# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # process.py # Copyright (C) 2013-2017 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ VPN Process management. A custom processProtocol launches the VPNProcess and connects to its management interface. """ import os import shutil import sys from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer from twisted.internet import error as internet_error from twisted.internet.endpoints import clientFromString, connectProtocol from twisted.logger import Logger from zope.interface import implementer from leap.bitmask.vpn.utils import get_vpn_launcher from leap.bitmask.vpn.management import ManagementProtocol, IStateListener from leap.bitmask.vpn.launchers import darwin from leap.bitmask.vpn.constants import IS_MAC, IS_LINUX from leap.common.events import catalog, emit_async OPENVPN_VERBOSITY = 4 @implementer(IStateListener) class VPNStateListener(object): # TODO we should move the state history to this class # and make VPNProcess the implementer itself - or the service. def change_state(self, state): emit_async(catalog.VPN_STATUS_CHANGED) class _VPNProcess(protocol.ProcessProtocol): """ A ProcessProtocol class that can be used to spawn a process that will launch openvpn and connect to its management interface to control it programmatically. """ log = Logger() # HACK - reactor is expected to set this up when the process is spawned. # should try to get it from the management protocol instead. # XXX or, at least, we can check if they match. pid = None # TODO do we really need the vpnconfig/providerconfig objects in here??? def __init__(self, vpnconfig, providerconfig, socket_host, socket_port, openvpn_verb, remotes, restartfun=None): """ :param vpnconfig: vpn configuration object :type vpnconfig: VPNConfig :param providerconfig: provider specific configuration :type providerconfig: ProviderConfig :param socket_host: either socket path (unix) or socket IP :type socket_host: str :param socket_port: either string "unix" if it's a unix socket, or port otherwise :type socket_port: str """ self._host = socket_host self._port = socket_port if socket_port == 'unix': self._management_endpoint = clientFromString( reactor, b"unix:path=%s" % socket_host) else: raise ValueError('tcp endpoint not configured') self._vpnconfig = vpnconfig self._providerconfig = providerconfig self._launcher = get_vpn_launcher() self._restartfun = restartfun self.restarting = True self.failed = False self.errmsg = None self.proto = None self._remotes = remotes # processProtocol methods def outReceived(self, data): # use this to debug failed invocations. print("DEBUG VPN: %s" % data) pass @defer.inlineCallbacks def _got_management_protocol(self, proto): self.proto = proto listener = VPNStateListener() proto.addStateListener(listener) try: yield proto.logOn() yield proto.getVersion() yield proto.getPid() yield proto.stateOn() yield proto.byteCount(2) except Exception as exc: print('[!] Error: %s' % exc) def _connect_to_management(self, retries=30): if retries == 0: self.log.error('Timeout whilte connecting to management') self.failed = True return def retry(retries): ctr = retries - 1 self.log.warn( 'Error connecting to management, retrying. ' 'Retries left: %s' % ctr) reactor.callLater( 0.1, self._connect_to_management, ctr) self._d = connectProtocol( self._management_endpoint, ManagementProtocol(verbose=True)) self._d.addCallbacks( self._got_management_protocol, lambda f: retry(retries)) def connectionMade(self): self.failed = False reactor.callLater(0.1, self._connect_to_management) def processExited(self, failure): err = failure.trap( internet_error.ProcessDone, internet_error.ProcessTerminated) if err == internet_error.ProcessDone: pass elif err == internet_error.ProcessTerminated: self.failed = True self.errmsg = failure.value.exitCode if self.errmsg: self.log.debug('Process Exited, status %d' % (self.errmsg,)) else: self.log.warn('%r' % failure.value) if IS_MAC: # TODO: need to exit properly! self.errmsg = None self.proto = None def processEnded(self, reason): """ Called when the child process exits and all file descriptors associated with it have been closed. """ self.proto = None exit_code = reason.value.exitCode if isinstance(exit_code, int): self.log.debug('processEnded, status %d' % (exit_code,)) if self.restarting: self.log.debug('Restarting VPN process') self._cleanup() self._restartfun() def _cleanup(self): """ Remove all temporal files we might have left behind. Iif self.port is 'unix', we have created a temporal socket path that, under normal circumstances, we should be able to delete. """ if self._port == "unix": tempfolder = os.path.split(self._host)[0] if tempfolder and os.path.isdir(tempfolder): try: shutil.rmtree(tempfolder) except OSError: self.log.error( 'Could not delete VPN temp folder %s' % tempfolder) # status handling @property def status(self): if self.failed: return {'status': 'failed', 'error': self.errmsg} if not self.proto: return {'status': 'off', 'error': None} status = {'status': self.proto.state.simple.lower(), 'error': None} if self.proto.traffic: remote = self.proto.remote rport = self.proto.rport status['remote'] = '%s:%s' % (remote, rport) down, up = self.proto.traffic.get_rate() status['up'] = up status['down'] = down if status['status'] == 'off' and self.restarting: status['status'] = 'starting' return status # launcher def preUp(self): self._launcher.kill_previous_openvpn() def preDown(self): pass def getCommand(self): """ Gets the vpn command from the aproppriate launcher. Might throw: VPNLauncherException, OpenVPNNotFoundException. :rtype: list of str """ command = self._launcher.get_vpn_command( vpnconfig=self._vpnconfig, providerconfig=self._providerconfig, socket_host=self._host, socket_port=self._port, remotes=self._remotes) encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() for i, c in enumerate(command): if not isinstance(c, str): command[i] = c.encode(encoding) self.log.debug("Running VPN with command: ") self.log.debug("{0}".format(" ".join(command))) return command # shutdown def terminate(self): if self.proto: self.proto.signal('SIGTERM') def kill(self): try: self.transport.signalProcess('KILL') except internet_error.ProcessExitedAlready: self.log.debug('Process Exited Already') def terminate_or_kill(self): return self._launcher.terminate_or_kill( self.terminate, self.kill, self) if IS_LINUX: VPNProcess = _VPNProcess elif IS_MAC: class _VPNCanary(_VPNProcess): """ Special form of _VPNProcess, for Darwin Launcher (windows might end up using the same strategy). This is a Canary Process that does not run openvpn itself, but it's notified by the privileged process when the process dies. This is a workaround to allow the state machine to be notified when openvpn process is spawned by the privileged helper. """ def setupHelper(self): # TODO use get_vpn_launcher instead self.helper = darwin.HelperCommand() def preUp(self): self.setupHelper() cmd = self.getVPNCommand() self.helper.send('openvpn_start %s' % ' '.join(cmd)) def preDown(self): self.helper.send('openvpn_stop') def connectionMade(self): self.setupHelper() reactor.callLater(2, self.registerPID) _VPNProcess.connectionMade(self) def registerPID(self): cmd = 'openvpn_set_watcher %s' % self.pid self.helper.send(cmd) def killProcess(self): cmd = 'openvpn_force_stop' self.helper.send(cmd) def getVPNCommand(self): vpncmd = _VPNProcess.getCommand(self) return vpncmd def getCommand(self): canary = '''import sys, signal, time def receive_signal(signum, stack): sys.exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, receive_signal) while True: time.sleep(90)''' return ['python', '-c', '%s' % canary] VPNProcess = _VPNCanary