# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # preferenceswindow.py # Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Preferences window """ import os import logging from functools import partial from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from leap.bitmask.gui.ui_preferences import Ui_Preferences from leap.soledad.client import NoStorageSecret from leap.bitmask.crypto.srpauth import SRPAuthBadPassword from leap.bitmask.util.password import basic_password_checks from leap.bitmask.services import get_supported from leap.bitmask.config.providerconfig import ProviderConfig from leap.bitmask.services import get_service_display_name logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PreferencesWindow(QtGui.QDialog): """ Window that displays the preferences. """ WEAK_PASSWORDS = ("123456", "qweasd", "qwerty", "password") def __init__(self, parent, srp_auth, soledad, leap_settings, standalone): """ :param parent: parent object of the PreferencesWindow. :parent type: QWidget :param srp_auth: SRPAuth object configured in the main app. :type srp_auth: SRPAuth :param soledad: Soledad object configured in the main app. :type soledad: Soledad :param standalone: If True, the application is running as standalone and the preferences dialog should display some messages according to this. :type standalone: bool """ QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self._srp_auth = srp_auth self._soledad = soledad self._settings = leap_settings self._standalone = standalone # Load UI self.ui = Ui_Preferences() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setVisible(False) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) self._selected_services = set() self._provider_config = ProviderConfig() # Connections self.ui.pbChangePassword.clicked.connect(self._change_password) self.ui.cbProvidersServices.currentIndexChanged[unicode].connect( self._populate_services) parent.soledad_ready.connect(self._soledad_ready) if not self._settings.get_configured_providers(): self.ui.gbEnabledServices.setEnabled(False) else: self._add_configured_providers() def _soledad_ready(self): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: parent.soledad_ready It sets the soledad object as ready to use. """ self._soledad_ready = True self.ui.gbPasswordChange.setEnabled(True) def _set_password_change_status(self, status, error=False, success=False): """ Sets the status label for the password change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str """ if error: status = "<font color='red'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) elif success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblPasswordChangeStatus.setText(status) def _set_changing_password(self, disable): """ Enables or disables the widgets in the password change group box. :param disable: True if the widgets should be disabled and it displays the status label that shows that is changing the password. False if they should be enabled. :type disable: bool """ if disable: self._set_password_change_disable(self.tr("Changing password...")) self.ui.leCurrentPassword.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.leNewPassword.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.leNewPassword2.setEnabled(not disable) self.ui.pbChangePassword.setEnabled(not disable) def _change_password(self): """ Changes the user's password if the inputboxes are correctly filled. """ username = self._srp_auth.get_username() current_password = self.ui.leCurrentPassword.text() new_password = self.ui.leNewPassword.text() new_password2 = self.ui.leNewPassword2.text() ok, msg = basic_password_checks(username, new_password, new_password2) if not ok: self._set_changing_password(False) self._set_password_change_status(msg, error=True) self.ui.leNewPassword.setFocus() return self._set_changing_password(True) d = self._srp_auth.change_password(current_password, new_password) d.addCallback(partial(self._change_password_success, new_password)) d.addErrback(self._change_password_problem) def _change_password_success(self, new_password, _): """ Callback used to display a successfully performed action. :param new_password: the new password for the user. :type new_password: str. :param _: the returned data from self._srp_auth.change_password Ignored """ logger.debug("SRP password changed successfully.") try: self._soledad.change_passphrase(str(new_password)) logger.debug("Soledad password changed successfully.") except NoStorageSecret: logger.debug( "No storage secret for password change in Soledad.") self._set_password_change_status( self.tr("Password changed successfully."), success=True) self._clear_password_inputs() self._set_changing_password(False) def _change_password_problem(self, failure): """ Errback called if there was a problem with the deferred. Also is used to display an error message. :param failure: the cause of the method failed. :type failure: twisted.python.Failure """ logger.error("Error changing password: %s", (failure, )) problem = self.tr("There was a problem changing the password.") if failure.check(SRPAuthBadPassword): problem = self.tr("You did not enter a correct current password.") self._set_password_change_status(problem, error=True) self._set_changing_password(False) failure.trap(Exception) def _clear_password_inputs(self): """ Clear the contents of the inputs. """ self.ui.leCurrentPassword.setText("") self.ui.leNewPassword.setText("") self.ui.leNewPassword2.setText("") def _set_providers_services_status(self, status, success=False): """ Sets the status label for the password change. :param status: status message to display, can be HTML :type status: str """ if success: status = "<font color='green'><b>%s</b></font>" % (status,) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(True) self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setText(status) def _add_configured_providers(self): """ Add the client's configured providers to the providers combo boxes. """ self.ui.cbProvidersServices.clear() self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.clear() for provider in self._settings.get_configured_providers(): self.ui.cbProvidersServices.addItem(provider) self.ui.cbProvidersGateway.addItem(provider) def _service_selection_changed(self, service, state): """ SLOT TRIGGER: service_checkbox.stateChanged Adds the service to the state if the state is checked, removes it otherwise :param service: service to handle :type service: str :param state: state of the checkbox :type state: int """ if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self._selected_services = \ self._selected_services.union(set([service])) else: self._selected_services = \ self._selected_services.difference(set([service])) # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) def _populate_services(self, domain): """ SLOT TRIGGERS: self.ui.cbProvidersServices.clicked Loads the services that the provider provides into the UI for the user to enable or disable. :param domain: the domain of the provider to load services from. :type domain: str """ # We hide the maybe-visible status label after a change self.ui.lblProvidersServicesStatus.setVisible(False) provider_config_path = os.path.join( "leap", "providers", domain, "provider.json") if not domain or not self._provider_config.load(provider_config_path): return # set the proper connection for the 'save' button try: self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked.disconnect() except RuntimeError: pass # Signal was not connected save_services = partial(self._save_enabled_services, domain) self.ui.pbSaveServices.clicked.connect(save_services) services = get_supported(self._provider_config.get_services()) services_conf = self._settings.get_enabled_services(domain) # discard changes if other provider is selected self._selected_services = set() # from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/13103617/687989 # remove existing checkboxes layout = self.ui.vlServices for i in reversed(range(layout.count())): layout.itemAt(i).widget().setParent(None) # add one checkbox per service and set the current configured value for service in services: try: checkbox = QtGui.QCheckBox(self) service_label = get_service_display_name( service, self._standalone) checkbox.setText(service_label) self.ui.vlServices.addWidget(checkbox) checkbox.stateChanged.connect( partial(self._service_selection_changed, service)) checkbox.setChecked(service in services_conf) except ValueError: logger.error("Something went wrong while trying to " "load service %s" % (service,)) def _save_enabled_services(self, provider): """ Saves the new settings to the configuration file. :param provider: the provider config that we need to save. :type provider: str """ services = list(self._selected_services) self._settings.set_enabled_services(provider, services) msg = self.tr( "Services settings for provider '{0}' saved.".format(provider)) logger.debug(msg) self._set_providers_services_status(msg, success=True)