import React from 'react'; import {shallow} from 'enzyme'; import chaiEnzyme from 'chai-enzyme' import chai, { expect } from 'chai' import Center from '../../app/components/center'; describe('Center Component', () => { chai.use(chaiEnzyme()) it('has reasonable defaults', () => { const center = shallow( <Center> <span> test </span> </Center> ) expect(center.hasClass("center-both")) expect(center.find(".center-item"))'width') }) it('has a width parameter on the inner div', () => { const center = shallow( <Center width="10"> <span> test </span> </Center> ) expect(center.find(".center-item"))'width').equal('10px') }) it('sets direction parameter in the class name', () => { const center = shallow( <Center direction="vertically"> <span> test </span> </Center> ) expect(center).to.have.className("center-vertically") }) })