// // The main panel manages the current account and the list of available accounts // // It displays multiple sections, one for each service. // import React from 'react' import App from 'app' import Login from 'components/login' import Account from 'models/account' import Spinner from 'components/spinner' import './main_panel.less' import AccountList from './account_list' import UserSection from './user_section' import EmailSection from './email_section' import VPNSection from './vpn_section' export default class MainPanel extends React.Component { static get defaultProps() {return{ initialAccount: null }} constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { account: null, provider: null, accounts: [] } this.activateAccount = this.activateAccount.bind(this) this.removeAccount = this.removeAccount.bind(this) } componentWillMount() { if (this.props.initialAccount) { this.activateAccount(this.props.initialAccount) } } activateAccount(account) { account.getProvider().then(provider => { this.setState({ account: account, provider: provider, accounts: Account.list }) }) } removeAccount(account) { Account.remove(account).then( newActiveAccount => { if (newActiveAccount == null) { App.start() } else { this.activateAccount(newActiveAccount) } }, error => { console.log(error) } ) } render() { if (this.state.account && this.state.provider) { return this.renderPanel() } else { return
} } renderPanel() { let emailSection = null let vpnSection = null let sidePanel = null if (this.state.account.authenticated) { if (this.state.provider.hasEmail) { emailSection = } } if (this.state.provider.hasVPN) { vpnSection = } sidePanel = ( ) return (
{vpnSection} {emailSection}
) } }