# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # openpgp.py # Copyright (C) 2013-2017 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Infrastructure for using OpenPGP keys in Key Manager. """ import os import re import tempfile import io from datetime import datetime from multiprocessing import cpu_count from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread from twisted.logger import Logger from leap.bitmask.keymanager.migrator import KeyDocumentsMigrator from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type, leap_check from leap.bitmask.keymanager import errors from leap.bitmask.keymanager.wrapper import TempGPGWrapper from leap.bitmask.keymanager.keys import ( OpenPGPKey, is_address, parse_address, build_key_from_dict, ) from leap.bitmask.keymanager.documents import ( init_indexes, TAGS_PRIVATE_INDEX, TYPE_FINGERPRINT_PRIVATE_INDEX, TYPE_ADDRESS_PRIVATE_INDEX, KEY_UIDS_KEY, KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY, KEY_PRIVATE_KEY, KEY_REFRESHED_AT_KEY, KEY_SIGN_USED_KEY, KEY_ENCR_USED_KEY, KEY_ADDRESS_KEY, KEY_TYPE_KEY, KEY_VERSION_KEY, KEYMANAGER_DOC_VERSION, KEYMANAGER_ACTIVE_TYPE, KEYMANAGER_KEY_TAG, KEYMANAGER_ACTIVE_TAG, ) try: from gnupg.gnupg import GPGUtilities GNUPG_NG = True except ImportError: GNUPG_NG = False class GPGUtilities(object): def __init__(self, gpg): self.gpg = gpg def is_encrypted_asym(self, raw_data): result = self._gpg.list_packets(raw_data) return bool(result.key) # This function will be used to call blocking GPG functions outside # of Twisted reactor and match the concurrent calls to the amount of CPU cores cpu_core_semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(cpu_count()) def from_thread(func, *args, **kwargs): call = lambda: deferToThread(func, *args, **kwargs) return cpu_core_semaphore.run(call) log = Logger() # # The OpenPGP wrapper # class OpenPGPScheme(object): """ A wrapper for OpenPGP keys management and use (encryption, decyption, signing and verification). """ log = Logger() # type used on the soledad documents KEY_TYPE = OpenPGPKey.__name__ ACTIVE_TYPE = KEY_TYPE + KEYMANAGER_ACTIVE_TYPE def __init__(self, soledad, gpgbinary=None): """ Initialize the OpenPGP wrapper. :param soledad: A Soledad instance for key storage. :type soledad: leap.soledad.Soledad :param gpgbinary: Name for GnuPG binary executable. :type gpgbinary: C{str} """ self._soledad = soledad self._gpgbinary = gpgbinary self.deferred_init = init_indexes(soledad) self.deferred_init.addCallback(self._migrate_documents_schema) self._wait_indexes("get_key", "put_key", "get_all_keys") def _migrate_documents_schema(self, _): migrator = KeyDocumentsMigrator(self._soledad) return migrator.migrate() def _wait_indexes(self, *methods): """ Methods that need to wait for the indexes to be ready. Heavily based on http://blogs.fluidinfo.com/terry/2009/05/11/a-mixin-class-allowing-python-__init__-methods-to-work-with-twisted-deferreds/ :param methods: methods that need to wait for the indexes to be ready :type methods: tuple(str) """ self.waiting = [] self.stored = {} def restore(_): for method in self.stored: setattr(self, method, self.stored[method]) for d in self.waiting: d.callback(None) def makeWrapper(method): def wrapper(*args, **kw): d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(lambda _: self.stored[method](*args, **kw)) self.waiting.append(d) return d return wrapper for method in methods: self.stored[method] = getattr(self, method) setattr(self, method, makeWrapper(method)) self.deferred_init.addCallback(restore) # # Keys management # @defer.inlineCallbacks def regenerate_key(self, address): """ Deactivate Current keypair, Generate a new OpenPGP keypair bound to C{address}, and sign the new key with the old key. :param address: The address bound to the key. :type address: str :return: A Deferred which fires with the new key bound to address. :rtype: Deferred """ leap_assert(is_address(address), 'Not an user address: %s' % address) current_sec_key = yield self.get_key(address, private=True) current_pub_key = yield self.get_key(address, private=False) with TempGPGWrapper([current_sec_key], self._gpgbinary) as gpg: if current_sec_key.is_expired(): temporary_extension_period = '1' # extend for 1 extra day gpg.extend_key(current_sec_key.fingerprint, validity=temporary_extension_period) yield self.unactivate_key(address) # only one priv key allowed yield self.delete_key(current_pub_key) new_key = yield self.gen_key(address) gpg.import_keys(new_key.key_data) key_signing = yield from_thread(gpg.sign_key, new_key.fingerprint) if key_signing.status == 'ok': fetched_keys = gpg.list_keys(secret=False) fetched_key = filter(lambda k: k['fingerprint'] == new_key.fingerprint, fetched_keys)[0] key_data = gpg.export_keys(new_key.fingerprint, secret=False) renewed_key = self._build_key_from_gpg( fetched_key, key_data, new_key.address) yield self.put_key(renewed_key) defer.returnValue(new_key) def gen_key(self, address): """ Generate an OpenPGP keypair bound to C{address}. :param address: The address bound to the key. :type address: str :return: A Deferred which fires with the key bound to address, or fails with KeyAlreadyExists if key already exists in local database. :rtype: Deferred """ # make sure the key does not already exist leap_assert(is_address(address), 'Not an user address: %s' % address) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _gen_key(_): with TempGPGWrapper(gpgbinary=self._gpgbinary) as gpg: # TODO: inspect result, or use decorator params = gpg.gen_key_input( key_type='RSA', key_length=4096, name_real=address, name_email=address, name_comment='') self.log.info('About to generate keys... ' 'This might take SOME time.') yield from_thread(gpg.gen_key, params) self.log.info('Keys for %s have been successfully ' 'generated.' % (address,)) pubkeys = gpg.list_keys() # assert for new key characteristics leap_assert( len(pubkeys) is 1, # a unitary keyring! 'Keyring has wrong number of keys: %d.' % len(pubkeys)) key = gpg.list_keys(secret=True).pop() leap_assert( len(key['uids']) is 1, # with just one uid! 'Wrong number of uids for key: %d.' % len(key['uids'])) uid_match = False for uid in key['uids']: if re.match('.*<%s>$' % address, uid) is not None: uid_match = True break leap_assert(uid_match, 'Key not correctly bound to address.') # insert both public and private keys in storage deferreds = [] for secret in [True, False]: key = gpg.list_keys(secret=secret).pop() openpgp_key = self._build_key_from_gpg( key, gpg.export_keys(key['fingerprint'], secret=secret), address) d = self.put_key(openpgp_key) deferreds.append(d) yield defer.gatherResults(deferreds) def key_already_exists(_): raise errors.KeyAlreadyExists(address) d = self.get_key(address) d.addCallbacks(key_already_exists, _gen_key) d.addCallback(lambda _: self.get_key(address, private=False)) return d def get_key(self, address, private=False): """ Get key bound to C{address} from local storage. :param address: The address bound to the key. :type address: str :param private: Look for a private key instead of a public one? :type private: bool :return: A Deferred which fires with the OpenPGPKey bound to address, or which fails with KeyNotFound if the key was not found on local storage. :rtype: Deferred """ address = parse_address(address) def build_key((keydoc, activedoc)): if keydoc is None: raise errors.KeyNotFound(address) leap_assert( address in keydoc.content[KEY_UIDS_KEY], 'Wrong address in key %s. Expected %s, found %s.' % (keydoc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY], address, keydoc.content[KEY_UIDS_KEY])) key = build_key_from_dict(keydoc.content, activedoc.content) key._gpgbinary = self._gpgbinary return key d = self._get_key_doc(address, private) d.addCallback(build_key) return d @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_all_keys(self, private=False): """ Return all keys stored in local database. :param private: Include private keys :type private: bool :return: A Deferred which fires with a list of all keys in local db. :rtype: Deferred """ HAS_ACTIVE = "has_active" active_docs = yield self._soledad.get_from_index( TAGS_PRIVATE_INDEX, KEYMANAGER_ACTIVE_TAG, '1' if private else '0') key_docs = yield self._soledad.get_from_index( TAGS_PRIVATE_INDEX, KEYMANAGER_KEY_TAG, '1' if private else '0') keys = [] fp = lambda doc: doc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY] for active in active_docs: fp_keys = filter(lambda k: fp(k) == fp(active), key_docs) if len(fp_keys) == 0: yield self._soledad.delete_doc(active) continue elif len(fp_keys) == 1: key = fp_keys[0] else: key = yield self._repair_key_docs(fp_keys) key.content[HAS_ACTIVE] = True keys.append(build_key_from_dict(key.content, active.content, gpgbinary=self._gpgbinary)) unactive_keys = filter(lambda k: HAS_ACTIVE not in k.content, key_docs) keys += map(lambda k: build_key_from_dict(k.content, gpgbinary=self._gpgbinary), unactive_keys) defer.returnValue(keys) def parse_key(self, key_data, address=None): """ Parses a key (or key pair) data and returns the OpenPGPKey keys. :param key_data: the key data to be parsed. :type key_data: str or unicode :param address: Active address for the key. :type address: str :returns: the public key and private key (if applies) for that data. :rtype: (public, private) -> tuple(OpenPGPKey, OpenPGPKey) the tuple may have one or both components None """ leap_assert_type(key_data, (str, unicode)) # TODO: add more checks for correct key data. leap_assert(key_data is not None, 'Data does not represent a key.') priv_info, privkey = process_key( key_data, self._gpgbinary, secret=True) pub_info, pubkey = process_key( key_data, self._gpgbinary, secret=False) if not pubkey: return (None, None) openpgp_privkey = None if privkey: # build private key openpgp_privkey = self._build_key_from_gpg(priv_info, privkey, address) leap_check(pub_info['fingerprint'] == priv_info['fingerprint'], 'Fingerprints for public and private key differ.', errors.KeyFingerprintMismatch) # build public key openpgp_pubkey = self._build_key_from_gpg(pub_info, pubkey, address) return (openpgp_pubkey, openpgp_privkey) def put_raw_key(self, key_data, address): """ Put key contained in C{key_data} in local storage. :param key_data: The key data to be stored. :type key_data: str or unicode :param address: address for which this key will be active :type address: str :return: A Deferred which fires when the OpenPGPKey is in the storage. :rtype: Deferred """ leap_assert_type(key_data, (str, unicode)) openpgp_privkey = None try: openpgp_pubkey, openpgp_privkey = self.parse_key( key_data, address) except (errors.KeyAddressMismatch, errors.KeyFingerprintMismatch) as e: return defer.fail(e) def put_key(_, key): return self.put_key(key) d = defer.succeed(None) if openpgp_pubkey is not None: d.addCallback(put_key, openpgp_pubkey) if openpgp_privkey is not None: d.addCallback(put_key, openpgp_privkey) return d def put_key(self, key, key_renewal=False): """ Put C{key} in local storage. :param key: The key to be stored. :type key: OpenPGPKey :return: A Deferred which fires when the key is in the storage. :rtype: Deferred """ def merge_and_put((keydoc, activedoc)): if not keydoc: return put_new_key(activedoc) active_content = None if activedoc: active_content = activedoc.content oldkey = build_key_from_dict(keydoc.content, active_content) key.merge(oldkey, key_renewal) keydoc.set_json(key.get_json()) d = self._soledad.put_doc(keydoc) d.addCallback(put_active, activedoc) return d def put_new_key(activedoc): deferreds = [] if activedoc: d = self._soledad.delete_doc(activedoc) deferreds.append(d) for json in [key.get_json(), key.get_active_json()]: d = self._soledad.create_doc_from_json(json) deferreds.append(d) return defer.gatherResults(deferreds) def put_active(_, activedoc): active_json = key.get_active_json() if activedoc: activedoc.set_json(active_json) return self._soledad.put_doc(activedoc) elif key.is_active(): return self._soledad.create_doc_from_json(active_json) def get_active_doc(keydoc): d = self._get_active_doc_from_address(key.address, key.private) d.addCallback(lambda activedoc: (keydoc, activedoc)) return d d = self._get_key_doc_from_fingerprint(key.fingerprint, key.private) d.addCallback(get_active_doc) d.addCallback(merge_and_put) return d def _get_key_doc(self, address, private=False): """ Get the document with a key (public, by default) bound to C{address}. If C{private} is True, looks for a private key instead of a public. :param address: The address bound to the key. :type address: str :param private: Whether to look for a private key. :type private: bool :return: A Deferred which fires with a touple of two SoledadDocument (keydoc, activedoc) or None if it does not exist. :rtype: Deferred """ def get_key_from_active_doc(activedoc): if not activedoc: return (None, None) fingerprint = activedoc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY] d = self._get_key_doc_from_fingerprint(fingerprint, private) d.addCallback(delete_active_if_no_key, activedoc) return d def delete_active_if_no_key(keydoc, activedoc): if not keydoc: d = self._soledad.delete_doc(activedoc) d.addCallback(lambda _: (None, None)) return d return (keydoc, activedoc) d = self._get_active_doc_from_address(address, private) d.addCallback(get_key_from_active_doc) return d def _build_key_from_gpg(self, key, key_data, address=None): """ Build an OpenPGPKey for C{address} based on C{key} from local gpg storage. GPG key data has to be queried independently in this wrapper, so we receive it in C{key_data}. :param address: Active address for the key. :type address: str :param key: Key obtained from GPG storage. :type key: dict :param key_data: Key data obtained from GPG storage. :type key_data: str :return: An instance of the key. :rtype: OpenPGPKey """ return build_gpg_key(key, key_data, address, self._gpgbinary) def delete_key(self, key): """ Remove C{key} from storage. :param key: The key to be removed. :type key: EncryptionKey :return: A Deferred which fires when the key is deleted, or which fails with KeyNotFound if the key was not found on local storage. :rtype: Deferred """ leap_assert_type(key, OpenPGPKey) def delete_docs(activedocs): deferreds = [] for doc in activedocs: d = self._soledad.delete_doc(doc) deferreds.append(d) return defer.gatherResults(deferreds) def get_key_docs(_): return self._soledad.get_from_index( TYPE_FINGERPRINT_PRIVATE_INDEX, self.KEY_TYPE, key.fingerprint, '1' if key.private else '0') def delete_key(docs): if len(docs) == 0: raise errors.KeyNotFound(key) elif len(docs) > 1: self.log.warn('There is more than one key for fingerprint %s' % key.fingerprint) has_deleted = False deferreds = [] for doc in docs: if doc.content['fingerprint'] == key.fingerprint: d = self._soledad.delete_doc(doc) deferreds.append(d) has_deleted = True if not has_deleted: raise errors.KeyNotFound(key) return defer.gatherResults(deferreds) d = self._soledad.get_from_index( TYPE_FINGERPRINT_PRIVATE_INDEX, self.ACTIVE_TYPE, key.fingerprint, '1' if key.private else '0') d.addCallback(delete_docs) d.addCallback(get_key_docs) d.addCallback(delete_key) return d @defer.inlineCallbacks def unactivate_key(self, address): """ Mark a active doc as deleted. :param address: The unique address for the active content. """ active_doc = yield self._get_active_doc_from_address(address, False) yield self._soledad.delete_doc(active_doc) @defer.inlineCallbacks def reset_all_keys_sign_used(self): """ Reset sign_used flag for all keys in storage, to False... to indicate that the key pair has not interacted with all keys in the key ring yet. This should only be used when regenerating the key pair. """ all_keys = yield self.get_all_keys(private=False) deferreds = [] @defer.inlineCallbacks def reset_sign_used(key): key.sign_used = False yield self.put_key(key, key_renewal=True) for open_pgp_key in all_keys: deferreds.append(reset_sign_used(open_pgp_key)) yield defer.gatherResults(deferreds) # # Data encryption, decryption, signing and verifying # @staticmethod def _assert_gpg_result_ok(result): """ Check if GPG result is 'ok' and log stderr outputs. :param result: GPG results, which have a field calld 'ok' that states whether the gpg operation was successful or not. :type result: object :raise GPGError: Raised when the gpg operation was not successful. """ stderr = getattr(result, 'stderr', None) if stderr: log.debug("%s" % (stderr,)) if getattr(result, 'ok', None) is not True: raise errors.GPGError( 'Failed to encrypt/decrypt: %s' % stderr) @defer.inlineCallbacks def encrypt(self, data, pubkey, passphrase=None, sign=None, cipher_algo='AES256'): """ Encrypt C{data} using public @{pubkey} and sign with C{sign} key. :param data: The data to be encrypted. :type data: str :param pubkey: The key used to encrypt. :type pubkey: OpenPGPKey :param sign: The key used for signing. :type sign: OpenPGPKey :param cipher_algo: The cipher algorithm to use. :type cipher_algo: str :return: A Deferred that will be fired with the encrypted data. :rtype: defer.Deferred :raise EncryptError: Raised if failed encrypting for some reason. """ leap_assert_type(pubkey, OpenPGPKey) leap_assert(pubkey.private is False, 'Key is not public.') keys = [pubkey] if sign is not None: leap_assert_type(sign, OpenPGPKey) leap_assert(sign.private is True) keys.append(sign) with TempGPGWrapper(keys, self._gpgbinary) as gpg: kw = dict( default_key=sign.fingerprint if sign else None, passphrase=passphrase, symmetric=False, cipher_algo=cipher_algo) if not GNUPG_NG: kw.pop('cipher_algo') kw.pop('default_key') kw.update(passphrase='') kw.update(always_trust=True) result = yield from_thread( gpg.encrypt, data, pubkey.fingerprint, **kw) # Here we cannot assert for correctness of sig because the sig is # in the ciphertext. # result.ok - (bool) indicates if the operation succeeded # result.data - (bool) contains the result of the operation try: self._assert_gpg_result_ok(result) defer.returnValue(result.data) except errors.GPGError as e: self.log.warn('Failed to encrypt: %s.' % str(e)) raise errors.EncryptError() @defer.inlineCallbacks def extend_key(self, seckey, validity='1y', passphrase=None): """ Extend C{key} key pair, expiration date for C{validity} period, from its creation date. :param seckey: The secret key of the key pair to be extended. :type seckey: OpenPGPKey :param validity: new validity from creation date 'n','nw','nm' or 'ny' where n is a number :type validity: str :return: The updated secret key, with new expiry date :rtype: OpenPGPKey :raise KeyExpiryExtensionError: Raised if failed to extend key for some reason. """ leap_assert_type(seckey, OpenPGPKey) leap_assert(seckey.private is True, 'Key is not private.') keys = [seckey] try: with TempGPGWrapper(keys, self._gpgbinary) as gpg: result = yield from_thread(gpg.extend_key, seckey.address, validity=validity, passphrase=passphrase) if result.status == 'ok': for secret in [False, True]: fetched_key = gpg.list_keys(secret=secret).pop() key_data = gpg.export_keys(seckey.fingerprint, secret=secret) renewed_key = self._build_key_from_gpg( fetched_key, key_data, seckey.address) yield self.put_key(renewed_key) defer.returnValue(renewed_key) except Exception as e: log.warn('Failed to Extend Key: %s expiration date.' % str(e)) raise errors.KeyExpiryExtensionError(str(e)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def decrypt(self, data, privkey, passphrase=None, verify=None): """ Decrypt C{data} using private @{privkey} and verify with C{verify} key. :param data: The data to be decrypted. :type data: str :param privkey: The key used to decrypt. :type privkey: OpenPGPKey :param passphrase: The passphrase for the secret key used for decryption. :type passphrase: str :param verify: The key used to verify a signature. :type verify: OpenPGPKey :return: Deferred that will fire with the decrypted data and if signature verifies (unicode, bool) :rtype: Deferred :raise DecryptError: Raised if failed decrypting for some reason. """ leap_assert(privkey.private is True, 'Key is not private.') keys = [privkey] if verify is not None: leap_assert_type(verify, OpenPGPKey) leap_assert(verify.private is False) keys.append(verify) with TempGPGWrapper(keys, self._gpgbinary) as gpg: try: result = yield from_thread(gpg.decrypt, data, passphrase=passphrase, always_trust=True) self._assert_gpg_result_ok(result) # verify signature sign_valid = False if (verify is not None and result.valid is True and verify.fingerprint == result.pubkey_fingerprint): sign_valid = True defer.returnValue((result.data, sign_valid)) except errors.GPGError as e: self.log.warn('Failed to decrypt: %s.' % str(e)) raise errors.DecryptError(str(e)) def is_encrypted(self, data): """ Return whether C{data} was asymmetrically encrypted using OpenPGP. :param data: The data we want to know about. :type data: str :return: Whether C{data} was encrypted using this wrapper. :rtype: bool """ with TempGPGWrapper(gpgbinary=self._gpgbinary) as gpg: gpgutil = GPGUtilities(gpg) return gpgutil.is_encrypted_asym(data) def sign(self, data, privkey, digest_algo='SHA512', clearsign=False, detach=True, binary=False): """ Sign C{data} with C{privkey}. :param data: The data to be signed. :type data: str :param privkey: The private key to be used to sign. :type privkey: OpenPGPKey :param digest_algo: The hash digest to use. :type digest_algo: str :param clearsign: If True, create a cleartext signature. :type clearsign: bool :param detach: If True, create a detached signature. :type detach: bool :param binary: If True, do not ascii armour the output. :type binary: bool :return: The ascii-armored signed data. :rtype: str """ leap_assert_type(privkey, OpenPGPKey) leap_assert(privkey.private is True) # result.fingerprint - contains the fingerprint of the key used to # sign. with TempGPGWrapper(privkey, self._gpgbinary) as gpg: kw = dict(default_key=privkey.fingerprint, digest_algo=digest_algo, clearsign=clearsign, detach=detach, binary=binary) if not GNUPG_NG: kw.pop('digest_algo') kw.pop('default_key') result = gpg.sign(data, **kw) rfprint = privkey.fingerprint privkey = gpg.list_keys(secret=True).pop() kfprint = privkey['fingerprint'] if result.fingerprint is None: raise errors.SignFailed( 'Failed to sign with key %s: %s' % (privkey['fingerprint'], result.stderr)) leap_assert( result.fingerprint == kfprint, 'Signature and private key fingerprints mismatch: ' '%s != %s' % (rfprint, kfprint)) return result.data def verify(self, data, pubkey, detached_sig=None): """ Verify signed C{data} with C{pubkey}, eventually using C{detached_sig}. :param data: The data to be verified. :type data: str :param pubkey: The public key to be used on verification. :type pubkey: OpenPGPKey :param detached_sig: A detached signature. If given, C{data} is verified against this detached signature. :type detached_sig: str :return: signature matches :rtype: bool """ leap_assert_type(pubkey, OpenPGPKey) leap_assert(pubkey.private is False) with TempGPGWrapper(pubkey, self._gpgbinary) as gpg: result = None if detached_sig is None: result = gpg.verify(data) else: # to verify using a detached sig we have to use # gpg.verify_file(), which receives the data as a binary # stream and the name of a file containing the signature. sf, sfname = tempfile.mkstemp() with os.fdopen(sf, 'w') as sfd: sfd.write(detached_sig) result = gpg.verify_file(io.BytesIO(data), sig_file=sfname) os.unlink(sfname) gpgpubkey = gpg.list_keys().pop() valid = result.valid rfprint = result.fingerprint kfprint = gpgpubkey['fingerprint'] return valid and rfprint == kfprint def _get_active_doc_from_address(self, address, private): d = self._soledad.get_from_index( TYPE_ADDRESS_PRIVATE_INDEX, self.ACTIVE_TYPE, address, '1' if private else '0') d.addCallback(self._repair_and_get_doc, self._repair_active_docs) d.addCallback(self._check_version) return d def _get_key_doc_from_fingerprint(self, fingerprint, private): d = self._soledad.get_from_index( TYPE_FINGERPRINT_PRIVATE_INDEX, self.KEY_TYPE, fingerprint, '1' if private else '0') d.addCallback(self._repair_and_get_doc, self._repair_key_docs) d.addCallback(self._check_version) return d def _repair_and_get_doc(self, doclist, repair_func): if len(doclist) is 0: return None elif len(doclist) > 1: return repair_func(doclist) return doclist[0] def _check_version(self, doc): if doc is not None: version = doc.content[KEY_VERSION_KEY] if version > KEYMANAGER_DOC_VERSION: raise errors.KeyVersionError(str(version)) return doc def _repair_key_docs(self, doclist): """ If there is more than one key for a key id try to self-repair it :return: a Deferred that will be fired with the valid key doc once all the deletions are completed :rtype: Deferred """ def log_key_doc(doc): self.log.error("\t%s: %s" % (doc.content[KEY_UIDS_KEY], doc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY])) def cmp_key(d1, d2): return cmp(d1.content[KEY_REFRESHED_AT_KEY], d2.content[KEY_REFRESHED_AT_KEY]) return self._repair_docs(doclist, cmp_key, log_key_doc) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _repair_active_docs(self, doclist): """ If there is more than one active doc for an address try to self-repair it :return: a Deferred that will be fired with the valid active doc once all the deletions are completed :rtype: Deferred """ keys = {} for doc in doclist: fp = doc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY] private = doc.content[KEY_PRIVATE_KEY] try: key = yield self._get_key_doc_from_fingerprint(fp, private) keys[fp] = key except Exception: pass def log_active_doc(doc): self.log.error("\t%s: %s" % (doc.content[KEY_ADDRESS_KEY], doc.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY])) def cmp_active(d1, d2): # XXX: for private keys it will be nice to check which key is known # by the nicknym server and keep this one. But this needs a # refactor that might not be worth it. used1 = (d1.content[KEY_SIGN_USED_KEY] + d1.content[KEY_ENCR_USED_KEY]) used2 = (d2.content[KEY_SIGN_USED_KEY] + d2.content[KEY_ENCR_USED_KEY]) res = cmp(used1, used2) if res != 0: return res key1 = keys[d1.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY]] key2 = keys[d2.content[KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY]] return cmp(key1.content[KEY_REFRESHED_AT_KEY], key2.content[KEY_REFRESHED_AT_KEY]) doc = yield self._repair_docs(doclist, cmp_active, log_active_doc) defer.returnValue(doc) def _repair_docs(self, doclist, cmp_func, log_func): self.log.error("BUG -------------------------------------------------") self.log.error("There is more than one doc of type %s:" % (doclist[0].content[KEY_TYPE_KEY],)) doclist.sort(cmp=cmp_func, reverse=True) log_func(doclist[0]) deferreds = [] for doc in doclist[1:]: log_func(doc) d = self._soledad.delete_doc(doc) deferreds.append(d) self.log.error('Error repairing') self.log.error("BUG (please report above info) ----------------------") d = defer.gatherResults(deferreds, consumeErrors=True) d.addCallback(lambda _: doclist[0]) return d def process_key(key_data, gpgbinary, secret=False): with TempGPGWrapper(gpgbinary=gpgbinary) as gpg: try: gpg.import_keys(key_data) info = gpg.list_keys(secret=secret).pop() key = gpg.export_keys(info['fingerprint'], secret=secret) except IndexError: info = {} key = None return info, key def build_gpg_key(key_info, key_data, address=None, gpgbinary=None): expiry_date = None if key_info['expires']: expiry_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(key_info['expires'])) uids = [] for uid in key_info['uids']: uids.append(parse_address(uid)) if address and address not in uids: raise errors.KeyAddressMismatch("UIDs %s found, but expected %s" % (str(uids), address)) return OpenPGPKey( address=address, uids=uids, gpgbinary=gpgbinary, fingerprint=key_info['fingerprint'], key_data=key_data, private=True if key_info['type'] == 'sec' else False, length=int(key_info['length']), expiry_date=expiry_date, refreshed_at=datetime.now())