from os import remove, chmod, access, R_OK from shutil import copyfile from hashlib import sha512 import os.path import sys from leap.bitmask.vpn.constants import IS_LINUX, IS_MAC from leap.bitmask.vpn import _config from leap.bitmask.util import STANDALONE if IS_LINUX: from leap.bitmask.vpn.constants import BITMASK_ROOT_SYSTEM from leap.bitmask.vpn.constants import BITMASK_ROOT_LOCAL from leap.bitmask.vpn.constants import OPENVPN_SYSTEM, OPENVPN_LOCAL from leap.bitmask.vpn.constants import POLKIT_SYSTEM, POLKIT_LOCAL from leap.bitmask.vpn.privilege import is_pkexec_in_system def install(): helper_from = _config.get_bitmask_helper_path() polkit_from = _config.get_bitmask_polkit_policy_path() openvpn_from = _config.get_bitmask_openvpn_path() sbin = '/usr/local/sbin' if not os.path.isdir(sbin): os.makedirs(sbin) copyfile(helper_from, BITMASK_ROOT_LOCAL) chmod(BITMASK_ROOT_LOCAL, 0744) copyfile(polkit_from, POLKIT_LOCAL) if STANDALONE: copyfile(openvpn_from, OPENVPN_LOCAL) chmod(OPENVPN_LOCAL, 0744) def uninstall(): remove(BITMASK_ROOT_LOCAL) remove(POLKIT_LOCAL) remove(OPENVPN_LOCAL) def check(): helper = _is_up_to_date(_config.get_bitmask_helper_path(), BITMASK_ROOT_LOCAL, BITMASK_ROOT_SYSTEM) polkit = _is_up_to_date(_config.get_bitmask_polkit_policy_path(), POLKIT_LOCAL, POLKIT_SYSTEM) openvpn = (os.path.exists(OPENVPN_SYSTEM) or _is_up_to_date(_config.get_bitmask_openvpn_path(), OPENVPN_LOCAL, "")) return is_pkexec_in_system() and helper and polkit and openvpn def _is_up_to_date(src, local, system): if src is None or not access(src, R_OK): return True src_digest = digest(src) if access(system, R_OK) and src_digest == digest(system): return True if access(local, R_OK) and src_digest == digest(local): return True return False elif IS_MAC: def check(): # XXX check if bitmask-helper is running return True def digest(path): with open(path, 'r') as f: s = return sha512(s).digest() def main(): if sys.argv[-1] == 'install': install() if sys.argv[-1] == 'uninstall': uninstall() if __name__ == "__main__": main()