# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # mail_status.py # Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Mail Status Panel widget implementation """ import logging from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from leap.bitmask.platform_init import IS_LINUX from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type from leap.common.events import register from leap.common.events import events_pb2 as proto from ui_mail_status import Ui_MailStatusWidget logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MailStatusWidget(QtGui.QWidget): """ Status widget that displays the state of the LEAP Mail service """ _soledad_event = QtCore.Signal(object) _smtp_event = QtCore.Signal(object) _imap_event = QtCore.Signal(object) _keymanager_event = QtCore.Signal(object) def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Constructor for MailStatusWidget :param parent: parent widget for this one. :type parent: QtGui.QWidget """ QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self._systray = None self.ui = Ui_MailStatusWidget() self.ui.setupUi(self) # set systray tooltip status self._mx_status = "" # Set the Mail status icons self.CONNECTING_ICON = None self.CONNECTED_ICON = None self.ERROR_ICON = None self.CONNECTING_ICON_TRAY = None self.CONNECTED_ICON_TRAY = None self.ERROR_ICON_TRAY = None self._set_mail_icons() register(signal=proto.KEYMANAGER_LOOKING_FOR_KEY, callback=self._mail_handle_keymanager_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.KEYMANAGER_KEY_FOUND, callback=self._mail_handle_keymanager_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) # register(signal=proto.KEYMANAGER_KEY_NOT_FOUND, # callback=self._mail_handle_keymanager_events, # reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.KEYMANAGER_STARTED_KEY_GENERATION, callback=self._mail_handle_keymanager_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.KEYMANAGER_FINISHED_KEY_GENERATION, callback=self._mail_handle_keymanager_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.KEYMANAGER_DONE_UPLOADING_KEYS, callback=self._mail_handle_keymanager_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.SOLEDAD_DONE_DOWNLOADING_KEYS, callback=self._mail_handle_soledad_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.SOLEDAD_DONE_UPLOADING_KEYS, callback=self._mail_handle_soledad_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.SMTP_SERVICE_STARTED, callback=self._mail_handle_smtp_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.SMTP_SERVICE_FAILED_TO_START, callback=self._mail_handle_smtp_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.IMAP_SERVICE_STARTED, callback=self._mail_handle_imap_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.IMAP_SERVICE_FAILED_TO_START, callback=self._mail_handle_imap_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) register(signal=proto.IMAP_UNREAD_MAIL, callback=self._mail_handle_imap_events, reqcbk=lambda req, resp: None) self._smtp_started = False self._imap_started = False self._soledad_event.connect( self._mail_handle_soledad_events_slot) self._imap_event.connect( self._mail_handle_imap_events_slot) self._smtp_event.connect( self._mail_handle_smtp_events_slot) self._keymanager_event.connect( self._mail_handle_keymanager_events_slot) def _set_mail_icons(self): """ Sets the Mail status icons for the main window and for the tray MAC : dark icons LINUX : dark icons in window, light icons in tray WIN : light icons """ EIP_ICONS = EIP_ICONS_TRAY = ( ":/images/black/32/wait.png", ":/images/black/32/on.png", ":/images/black/32/off.png") if IS_LINUX: EIP_ICONS_TRAY = ( ":/images/white/32/wait.png", ":/images/white/32/on.png", ":/images/white/32/off.png") self.CONNECTING_ICON = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS[0]) self.CONNECTED_ICON = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS[1]) self.ERROR_ICON = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS[2]) self.CONNECTING_ICON_TRAY = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS_TRAY[0]) self.CONNECTED_ICON_TRAY = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS_TRAY[1]) self.ERROR_ICON_TRAY = QtGui.QPixmap(EIP_ICONS_TRAY[2]) # Systray and actions def set_systray(self, systray): """ Sets the systray object to use. :param systray: Systray object :type systray: QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon """ leap_assert_type(systray, QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon) self._systray = systray self._systray.setToolTip(self.tr("All services are OFF")) def _update_systray_tooltip(self): """ Updates the system tray icon tooltip using the eip and mx status. """ # TODO: Figure out how to handle this with the two status in different # classes # status = self.tr("Encrypted Internet: {0}").format(self._eip_status) # status += '\n' # status += self.tr("Mail is {0}").format(self._mx_status) # self._systray.setToolTip(status) pass def set_action_mail_status(self, action_mail_status): """ Sets the action_mail_status to use. :param action_mail_status: action_mail_status to be used :type action_mail_status: QtGui.QAction """ leap_assert_type(action_mail_status, QtGui.QAction) self._action_mail_status = action_mail_status def set_soledad_failed(self): """ SLOT TRIGGER: SoledadBootstrapper.soledad_failed This method is called whenever soledad has a failure. """ msg = self.tr("There was an unexpected problem with Soledad.") self._set_mail_status(msg, ready=-1) def _set_mail_status(self, status, ready=0): """ Sets the Mail status in the label and in the tray icon. :param status: the status text to display :type status: unicode :param ready: 2 or >2 if mx is ready, 0 if stopped, 1 if it's starting, < 0 if disabled. :type ready: int """ self.ui.lblMailStatus.setText(status) self._mx_status = self.tr('OFF') tray_status = self.tr('Mail is OFF') icon = self.ERROR_ICON if ready == 0: self.ui.lblMailStatus.setText( self.tr("You must be logged in to use encrypted email.")) elif ready == 1: icon = self.CONNECTING_ICON self._mx_status = self.tr('Starting..') tray_status = self.tr('Mail is starting') elif ready >= 2: icon = self.CONNECTED_ICON self._mx_status = self.tr('ON') tray_status = self.tr('Mail is ON') elif ready < 0: tray_status = self.tr("Mail is disabled") self.ui.lblMailStatusIcon.setPixmap(icon) self._action_mail_status.setText(tray_status) self._update_systray_tooltip() def _mail_handle_soledad_events(self, req): """ Callback for handling events that are emitted from Soledad :param req: Request type :type req: leap.common.events.events_pb2.SignalRequest """ self._soledad_event.emit(req) def _mail_handle_soledad_events_slot(self, req): """ SLOT TRIGGER: _mail_handle_soledad_events Reacts to an Soledad event :param req: Request type :type req: leap.common.events.events_pb2.SignalRequest """ self._set_mail_status(self.tr("Starting..."), ready=1) ext_status = "" if req.event == proto.SOLEDAD_DONE_UPLOADING_KEYS: ext_status = self.tr("Soledad has started...") elif req.event == proto.SOLEDAD_DONE_DOWNLOADING_KEYS: ext_status = self.tr("Soledad is starting, please wait...") else: leap_assert(False, "Don't know how to handle this state: %s" % (req.event)) self._set_mail_status(ext_status, ready=1) def _mail_handle_keymanager_events(self, req): """ Callback for the KeyManager events :param req: Request type :type req: leap.common.events.events_pb2.SignalRequest """ self._keymanager_event.emit(req) def _mail_handle_keymanager_events_slot(self, req): """ SLOT TRIGGER: _mail_handle_keymanager_events Reacts to an KeyManager event :param req: Request type :type req: leap.common.events.events_pb2.SignalRequest """ # We want to ignore this kind of events once everything has # started if self._smtp_started and self._imap_started: return self._set_mail_status(self.tr("Starting..."), ready=1) ext_status = "" if req.event == proto.KEYMANAGER_LOOKING_FOR_KEY: ext_status = self.tr("Looking for key for this user") elif req.event == proto.KEYMANAGER_KEY_FOUND: ext_status = self.tr("Found key! Starting mail...") # elif req.event == proto.KEYMANAGER_KEY_NOT_FOUND: # ext_status = self.tr("Key not found!") elif req.event == proto.KEYMANAGER_STARTED_KEY_GENERATION: ext_status = self.tr("Generating new key, please wait...") elif req.event == proto.KEYMANAGER_FINISHED_KEY_GENERATION: ext_status = self.tr("Finished generating key!") elif req.event == proto.KEYMANAGER_DONE_UPLOADING_KEYS: ext_status = self.tr("Starting mail...") else: leap_assert(False, "Don't know how to handle this state: %s" % (req.event)) self._set_mail_status(ext_status, ready=1) def _mail_handle_smtp_events(self, req): """ Callback for the SMTP events :param req: Request type :type req: leap.common.events.events_pb2.SignalRequest """ self._smtp_event.emit(req) def _mail_handle_smtp_events_slot(self, req): """ SLOT TRIGGER: _mail_handle_smtp_events Reacts to an SMTP event :param req: Request type :type req: leap.common.events.events_pb2.SignalRequest """ ext_status = "" if req.event == proto.SMTP_SERVICE_STARTED: ext_status = self.tr("SMTP has started...") self._smtp_started = True if self._smtp_started and self._imap_started: self._set_mail_status(self.tr("ON"), ready=2) ext_status = "" elif req.event == proto.SMTP_SERVICE_FAILED_TO_START: ext_status = self.tr("SMTP failed to start, check the logs.") self._set_mail_status(self.tr("Failed")) else: leap_assert(False, "Don't know how to handle this state: %s" % (req.event)) self._set_mail_status(ext_status, ready=2) def _mail_handle_imap_events(self, req): """ Callback for the IMAP events :param req: Request type :type req: leap.common.events.events_pb2.SignalRequest """ self._imap_event.emit(req) def _mail_handle_imap_events_slot(self, req): """ SLOT TRIGGER: _mail_handle_imap_events Reacts to an IMAP event :param req: Request type :type req: leap.common.events.events_pb2.SignalRequest """ ext_status = None if req.event == proto.IMAP_SERVICE_STARTED: ext_status = self.tr("IMAP has started...") self._imap_started = True if self._smtp_started and self._imap_started: self._set_mail_status(self.tr("ON"), ready=2) ext_status = "" elif req.event == proto.IMAP_SERVICE_FAILED_TO_START: ext_status = self.tr("IMAP failed to start, check the logs.") self._set_mail_status(self.tr("Failed")) elif req.event == proto.IMAP_UNREAD_MAIL: if self._smtp_started and self._imap_started: self._set_mail_status(self.tr("%s Unread Emails") % (req.content), ready=2) else: leap_assert(False, # XXX ??? "Don't know how to handle this state: %s" % (req.event)) if ext_status is not None: self._set_mail_status(ext_status, ready=1) def about_to_start(self): """ Displays the correct UI for the point where mail components haven't really started, but they are about to in a second. """ self._set_mail_status(self.tr("About to start, please wait..."), ready=1) def set_disabled(self): """ Displays the correct UI for disabled mail. """ self._set_mail_status(self.tr("Disabled"), -1) def stopped_mail(self): """ Displayes the correct UI for the stopped state. """ self._set_mail_status(self.tr("OFF"))