// // An account is an abstraction of a user and a provider. // The user part is optional, so an Account might just represent a provider. // import bitmask from 'lib/bitmask' import Provider from 'models/provider' export default class Account { constructor(address, props={}) { this.address = address this._authenticated = props.authenticated } // // currently, bitmask.js uses address for id, so we return address here too. // also, we don't know uuid until after authentication. // // TODO: change to uuid when possible. // get id() { return this._address } get domain() { return this._address.split('@')[1] } get address() { return this._address } set address(address) { if (!address.match('@')) { this._address = '@' + address } else { this._address = address } } get userpart() { return this._address.split('@')[0] } get authenticated() { return this._authenticated } getProvider() { if (this.provider) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(this.provider) }) } else { return Provider.get(this.domain).then(provider => { this.provider = provider return provider }) } } // // returns a promise, fulfill is passed account object // login(password, autoSetupProvider=false) { return bitmask.bonafide.user.auth(this.address, password, autoSetupProvider).then( response => { if (response.uuid) { this._uuid = response.uuid this._authenticated = true } return this } ) } // // returns a promise, fulfill is passed account object // logout() { return bitmask.bonafide.user.logout(this.id).then( response => { this._authenticated = false this._address = '@' + this.domain return this } ) } // // returns the matching account in the list of accounts // static find(address) { // search by full address let account = Account.list.find(i => { return i.address == address }) // failing that, search by domain if (!account) { let domain = null if (address.indexOf('@') == -1) { domain = '@' + address } else { domain = '@' + address.split('@')[1] } account = Account.list.find(i => { return i.address == domain }) if (account) { account.address = address } } return account } static findOrAdd(address) { let account = Account.find(address) if (!account) { account = new Account(address) Account.list.push(account) } return account } // // returns a list of the authenticated accounts // static active() { return bitmask.bonafide.user.list().then( response => { let list = [] for (let accountProps of response) { list.push(new Account(accountProps.userid, accountProps)) } return list } ) } static vpnReady() { return Provider.list(false).then(domains => { let promises = domains.map(domain => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { bitmask.vpn.check(domain).then(status => { if (status.vpn != 'disabled' && status.installed && status.vpn_ready) { resolve(domain) } else { resolve("") } }, error => { resolve("") }) }) }) return Promise.all(promises).then(domains => { domains = domains.filter(i => { return i != "" }) return domains.map(domain => { return Account.find(domain) }) }) }) } static add(account) { if (!Account.list.find(i => {return i.id == account.id})) { Account.list.push(account) } } // // For now, accounts are really just providers. Eventually, // there will be a separate account and provider list. // // Returns the account in the list that is closest to the one // We removed. // static remove(account) { return bitmask.bonafide.provider.delete(account.domain).then( response => { let index = Account.list.findIndex(i => { return i.id == account.id }) Account.list = Account.list.filter(i => { return i.id != account.id }) if (Account.list.length == 0) { return null } else if (index >= Account.list.length) { index = index - 1 } else if (index == -1) { index = 0 } return Account.list[index] } ) } static create(address, password, invite=null) { return bitmask.bonafide.user.create(address, password, invite).then( response => { return new Account(address) } ) } static initializeList(domains) { for (let domain of domains) { Account.add(new Account(domain)) } } // // inserts at the front of the account list // removing any other accounts with the same domain. // // this is a temporary hack to support the old behavior // util the backend has a proper concept of an account list. // static addActive(account) { Account.list = Account.list.filter(i => { return i.domain != account.domain }) Account.list.unshift(account) } } Account.list = []