import React from 'react' import {Button, ButtonGroup, ButtonToolbar, Glyphicon} from 'react-bootstrap' import App from 'app' import Account from 'models/account' import Confirmation from 'components/confirmation' import AppButtons from './app_buttons' import bitmask from 'lib/bitmask' export default class AccountList extends React.Component { static get defaultProps() {return{ account: null, accounts: [], onAdd: null, onRemove: null, onSelect: null }} constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { mode: 'expanded', showRemoveConfirmation: false, activeVpnDomain: null, activeVpnStatus: null } // prebind: = this.add = this.add.bind(this) this.remove = this.remove.bind(this) this.askRemove = this.askRemove.bind(this) this.cancelRemove = this.cancelRemove.bind(this) this.expand = this.expand.bind(this) this.collapse = this.collapse.bind(this) this.statusEvent = this.statusEvent.bind(this) } componentWillMount() { // Listen to state changes so we can update the vpn status icon"VPN_STATUS_CHANGED", 'account list update', this.statusEvent) this.updateStatus() } componentWillUnmount() {"VPN_STATUS_CHANGED", 'acconut list update') } statusEvent() { this.updateStatus() } /* * Simple check to update the VPN status icon. We assume that if it's not up or * connecting, it's down. */ updateStatus() { bitmask.vpn.status().then( vpn => { this.setState({'activeVpnDomain': vpn.domain}) if (vpn.status == "on") { this.setState({'activeVpnState': "up"}) } else if (vpn.status == "starting") { this.setState({'activeVpnState': "connecting"}) } else { this.setState({'activeVpnState': "down"}) } } ) } select(e) { let account = this.props.accounts.find( account => == ) if (this.props.onSelect) { this.props.onSelect(account) } } add() {'wizard') } remove() { this.setState({showRemoveConfirmation: false}) if (this.props.onRemove) { this.props.onRemove(this.props.account) } } askRemove() { this.setState({showRemoveConfirmation: true}) } cancelRemove() { this.setState({showRemoveConfirmation: false}) } expand() { this.setState({mode: 'expanded'}) } collapse() { this.setState({mode: 'collapsed'}) } render() { let style = {} let expandButton = null let plusminusButtons = null let removeModal = null if (this.state.mode == 'expanded') { expandButton = ( ) let removeDisabled = !this.props.account || this.props.account.authenticated plusminusButtons = ( ) } else { style.width = '60px' expandButton = ( ) } if (this.state.showRemoveConfirmation) { let domain = this.props.account.domain let title = `Are you sure you wish to remove ${domain}?` removeModal = ( ) } let items =, i) => { let className = account == this.props.account ? 'active' : 'inactive' let icon = null; if (account.domain === this.state.activeVpnDomain){ icon = } return (
  • {account.userpart} {account.domain}
  • ) }) expandButton = null // for now, disable expand button return (
    {plusminusButtons} {expandButton} {removeModal}
    ) } }