats")
+ procGetClipboardData = moduser32.NewProc("GetClipboardData")
+ procSetClipboardData = moduser32.NewProc("SetClipboardData")
+ procEmptyClipboard = moduser32.NewProc("EmptyClipboard")
+ procGetClipboardFormatName = moduser32.NewProc("GetClipboardFormatNameW")
+ procIsClipboardFormatAvailable = moduser32.NewProc("IsClipboardFormatAvailable")
+ procBeginPaint = moduser32.NewProc("BeginPaint")
+ procEndPaint = moduser32.NewProc("EndPaint")
+ procGetKeyboardState = moduser32.NewProc("GetKeyboardState")
+ procMapVirtualKey = moduser32.NewProc("MapVirtualKeyExW")
+ procGetAsyncKeyState = moduser32.NewProc("GetAsyncKeyState")
+ procToAscii = moduser32.NewProc("ToAscii")
+ procSwapMouseButton = moduser32.NewProc("SwapMouseButton")
+ procGetCursorPos = moduser32.NewProc("GetCursorPos")
+ procSetCursorPos = moduser32.NewProc("SetCursorPos")
+ procSetCursor = moduser32.NewProc("SetCursor")
+ procCreateIcon = moduser32.NewProc("CreateIcon")
+ procDestroyIcon = moduser32.NewProc("DestroyIcon")
+ procMonitorFromPoint = moduser32.NewProc("MonitorFromPoint")
+ procMonitorFromRect = moduser32.NewProc("MonitorFromRect")
+ procMonitorFromWindow = moduser32.NewProc("MonitorFromWindow")
+ procGetMonitorInfo = moduser32.NewProc("GetMonitorInfoW")
+ procEnumDisplayMonitors = moduser32.NewProc("EnumDisplayMonitors")
+ procEnumDisplaySettingsEx = moduser32.NewProc("EnumDisplaySettingsExW")
+ procChangeDisplaySettingsEx = moduser32.NewProc("ChangeDisplaySettingsExW")
+ procSendInput = moduser32.NewProc("SendInput")
+ procSetWindowsHookEx = moduser32.NewProc("SetWindowsHookExW")
+ procUnhookWindowsHookEx = moduser32.NewProc("UnhookWindowsHookEx")
+ procCallNextHookEx = moduser32.NewProc("CallNextHookEx")
+ procSetForegroundWindow = moduser32.NewProc("SetForegroundWindow")
+ procFindWindowW = moduser32.NewProc("FindWindowW")
+ procFindWindowExW = moduser32.NewProc("FindWindowExW")
+ procGetClassName = moduser32.NewProc("GetClassNameW")
+ procEnumChildWindows = moduser32.NewProc("EnumChildWindows")
+ procSetTimer = moduser32.NewProc("SetTimer")
+ procKillTimer = moduser32.NewProc("KillTimer")
+ procRedrawWindow = moduser32.NewProc("RedrawWindow")
+func RegisterClassEx(wndClassEx *WNDCLASSEX) ATOM {
+ ret, _, _ := procRegisterClassEx.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wndClassEx)))
+ return ATOM(ret)
+func LoadIcon(instance HINSTANCE, iconName *uint16) HICON {
+ ret, _, _ := procLoadIcon.Call(
+ uintptr(instance),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iconName)))
+ return HICON(ret)
+func LoadCursor(instance HINSTANCE, cursorName *uint16) HCURSOR {
+ ret, _, _ := procLoadCursor.Call(
+ uintptr(instance),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cursorName)))
+ return HCURSOR(ret)
+func GetClassNameW(hwnd HWND) string {
+ buf := make([]uint16, 255)
+ procGetClassName.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])),
+ uintptr(255))
+ return syscall.UTF16ToString(buf)
+func SetForegroundWindow(hwnd HWND) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetForegroundWindow.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return ret != 0
+func ShowWindow(hwnd HWND, cmdshow int) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procShowWindow.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(cmdshow))
+ return ret != 0
+func UpdateWindow(hwnd HWND) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procUpdateWindow.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return ret != 0
+func CreateWindowEx(exStyle uint, className, windowName *uint16,
+ style uint, x, y, width, height int, parent HWND, menu HMENU,
+ instance HINSTANCE, param unsafe.Pointer) HWND {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateWindowEx.Call(
+ uintptr(exStyle),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(className)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(windowName)),
+ uintptr(style),
+ uintptr(x),
+ uintptr(y),
+ uintptr(width),
+ uintptr(height),
+ uintptr(parent),
+ uintptr(menu),
+ uintptr(instance),
+ uintptr(param))
+ return HWND(ret)
+func FindWindowExW(hwndParent, hwndChildAfter HWND, className, windowName *uint16) HWND {
+ ret, _, _ := procFindWindowExW.Call(
+ uintptr(hwndParent),
+ uintptr(hwndChildAfter),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(className)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(windowName)))
+ return HWND(ret)
+func FindWindowW(className, windowName *uint16) HWND {
+ ret, _, _ := procFindWindowW.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(className)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(windowName)))
+ return HWND(ret)
+func EnumChildWindows(hWndParent HWND, lpEnumFunc WNDENUMPROC, lParam LPARAM) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procEnumChildWindows.Call(
+ uintptr(hWndParent),
+ uintptr(syscall.NewCallback(lpEnumFunc)),
+ uintptr(lParam),
+ )
+ return ret != 0
+func AdjustWindowRectEx(rect *RECT, style uint, menu bool, exStyle uint) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procAdjustWindowRectEx.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect)),
+ uintptr(style),
+ uintptr(BoolToBOOL(menu)),
+ uintptr(exStyle))
+ return ret != 0
+func AdjustWindowRect(rect *RECT, style uint, menu bool) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procAdjustWindowRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect)),
+ uintptr(style),
+ uintptr(BoolToBOOL(menu)))
+ return ret != 0
+func DestroyWindow(hwnd HWND) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procDestroyWindow.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return ret != 0
+func DefWindowProc(hwnd HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr {
+ ret, _, _ := procDefWindowProc.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(msg),
+ wParam,
+ lParam)
+ return ret
+func DefDlgProc(hwnd HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr {
+ ret, _, _ := procDefDlgProc.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(msg),
+ wParam,
+ lParam)
+ return ret
+func PostQuitMessage(exitCode int) {
+ procPostQuitMessage.Call(
+ uintptr(exitCode))
+func GetMessage(msg *MSG, hwnd HWND, msgFilterMin, msgFilterMax uint32) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetMessage.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)),
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(msgFilterMin),
+ uintptr(msgFilterMax))
+ return int(ret)
+func TranslateMessage(msg *MSG) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procTranslateMessage.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)))
+ return ret != 0
+func DispatchMessage(msg *MSG) uintptr {
+ ret, _, _ := procDispatchMessage.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)))
+ return ret
+func SendMessage(hwnd HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr {
+ ret, _, _ := procSendMessage.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(msg),
+ wParam,
+ lParam)
+ return ret
+func SendMessageTimeout(hwnd HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr, fuFlags, uTimeout uint32) uintptr {
+ ret, _, _ := procSendMessageTimeout.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(msg),
+ wParam,
+ lParam,
+ uintptr(fuFlags),
+ uintptr(uTimeout))
+ return ret
+func PostMessage(hwnd HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procPostMessage.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(msg),
+ wParam,
+ lParam)
+ return ret != 0
+func WaitMessage() bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procWaitMessage.Call()
+ return ret != 0
+func SetWindowText(hwnd HWND, text string) {
+ procSetWindowText.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(text))))
+func GetWindowTextLength(hwnd HWND) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetWindowTextLength.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return int(ret)
+func GetWindowText(hwnd HWND) string {
+ textLen := GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) + 1
+ buf := make([]uint16, textLen)
+ procGetWindowText.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])),
+ uintptr(textLen))
+ return syscall.UTF16ToString(buf)
+func GetWindowRect(hwnd HWND) *RECT {
+ var rect RECT
+ procGetWindowRect.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&rect)))
+ return &rect
+func MoveWindow(hwnd HWND, x, y, width, height int, repaint bool) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procMoveWindow.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(x),
+ uintptr(y),
+ uintptr(width),
+ uintptr(height),
+ uintptr(BoolToBOOL(repaint)))
+ return ret != 0
+func ScreenToClient(hwnd HWND, x, y int) (X, Y int, ok bool) {
+ pt := POINT{X: int32(x), Y: int32(y)}
+ ret, _, _ := procScreenToClient.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&pt)))
+ return int(pt.X), int(pt.Y), ret != 0
+func CallWindowProc(preWndProc uintptr, hwnd HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr {
+ ret, _, _ := procCallWindowProc.Call(
+ preWndProc,
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(msg),
+ wParam,
+ lParam)
+ return ret
+func SetWindowLong(hwnd HWND, index int, value uint32) uint32 {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetWindowLong.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(index),
+ uintptr(value))
+ return uint32(ret)
+func SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd HWND, index int, value uintptr) uintptr {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetWindowLongPtr.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(index),
+ value)
+ return ret
+func GetWindowLong(hwnd HWND, index int) int32 {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetWindowLong.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(index))
+ return int32(ret)
+func GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd HWND, index int) uintptr {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetWindowLongPtr.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(index))
+ return ret
+func EnableWindow(hwnd HWND, b bool) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procEnableWindow.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(BoolToBOOL(b)))
+ return ret != 0
+func IsWindowEnabled(hwnd HWND) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procIsWindowEnabled.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return ret != 0
+func IsWindowVisible(hwnd HWND) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procIsWindowVisible.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return ret != 0
+func SetFocus(hwnd HWND) HWND {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetFocus.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return HWND(ret)
+func InvalidateRect(hwnd HWND, rect *RECT, erase bool) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procInvalidateRect.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect)),
+ uintptr(BoolToBOOL(erase)))
+ return ret != 0
+func GetClientRect(hwnd HWND) *RECT {
+ var rect RECT
+ ret, _, _ := procGetClientRect.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&rect)))
+ if ret == 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("GetClientRect(%d) failed", hwnd))
+ }
+ return &rect
+func GetDC(hwnd HWND) HDC {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetDC.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return HDC(ret)
+func ReleaseDC(hwnd HWND, hDC HDC) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procReleaseDC.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(hDC))
+ return ret != 0
+func SetCapture(hwnd HWND) HWND {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetCapture.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return HWND(ret)
+func ReleaseCapture() bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procReleaseCapture.Call()
+ return ret != 0
+func GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd HWND) (HANDLE, int) {
+ var processId int
+ ret, _, _ := procGetWindowThreadProcessId.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&processId)))
+ return HANDLE(ret), processId
+func MessageBox(hwnd HWND, title, caption string, flags uint) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procMessageBox.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(title))),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(caption))),
+ uintptr(flags))
+ return int(ret)
+func GetSystemMetrics(index int) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetSystemMetrics.Call(
+ uintptr(index))
+ return int(ret)
+func CopyRect(dst, src *RECT) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procCopyRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dst)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(src)))
+ return ret != 0
+func EqualRect(rect1, rect2 *RECT) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procEqualRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect1)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect2)))
+ return ret != 0
+func InflateRect(rect *RECT, dx, dy int) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procInflateRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect)),
+ uintptr(dx),
+ uintptr(dy))
+ return ret != 0
+func IntersectRect(dst, src1, src2 *RECT) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procIntersectRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dst)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(src1)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(src2)))
+ return ret != 0
+func IsRectEmpty(rect *RECT) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procIsRectEmpty.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect)))
+ return ret != 0
+func OffsetRect(rect *RECT, dx, dy int) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procOffsetRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect)),
+ uintptr(dx),
+ uintptr(dy))
+ return ret != 0
+func PtInRect(rect *RECT, x, y int) bool {
+ pt := POINT{X: int32(x), Y: int32(y)}
+ ret, _, _ := procPtInRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&pt)))
+ return ret != 0
+func SetRect(rect *RECT, left, top, right, bottom int) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect)),
+ uintptr(left),
+ uintptr(top),
+ uintptr(right),
+ uintptr(bottom))
+ return ret != 0
+func SetRectEmpty(rect *RECT) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetRectEmpty.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rect)))
+ return ret != 0
+func SubtractRect(dst, src1, src2 *RECT) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procSubtractRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dst)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(src1)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(src2)))
+ return ret != 0
+func UnionRect(dst, src1, src2 *RECT) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procUnionRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dst)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(src1)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(src2)))
+ return ret != 0
+func CreateDialog(hInstance HINSTANCE, lpTemplate *uint16, hWndParent HWND, lpDialogProc uintptr) HWND {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateDialogParam.Call(
+ uintptr(hInstance),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpTemplate)),
+ uintptr(hWndParent),
+ lpDialogProc,
+ 0)
+ return HWND(ret)
+func DialogBox(hInstance HINSTANCE, lpTemplateName *uint16, hWndParent HWND, lpDialogProc uintptr) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procDialogBoxParam.Call(
+ uintptr(hInstance),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpTemplateName)),
+ uintptr(hWndParent),
+ lpDialogProc,
+ 0)
+ return int(ret)
+func GetDlgItem(hDlg HWND, nIDDlgItem int) HWND {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetDlgItem.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(hDlg)),
+ uintptr(nIDDlgItem))
+ return HWND(ret)
+func DrawIcon(hDC HDC, x, y int, hIcon HICON) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procDrawIcon.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(hDC)),
+ uintptr(x),
+ uintptr(y),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(hIcon)))
+ return ret != 0
+func ClientToScreen(hwnd HWND, x, y int) (int, int) {
+ pt := POINT{X: int32(x), Y: int32(y)}
+ procClientToScreen.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&pt)))
+ return int(pt.X), int(pt.Y)
+func IsDialogMessage(hwnd HWND, msg *MSG) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procIsDialogMessage.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)))
+ return ret != 0
+func IsWindow(hwnd HWND) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procIsWindow.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return ret != 0
+func EndDialog(hwnd HWND, nResult uintptr) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procEndDialog.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ nResult)
+ return ret != 0
+func PeekMessage(lpMsg *MSG, hwnd HWND, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, wRemoveMsg uint32) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procPeekMessage.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpMsg)),
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(wMsgFilterMin),
+ uintptr(wMsgFilterMax),
+ uintptr(wRemoveMsg))
+ return ret != 0
+func TranslateAccelerator(hwnd HWND, hAccTable HACCEL, lpMsg *MSG) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procTranslateAccelerator.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(hAccTable),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpMsg)))
+ return ret != 0
+func SetWindowPos(hwnd, hWndInsertAfter HWND, x, y, cx, cy int, uFlags uint) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetWindowPos.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(hWndInsertAfter),
+ uintptr(x),
+ uintptr(y),
+ uintptr(cx),
+ uintptr(cy),
+ uintptr(uFlags))
+ return ret != 0
+func FillRect(hDC HDC, lprc *RECT, hbr HBRUSH) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procFillRect.Call(
+ uintptr(hDC),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lprc)),
+ uintptr(hbr))
+ return ret != 0
+func DrawText(hDC HDC, text string, uCount int, lpRect *RECT, uFormat uint) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procDrawText.Call(
+ uintptr(hDC),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(text))),
+ uintptr(uCount),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpRect)),
+ uintptr(uFormat))
+ return int(ret)
+func AddClipboardFormatListener(hwnd HWND) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procAddClipboardFormatListener.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return ret != 0
+func RemoveClipboardFormatListener(hwnd HWND) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procRemoveClipboardFormatListener.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd))
+ return ret != 0
+func OpenClipboard(hWndNewOwner HWND) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procOpenClipboard.Call(
+ uintptr(hWndNewOwner))
+ return ret != 0
+func CloseClipboard() bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procCloseClipboard.Call()
+ return ret != 0
+func EnumClipboardFormats(format uint) uint {
+ ret, _, _ := procEnumClipboardFormats.Call(
+ uintptr(format))
+ return uint(ret)
+func GetClipboardData(uFormat uint) HANDLE {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetClipboardData.Call(
+ uintptr(uFormat))
+ return HANDLE(ret)
+func SetClipboardData(uFormat uint, hMem HANDLE) HANDLE {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetClipboardData.Call(
+ uintptr(uFormat),
+ uintptr(hMem))
+ return HANDLE(ret)
+func EmptyClipboard() bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procEmptyClipboard.Call()
+ return ret != 0
+func GetClipboardFormatName(format uint) (string, bool) {
+ cchMaxCount := 255
+ buf := make([]uint16, cchMaxCount)
+ ret, _, _ := procGetClipboardFormatName.Call(
+ uintptr(format),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])),
+ uintptr(cchMaxCount))
+ if ret > 0 {
+ return syscall.UTF16ToString(buf), true
+ }
+ return "Requested format does not exist or is predefined", false
+func IsClipboardFormatAvailable(format uint) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procIsClipboardFormatAvailable.Call(uintptr(format))
+ return ret != 0
+func BeginPaint(hwnd HWND, paint *PAINTSTRUCT) HDC {
+ ret, _, _ := procBeginPaint.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(paint)))
+ return HDC(ret)
+func EndPaint(hwnd HWND, paint *PAINTSTRUCT) {
+ procEndPaint.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(paint)))
+func GetKeyboardState(lpKeyState *[]byte) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetKeyboardState.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&(*lpKeyState)[0])))
+ return ret != 0
+func MapVirtualKeyEx(uCode, uMapType uint, dwhkl HKL) uint {
+ ret, _, _ := procMapVirtualKey.Call(
+ uintptr(uCode),
+ uintptr(uMapType),
+ uintptr(dwhkl))
+ return uint(ret)
+func GetAsyncKeyState(vKey int) uint16 {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetAsyncKeyState.Call(uintptr(vKey))
+ return uint16(ret)
+func ToAscii(uVirtKey, uScanCode uint, lpKeyState *byte, lpChar *uint16, uFlags uint) int {
+ ret, _, _ := procToAscii.Call(
+ uintptr(uVirtKey),
+ uintptr(uScanCode),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpKeyState)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpChar)),
+ uintptr(uFlags))
+ return int(ret)
+func SwapMouseButton(fSwap bool) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procSwapMouseButton.Call(
+ uintptr(BoolToBOOL(fSwap)))
+ return ret != 0
+func GetCursorPos() (x, y int, ok bool) {
+ pt := POINT{}
+ ret, _, _ := procGetCursorPos.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&pt)))
+ return int(pt.X), int(pt.Y), ret != 0
+func SetCursorPos(x, y int) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetCursorPos.Call(
+ uintptr(x),
+ uintptr(y),
+ )
+ return ret != 0
+func SetCursor(cursor HCURSOR) HCURSOR {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetCursor.Call(
+ uintptr(cursor),
+ )
+ return HCURSOR(ret)
+func CreateIcon(instance HINSTANCE, nWidth, nHeight int, cPlanes, cBitsPerPixel byte, ANDbits, XORbits *byte) HICON {
+ ret, _, _ := procCreateIcon.Call(
+ uintptr(instance),
+ uintptr(nWidth),
+ uintptr(nHeight),
+ uintptr(cPlanes),
+ uintptr(cBitsPerPixel),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ANDbits)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(XORbits)),
+ )
+ return HICON(ret)
+func DestroyIcon(icon HICON) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procDestroyIcon.Call(
+ uintptr(icon),
+ )
+ return ret != 0
+func MonitorFromPoint(x, y int, dwFlags uint32) HMONITOR {
+ ret, _, _ := procMonitorFromPoint.Call(
+ uintptr(x),
+ uintptr(y),
+ uintptr(dwFlags),
+ )
+ return HMONITOR(ret)
+func MonitorFromRect(rc *RECT, dwFlags uint32) HMONITOR {
+ ret, _, _ := procMonitorFromRect.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rc)),
+ uintptr(dwFlags),
+ )
+ return HMONITOR(ret)
+func MonitorFromWindow(hwnd HWND, dwFlags uint32) HMONITOR {
+ ret, _, _ := procMonitorFromWindow.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(dwFlags),
+ )
+ return HMONITOR(ret)
+func GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor HMONITOR, lmpi *MONITORINFO) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procGetMonitorInfo.Call(
+ uintptr(hMonitor),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lmpi)),
+ )
+ return ret != 0
+func EnumDisplayMonitors(hdc HDC, clip *RECT, fnEnum, dwData uintptr) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procEnumDisplayMonitors.Call(
+ uintptr(hdc),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(clip)),
+ fnEnum,
+ dwData,
+ )
+ return ret != 0
+func EnumDisplaySettingsEx(szDeviceName *uint16, iModeNum uint32, devMode *DEVMODE, dwFlags uint32) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procEnumDisplaySettingsEx.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(szDeviceName)),
+ uintptr(iModeNum),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(devMode)),
+ uintptr(dwFlags),
+ )
+ return ret != 0
+func ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(szDeviceName *uint16, devMode *DEVMODE, hwnd HWND, dwFlags uint32, lParam uintptr) int32 {
+ ret, _, _ := procChangeDisplaySettingsEx.Call(
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(szDeviceName)),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(devMode)),
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(dwFlags),
+ lParam,
+ )
+ return int32(ret)
+func SetWindowsHookEx(idHook int, lpfn HOOKPROC, hMod HINSTANCE, dwThreadId DWORD) HHOOK {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetWindowsHookEx.Call(
+ uintptr(idHook),
+ uintptr(syscall.NewCallback(lpfn)),
+ uintptr(hMod),
+ uintptr(dwThreadId),
+ )
+ return HHOOK(ret)
+func UnhookWindowsHookEx(hhk HHOOK) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procUnhookWindowsHookEx.Call(
+ uintptr(hhk),
+ )
+ return ret != 0
+func CallNextHookEx(hhk HHOOK, nCode int, wParam WPARAM, lParam LPARAM) LRESULT {
+ ret, _, _ := procCallNextHookEx.Call(
+ uintptr(hhk),
+ uintptr(nCode),
+ uintptr(wParam),
+ uintptr(lParam),
+ )
+ return LRESULT(ret)
+func SetTimer(hwnd HWND, nIDEvent uint32, uElapse uint32, lpTimerProc uintptr) uintptr {
+ ret, _, _ := procSetTimer.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(nIDEvent),
+ uintptr(uElapse),
+ lpTimerProc,
+ )
+ return ret
+func KillTimer(hwnd HWND, nIDEvent uint32) bool {
+ ret, _, _ := procKillTimer.Call(
+ uintptr(hwnd),
+ uintptr(nIDEvent),
+ )
+ return ret != 0
+// it will panic when the function fails
+func RedrawWindow(hWnd HWND, lpRect *RECT, hrgnUpdate HRGN, flag uint32) {
+ ret, _, _ := procRedrawWindow.Call(
+ uintptr(hWnd),
+ uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpRect)),
+ uintptr(hrgnUpdate),
+ uintptr(flag),
+ )
+ if ret!=0{
+ panic("RedrawWindow fail")
+ }
+ return
+} \ No newline at end of file