import inspect
import logging

from PyQt4.QtCore import QCoreApplication
from PyQt4.QtCore import QLocale

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

here I could not do all that I wanted.
the context is not getting passed to the xml file.
Looks like pylupdate4 is somehow a hack that does not
parse too well the python ast.
I guess we could generate the xml for ourselves as a last recourse.

# RESIST the temptation to get the translate function
# more compact, or have the Context argument passed as a variable
# It HAS to be explicit due  to how the pylupdate parser
# works.

qtTranslate = QCoreApplication.translate

def translate(*args, **kwargs):
    our magic function.
    translate(Context, text, comment)
    #print 'translating...'
    klsname = None
        # get class value from instance
        # using live object inspection
        prev_frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
        self = inspect.getargvalues(prev_frame).locals.get('self')
        if self:
            # XXX will this work with QObject wrapper??
            if isinstance(LEAPTranslatable, self) and hasattr(self, 'tr'):
                print "we got a self in base class"

            # Trying to  get the class name
            # but this is useless, the parser
            # has already got the context.
            klsname = self.__class__.__name__
            #print 'KLSNAME  -- ', klsname
        logger.error('error getting stack frame')
        #print 'error getting stack frame'

    if klsname:
        nargs = (klsname,) + args
        return qtTranslate(*nargs)

        nargs = ('default', ) + args
        return qtTranslate(*nargs)

class LEAPTranslatable(dict):
    An extended dict that implements a .tr method
    so it can be translated on the fly by our
    magic  translate method

        locale = str(QLocale.system().name()).split('_')[0]
        logger.warning("could not get system locale!")
        print "could not get system locale!"
        locale = "en"

    def tr(self, to=None):
        if not to:
            to = self.locale
        _tr = self.get(to, None)
        if not _tr:
            _tr = self.get("en", None)
        return _tr