# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# linuxvpnlauncher.py
# Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Linux VPN launcher implementation.
import commands
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import time

from leap.bitmask.config import flags
from leap.bitmask.util import privilege_policies
from leap.bitmask.util.privilege_policies import LinuxPolicyChecker
from leap.common.files import which
from leap.bitmask.services.eip.vpnlauncher import VPNLauncher
from leap.bitmask.services.eip.vpnlauncher import VPNLauncherException
from leap.bitmask.util import get_path_prefix
from leap.common.check import leap_assert
from leap.bitmask.util import first

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EIPNoPolkitAuthAgentAvailable(VPNLauncherException):

class EIPNoPkexecAvailable(VPNLauncherException):

def _is_pkexec_in_system():
    Checks the existence of the pkexec binary in system.
    pkexec_path = which('pkexec')
    if len(pkexec_path) == 0:
        return False
    return True

def _is_auth_agent_running():
    Checks if a polkit daemon is running.

    :return: True if it's running, False if it's not.
    :rtype: boolean
    # the [x] thing is to avoid grep match itself
    polkit_options = [
        'ps aux | grep polkit-[g]nome-authentication-agent-1',
        'ps aux | grep polkit-[k]de-authentication-agent-1',
        'ps aux | grep [l]xpolkit'
    is_running = [commands.getoutput(cmd) for cmd in polkit_options]
    return any(is_running)

def _try_to_launch_agent():
    Tries to launch a polkit daemon.
    env = None
    if flags.STANDALONE is True:
        env = {"PYTHONPATH": os.path.abspath('../../../../lib/')}
        # We need to quote the command because subprocess call
        # will do "sh -c 'foo'", so if we do not quoute it we'll end
        # up with a invocation to the python interpreter. And that
        # is bad.
        subprocess.call(["python -m leap.bitmask.util.polkit_agent"],
                        shell=True, env=env)
    except Exception as exc:

class LinuxVPNLauncher(VPNLauncher):
    PKEXEC_BIN = 'pkexec'
    OPENVPN_BIN = 'openvpn'
    OPENVPN_BIN_PATH = os.path.join(
        get_path_prefix(), "..", "apps", "eip", OPENVPN_BIN)

    SYSTEM_CONFIG = "/etc/leap"
    UP_DOWN_FILE = "resolv-update"

    # We assume this is there by our openvpn dependency, and
    # we will put it there on the bundle too.
    # TODO adapt to the bundle path.
    OPENVPN_DOWN_ROOT_BASE = "/usr/lib/openvpn/"
    OPENVPN_DOWN_ROOT_FILE = "openvpn-plugin-down-root.so"
    OPENVPN_DOWN_ROOT_PATH = "%s/%s" % (

    POLKIT_PATH = LinuxPolicyChecker.get_polkit_path()

    def maybe_pkexec(kls):
        Checks whether pkexec is available in the system, and
        returns the path if found.

        Might raise:

        :returns: a list of the paths where pkexec is to be found
        :rtype: list
        if _is_pkexec_in_system():
            if not _is_auth_agent_running():
            if _is_auth_agent_running():
                pkexec_possibilities = which(kls.PKEXEC_BIN)
                leap_assert(len(pkexec_possibilities) > 0,
                            "We couldn't find pkexec")
                return pkexec_possibilities
                logger.warning("No polkit auth agent found. pkexec " +
                               "will use its own auth agent.")
                raise EIPNoPolkitAuthAgentAvailable()
            logger.warning("System has no pkexec")
            raise EIPNoPkexecAvailable()

    def missing_other_files(kls):
        'Extend' the VPNLauncher's missing_other_files to check if the polkit
        files is outdated. If the polkit file that is in OTHER_FILES exists but
        is not up to date, it is added to the missing list.

        :returns: a list of missing files
        :rtype: list of str
        # we use `super` in order to send the class to use
        missing = super(LinuxVPNLauncher, kls).missing_other_files()
        polkit_file = LinuxPolicyChecker.get_polkit_path()
        if polkit_file not in missing:
            if privilege_policies.is_policy_outdated(kls.OPENVPN_BIN_PATH):

        return missing

    def get_vpn_command(kls, eipconfig, providerconfig, socket_host,
                        socket_port="unix", openvpn_verb=1):
        Returns the Linux implementation for the vpn launching command.

        Might raise:

        :param eipconfig: eip configuration object
        :type eipconfig: EIPConfig
        :param providerconfig: provider specific configuration
        :type providerconfig: ProviderConfig
        :param socket_host: either socket path (unix) or socket IP
        :type socket_host: str
        :param socket_port: either string "unix" if it's a unix socket,
                            or port otherwise
        :type socket_port: str
        :param openvpn_verb: the openvpn verbosity wanted
        :type openvpn_verb: int

        :return: A VPN command ready to be launched.
        :rtype: list
        # we use `super` in order to send the class to use
        command = super(LinuxVPNLauncher, kls).get_vpn_command(
            eipconfig, providerconfig, socket_host, socket_port, openvpn_verb)

        pkexec = kls.maybe_pkexec()
        if pkexec:
            command.insert(0, first(pkexec))

        return command

    def cmd_for_missing_scripts(kls, frompath, pol_file):
        Returns a sh script that can copy the missing files.

        :param frompath: The path where the up/down scripts live
        :type frompath: str
        :param pol_file: The path where the dynamically generated
                         policy file lives
        :type pol_file: str

        :rtype: str
        to = kls.SYSTEM_CONFIG

        cmd = '#!/bin/sh\n'
        cmd += 'mkdir -p "%s"\n' % (to, )
        cmd += 'cp "%s/%s" "%s"\n' % (frompath, kls.UP_DOWN_FILE, to)
        cmd += 'cp "%s" "%s"\n' % (pol_file, kls.POLKIT_PATH)
        cmd += 'chmod 644 "%s"\n' % (kls.POLKIT_PATH, )

        return cmd

    def get_vpn_env(kls):
        Returns a dictionary with the custom env for the platform.
        This is mainly used for setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the correct
        path when distributing a standalone client

        :rtype: dict
        return {
            "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": os.path.join(get_path_prefix(), "..", "lib")