import React from 'react' import { Button, ButtonToolbar, Glyphicon, Alert } from 'react-bootstrap' import SectionLayout from './section_layout' import Spinner from 'components/spinner' import bitmask from 'lib/bitmask' export default class vpnSection extends React.Component { static get defaultProps() {return{ account: null }} constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { interval: null, // timer callback error: null, // error message message: null, // info message expanded: false, // show vpn section expanded or compact ready: false, // true if vpn can start vpn: "unknown", // current state of vpn up: null, // \ throughput down: null // / labels } this.expand = this.expand.bind(this) this.connect = this.connect.bind(this) this.disconnect = this.disconnect.bind(this) this.retry = this.retry.bind(this) this.enable = this.enable.bind(this) this.installHelper = this.installHelper.bind(this) this.statusEvent = this.statusEvent.bind(this) this.loginEvent = this.loginEvent.bind(this) } // called whenever a new account is selected componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this.stopWatchingStatus() if (this.props.account.domain != nextProps.account.domain) { this.checkReadiness(nextProps.account.domain) } } // called only once componentWillMount() { this.checkReadiness()"VPN_STATUS_CHANGED", 'vpn section update', this.statusEvent)"BONAFIDE_AUTH_DONE", 'vpn section auth', this.loginEvent) } // not sure if this is ever called componentWillUnmount() {"VPN_STATUS_CHANGED", 'vpn section update')"BONAFIDE_AUTH_DONE", 'vpn section auth') this.stopWatchingStatus() } updateStatus(domain = null) { domain = domain || this.props.account.domain bitmask.vpn.status().then( vpn => { this.stopWatchingStatus() // If the current active VPN does not match this domain, ignore the status info. if (vpn.domain !== domain || vpn.status === "off") { this.setState({vpn: "down"}) } else if (vpn.status === "on") { this.setState({ vpn: "up", up: vpn.up, down: vpn.down }) this.startWatchingStatus() } else if (vpn.status === "disabled") { this.setState({vpn: "disabled"}) } else if (vpn.status === "starting") { this.setState({vpn: "connecting"}) } else { console.log("UNKNOWN STATUS", vpn.status) // it should not get here... this.setState({vpn: "waiting"}) } }, error => { this.setState({vpn: "failed", error: error}) } ) } // // Check if all the prerequisites have been met. // This is called whenever the widget is shown, and also whenever a user // authenticates // checkReadiness(domain = null) { domain = domain || this.props.account.domain bitmask.vpn.check(domain).then( status => { console.log('check()', status) if (status.vpn == 'disabled') { this.setState({vpn: "disabled"}) } else if (!status.installed) { this.setState({vpn: "nohelpers"}) } else if (!status.vpn_ready) { this.renewCert() } else { this.setState({ message: null, error: null, ready: true }) this.updateStatus(domain) } }, error => { console.log('check()', error) if (error == "Missing VPN certificate") { this.renewCert() } else { this.setState({vpn: "failed", error: error}) } } ) } // // install the necessary helper files // installHelper() { bitmask.vpn.install().then( ok => { this.checkReadiness() }, error => { console.log('install()', error) this.setState({vpn: "failed", error: error}) } ) } // // event callback: something new has happened, time to re-poll // statusEvent() { console.log('statusEvent') this.updateStatus() } // // event callback: the user successfully logged in // loginEvent(event, user) { let address = user[1] this.checkReadiness(address.split('@')[1]) } // // get new vpn cert from provider // renewCert() { if (!this.props.account.authenticated) { this.setState({ message: 'Please log in to renew VPN credentials.', vpn: null }) } else { let message = (<div> <Spinner/> <span>Renewing VPN credentials...</span> </div>) this.setState({message: message}) bitmask.vpn.get_cert( ok => { console.log('get_cert()', ok) this.checkReadiness() }, error => { console.log('get_cert()', error) this.setState({vpn: "failed", error: error}) } ) } } // section expand/collapse button pressed expand() { this.setState({expanded: !this.state.expanded}) } // turn on button pressed connect() { this.setState({vpn: "connecting", error: null}) bitmask.vpn.stop().then( wasRunning => {this.startvpn()}, wasntRunning => {this.startvpn()} ) } // turn off button pressed disconnect() { this.setState({vpn: "disconnecting", error: null}) bitmask.vpn.stop().then( success => { this.setState({vpn: "down"}) }, error => { this.setState({vpn: "failed", error: error}) } ) } // retry button pressed retry() { this.setState({error: null, message: null, vpn: 'waiting'}) this.updateStatus() this.checkReadiness() } // enable button pressed enable() { this.setState({error: null, message: null, vpn: 'waiting'}) bitmask.vpn.enable().then( ok => { console.log('enable()', ok) this.retry() }, error => { this.setState({error: error, message: null, vpn: 'failed'}) console.log('enable(error)', error) } ) } // // call startvpn() only when everything is ready, and no vpn is currently // running. // startvpn() { bitmask.vpn.start(this.props.account.domain).then( status => { console.log('start success', status) }, error => { console.log('start error', error) this.setState({vpn: "failed", error: error}) } ) } startWatchingStatus() { this.interval = setInterval(this.statusEvent, 1000) } stopWatchingStatus() { clearInterval(this.interval) } render () { let message = null let error = null let body = null let button = null let icon = null let info = null let expand = null // this.expand // style may be: success, warning, danger, info if (this.state.error) { error = ( <Alert bsStyle="danger">{this.state.error}</Alert> ) } if (this.state.message) { message = ( <Alert bsStyle="info">{this.state.message}</Alert> ) } if (this.state.expanded) { body = <div>traffic details go here</div> } switch(this.state.vpn) { case "down": button = <Button onClick={this.connect}>Turn ON</Button> icon = "disabled" break case "up": button = <Button onClick={this.disconnect}>Turn OFF</Button> icon = "on" info = "Connected" if (this.state.up) { info = <span> <Glyphicon glyph="chevron-down" /> {this.state.down} <Glyphicon glyph="chevron-up" /> {this.state.up} </span> } break case "connecting": button = <Button onClick={this.disconnect}>Cancel</Button> icon = "wait" info = "Connecting..." break case "disconnecting": button = <Button onClick={this.disconnect}>Cancel</Button> icon = "wait" break case "failed": info = "Failed" if (this.state.ready) { button = <ButtonToolbar> <Button onClick={this.connect}>Turn ON</Button> <Button onClick={this.disconnect}>Unblock</Button> </ButtonToolbar> } else { button = <Button onClick={this.retry}>Retry</Button> } icon = "off" break case "disabled": button = <Button onClick={this.enable}>Enable</Button> icon = "disabled" break case "waiting": button = <Spinner /> icon = "wait" break case "nohelpers": body = ( <div> <p>The VPN requires that certain helpers are installed on your system.</p> <Button onClick={this.installHelper}>Install Helper Files</Button> </div> ) break } let header = ( <div> <h1>VPN</h1> <span className="info">{info}</span> </div> ) if (button == null) { expand = null } return ( <SectionLayout icon="planet" buttons={button} status={icon} onExpand={expand} header={header} body={body} message={message} error={error} /> ) } }